
Better Future Quotes

There are 137 quotes

"Bringing our country back bigger and better."
"Next year in Jerusalem, next year in Jerusalem, next year the promised land, next year will be better."
"I don't know where I'm going, I don't know where to go, but it's gonna be a hell of a lot better than where I am now."
"Let this wound heal, find you somebody better."
"Hope is looking forward to tomorrow being better than yesterday and today."
"It's only moving forward, and it's about resisting but it's also about insisting on a better way forward."
"Never lose hope that a better world is possible."
"Let me educate my kids so they could have a chance to live a better life."
"I still believe we're gonna be a better country all together."
"Release and have faith because there's something better."
"Socialists can imagine an infinitely better world and we are never going to stop fighting for it."
"Remember, what God has for you is way better."
"What we want most is to pass a better world and better country to our children."
"We don't want to go back into the Freak Cove in nineteen world, we want to go back into a better world."
"I don't want to go back to an inequitable world. I want something better."
"Humanity in a much better space, being united and just taking control."
"I prayed for better days all my life, and it really looked like you're a part of my better days."
"There is something better out there for you."
"Do what they want and I want them to have better than me."
"I believe we can make it better for the next generation."
"Life gets so much better... seriously, life gets so much better."
"For those of you who have gone through a disappointment... there's something better."
"Destiny will intervene and bring someone better."
"Bringing people together is the key to build a better, prosperous, safer, and healthier society."
"I want to challenge you to envision a better America."
"Maybe now we can have the courage to say, can't we do better?"
"The dream is nothing more and nothing less than a better life for our children."
"Know when to fold your cards, something better is on its way."
"You're not crazy for thinking that a better world is necessary and possible."
"Hard work forever pays now you'll see in a better place."
"Our path is harder, but it leads to a better place."
"Yes, our path is harder, but it leads to a better place."
"Recognize that there is potential for something better for you."
"I hope that the world you live in is better than the world that I lived in."
"Even if it's not meant to be, something better is on its way."
"She could not stop hoping that the two of them would succeed in changing her world for the better."
"Their sacrifices push a better world, a better future."
"There is a better world out there; we can do it."
"Opportunities that were lost will be replaced with something better."
"It's not too late for you. You can make a better world than we did."
"There is someone or something a million times better and it's coming to you right now."
"Something better is on the horizon, have total confidence in the universe."
"Through every disappointment that you're going through, something better is going to be coming along."
"Spirit only wants the best for you, this is the sign that you have something much better waiting for you."
"I'd be satisfied with just better than it is today, and a better world is possible."
"I don't dread this at all. Tomorrow this time, I will be in a much better place."
"There's something better out there for you."
"I wanted to show him like that he still had someone that he could look up to even if I like did all that up stuff and like messed my life up that you could still do better no matter what."
"I had so much hope I was like okay they go get their baby a better day matter there"
"Keep your fork. I knew something better is on the way."
"You deserve better. The fact that you know that, you need to remind yourself of that every single day."
"If you're not doing good there will be better days."
"You don't point out that for a great many people, climate action is their best hope for a better present and a future far more exciting than anything else currently on offer."
"Trust that God takes things away because He has something better ahead."
"Everybody goes, 'No, dude,' because we're all doing it. We're all trying to do it. We're all trying to keep it afloat or make it tomorrow a better day."
"Anywhere the Empire isn't. Wherever we go, it can't be worse than where we've been."
"...everyone deserves hope, everyone deserves something better."
"You'll live in a much better world than mine, and your mother is going to raise you to be whoever you want."
"I know you're not going to believe me but it's going to [ __ ] get better."
"We need to learn from history if we want to build a better future."
"Trust that the storm will ultimately blow over, and things will be better again."
"Leave, because you deserve so much better."
"The people here are prepared to sacrifice their own lives for the chance of something better."
"Being thankful for what you have and hoping that something even better is coming."
"Keep your head up; clear skies are on the way."
"Better education is the answer to a better future for us all."
"Whether it be past, present, or future, Cable will always be fighting for a better tomorrow."
"If you still have hope, then even when something doesn't go your way, you can still be hopeful that something better will come your way."
"We cannot bring back the dead, but we can spare the living, and we can build back better, healthier, and more prosperous and just societies."
"Hope for a better, brighter tomorrow; hope for the poor and the downtrodden."
"Do you want more for your kid than you had for yourself?"
"Let us start writing new chapters in our efforts for a better future."
"Christmas, a time for miracles, wish to find a remedy, hoping for better days to come."
"To create a better tomorrow, we need to create a better today, and that starts now with you."
"Heal it, let it go, bigger and better things are headed in for you."
"Our Afghan sisters and brothers deserve a better future, and we must take action now."
"Life can get better, that just because you are poor or just because you are unsuccessful or just because you appear to be unlucky, it doesn't mean things aren't going to get better later on."
"To a better world, to progress into science."
"God has a plan for you, and there is someone out there that's better for you."
"Let's give the children of Israel and Palestine a better future."
"I hope you have a better life in a better Germany."
"There is better out there for you, and that unhappiness you feel is a telltale sign that there is better out there for you."
"He has so much better for you, so much better for me."
"You're moving on to some place better."
"You ain't seen your best days yet; it gets better from here."
"Keep the heart open to better days approaching."
"We have to earn citizenship in a better world and in order to do that we've got to help to build a better world over here."
"Maybe it's time that we let go, we're moving on one step at a time to something better."
"Vote Labor so together we can build a better future, a better future for all Australians."
"The only path to a better future is one that we walk down together."
"I hope 2021 is a better year than last year."
"We are now here to ask for support for not only dignity but hope, hope that we can have a better life and a better future."
"You deserve better, you will find better."
"They weren't soldiers, just citizens. So why'd they risk it all? They had hope that they could do something to make the galaxy a better place for their son."
"Having gone through this, I believe something better waits."
"You will remember today as your darkest day. Yes, tomorrow will be better, the day after better still. You will go on."
"When you finally close this cycle out with this person from the past, you're going to see so much better opportunities, better choices in your life."
"If your day is not going good, I hope tomorrow's better."
"The point is to stay focused and always remember that you're giving your rescue a better life and a better future."
"If you're working hard and you don't get what you want, it's because something better is coming."
"Tomorrow is going to be a better day, and that's a Quranic reality."
"I know there's better days, every day I see."
"We're almost there too, you deserve better and you're gonna have them better."
"Where we empower today's innovators for a better tomorrow."
"I still believe that my tomorrow can be better than today."
"I'm doing this for us, James. All of us. The sons and daughters of Zaun deserve more than their run-off."
"I'm learning to trust that there might be something better for me than I ever could have imagined."
"I hope people come together for a better world."
"Eight of Cups is when you leave a person, place, or thing behind because you believe that there's something much better that lies out there for you."
"It made me start believing there was something better for me out there."
"You have to let this go, please, because there's something much better for you."
"It's time to finally rectify that systemic inequality and build back better and more equally."
"Anyway, one day, I will have something better."
"It's time to get yourself unstuck and move forward towards something bigger and better."
"Work through your fears, everything's going to turn out better than what you realize."
"There's something much better, much lighter, much happier coming in for you."
"When you come out of the other side, you're either going to feel really good about yourself and where your life is going, or you're going to find somebody that's even better for you."
"I feel like you're moving on to bigger and better things with the Ten of Cups."
"Something's way better for you, trust me, have faith."
"You've got to leave this situation behind for a shot at something real, a shot at something better."
"If that person's meant on your path, God will bring them back to you at the right time, or God will bring you something better."
"I have faith that something better is on its way."
"These streets are an illusion. Allah has for you something that is much better than that."
"There's much better stuff waiting to be manifested for you that will put you on the right path."
"You know that better days are coming to you; you know that God has not forsaken you."
"Remain positive, there's something better here."
"You're destined for better things."
"It actually does look like it gets better."
"Everything happens for a reason because something bigger and better is waiting for you."
"Magical getaway, your faith had you always believing in knowing that it was better."
"The more hopeful we are, of course, our actions will have that hope at the foundation of it, and we can help to build a better future."
"You know that there was something better for you out there."