
Human-like Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"This one just sounds human-like. Just listen for yourself."
"SCP 2040 possesses a complex AI that is almost indistinguishable from a human intelligence."
"The photo shows a creature unlike any other known to humankind—a large, muscular, human-like physique with long hair and arms."
"If the computer is mistaken for a human more than 30% of the time... then it passes the test."
"The creature's appearance was remarkably human but its size and the presence of dark fur led everyone who saw it to believe that they had encountered a Bigfoot."
"AI starts to resemble human intelligence in a more profound way."
"Chat GPT is pretty human-like when it comes to text because by golly it just read a large fraction of the text that we humans at least publicly wrote."
"The fundamental goal of AI is software that exhibits human-like capabilities."
"I've been told my responses are extremely humanlike."
"ChatGPT has human-like conversations with other humans."
"The goal is to try to make a machine that or electronic device acts and thinks like a human."
"...so they can understand and generate human-like text across countless topics."
"Samsung has already started running with this technology. They've created a platform called Neon AI which is basically digital humans with human mannerisms and human sentences."
"You may not even be able to differentiate between a human and a robot."
"If we're trying to build machines that can think and behave like we do, we literally need to make them more like us."
"I've never seen anything like this... Just the cyborg look and the skeletal design, it's almost too human even though it's something monstrous to it."
"It's one of the most human-like structures in the hominid skeleton."
"AI tools are now so advanced that it sounds like an actual human voice."
"It ignored the navigation information and did the right thing without it. Very, very human."
"...the geminoid DK is going to have you fooled at first, second, and maybe even third glance. And even then, you may be asking yourself if this is a human pretending to be a robot rather than the other way around..."
"But the most remarkable thing about the robot was how much it looked like a human being, a teenage girl to be precise."
"Wow they were something else. They were really, it was really weird because they were robotic yet they almost seemed like they had, you know, flesh to them as well."
"It's not artificial intelligence, it's like human intelligence."
"The chatbot understands natural language and responds in a human-like manner."
"The figures were so human-like it was mind-blowing to see no trace of anyone having been there."
"You know, if we'd seen these walking around, they would look very human-like. They'd look like, you know, he would recognize them as human-like things, but I don't they look much like that much like us. Pretty distinct, I think."
"Artificial Intelligence is the attempt to create human-like intelligence in machines."
"If we made an artificial intelligence that did that, it would not be a lonely AI and it would almost certainly be indistinguishable from us except in very subtle ways."
"One of the reasons I like the goodeids is, as opposed to the facilities in the guppy group, is the goodeids are actually a little more like humans in the way they develop their young."
"Algorithms are getting increasingly good at producing the kind of outputs that we once thought were distinctly human. It's easy to get dazzled."
"If AI can get close to doing something that reward isn't uniquely human, I think this is a very exciting moment."
"How good are machines at imitating humans?"
"The holy grail for engineers developing droids is to replicate human ability."
"They resembled humans in many respects, but still, they were not like anything I had ever seen."
"It converses like a human; it doesn't speak like a robot. That's insanity."
"The driving assist in this car is actually quite human-like."
"You need it to be human smart, yes."
"Optimus has a fluid whole body controller that enacts the human poses in real time."
"They are animals but smart like a human; been here a long time, they know how we think and what makes us scared."
"The higher level of programming languages, the more it resembles human language."
"I love that last shot where they're zooming in on Caesar and he looks human."
"GPT3 is fantastic at interpreting data and giving a human-like response."
"It's now able to generate text that is coherent and similar to human writing."
"Giants heavily resemble humans, with a clear difference being their massive size."
"Amica is described as the world's most advanced human-shaped robot, reflecting the cutting edge of human robotics technology."
"I loved going to the gorilla exhibit because they just like freaked me out, but they're so human-like, it's so interesting."
"They were just not the sort of sound you'd expect to hear out here in the wild; they were almost human."
"Abstractive summarization is more flexible and it's more how humans might summarize."
"It was so bizarre how inhuman and human it looked at the same time."
"This is by far the most human feeling version I have ever used, and I think that's exactly what's needed to get along on the road with other humans."
"The articulated manipulator is the one that is most similar to the human arm."
"Unsupervised learning feels a little bit more like the way a human learns."
"Artificial intelligence is really the idea that you're building machines to think like a human."
"The adults live to please the young, which is a very human-like concept."
"They are so human-like in so many ways."
"The whole point of this Maya chess engine is that the board or the chess engine will try to think and compute like a human would."
"There's also a chance that the sort of multi-step reasoning could actually be more human-like."
"I don't really think having the car never make mistakes is really an option, but if it can behave more human-like during those mistakes, I think it's a win."
"What representation learning is about is trying to do with machines what humans do right now."
"Adjusting the speed to the conditions of the road is what makes it human-like."
"General intelligence is when artificial intelligence can understand and reason its environment as a human would."
"This embodiment... may learn very quickly, just the same way humans do."
"It feels a little bit more like a person that's driving rather than a robot."
"We're always trying and stick to something that's the most humanlike form factor we can build."
"We want to build a human-like mind in a humanlike body for many, many different reasons."