
Evidence Requirement Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Exceptional claims require exceptional evidence."
"How is it our responsibility to seek evidence that isn't being provided?"
"Whatever's coming from the government, you need irrefutable evidence."
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence to be believed."
"Only one single instance needs to be real in order to successfully prove the paranormal mystery."
"What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."
"You don't just get to say I was in bed sleeping, you have to provide Witnesses."
"We need evidence to prove that it's super hard to do."
"No discussion on it, there's no debate on it, there's no evidence put out there."
"Next time hopefully clown will bring some examples, some proof, some evidence before he fires stupid allegations at me with nothing to back it up."
"Challenging scientific consensus requires evidence."
"If the purpose is to demonstrate something is true, you shouldn't believe it until evidence has been presented."
"Mere allegation ain't enough to get anything done."
"We have to be careful and demand evidence in these scenarios because you are actually damaging somebody's life if you're not correct."
"It is not out of bounds to suggest that we might need to see some evidence."
"I want proof. I want to show people that what we're experiencing is real."
"The burden of proof rests very heavily on the shoulders of the discoverer."
"What do we mean by truth? It's something that has to be subjected to some type of evidence."
"But that's not how our system works. You have to have the evidence of the crime first."
"Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence."
"We weren't a part of this you walled yourself off you're not going to have evidence to show I did something I didn't do so we're not running to the airport and you're untouchable right no we didn't do a murder I wasn't part of a murder."
"Exceptional claims require exceptionally good evidence."
"For extraordinary claims you need extraordinary evidence."
"It's pretty dangerous to say the election Stone if you don't have evidence."
"Miraculous claims require extraordinary evidence."
"When you start accusing people of things, you need to back that kind of stuff up."
"There's nothing more frustrating than someone who you know has committed a crime walks because you haven't got enough evidence."
"The facts... we still need facts, but the preponderance of the evidence is this president is a crook."
"Extraordinary claims must have extraordinary evidence, and I'm here to show you that that extraordinary evidence definitely exists."
"Remarkable claims require remarkable proof." - Carl Sagan
"A missing 1,000 years, that's a hell of a claim. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."
"So far there's been no evidence to tie them together and to make real these sort of really outlandish accusations that republicans in Congress are making."
"You can't just debunk the other guy's idea. You need positive evidence for your theory."
"Extraordinary claim requires extraordinary evidence."
"Carl Sagan once said extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."
"Unless you can provide another document written by Kelvin where Kelvin said hey I didn't say that and then we got a mystery."
"There needs to be evidence that somebody broke the law."
"Conspiracies exist but you have to provide evidence of the conspiracy."
"President Trump is entitled to evidence demonstrating his concerns were genuine."
"These are allegations with no real tangible proof."
"Extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence. The pace effect is extraordinary."
"I have the receipts because sometimes when you are talking and you don't have the receipt it will seem as if you are making it up."
"The burden is on you to demonstrate that it's true or that it points to God."
"We need to see evidence, we do need to see evidence."
"The more extraordinary the claim is the better the evidence needs to be."
"You can't tell me that we just have to take any witnesses for any crime their testimony alone with no evidence whatsoever."
"But have you ever heard him say anything that would even hint that? I don't have anything supports that."
"Unless there is some compelling evidence that's going to come out and somebody really bring receipts, then there's no reason to talk about this."
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, unfortunately not everyone on earth realizes this."
"If you're gonna accuse somebody of that you need some evidence."
"We want to believe victims, we do, but we need to hold up to some level of evidence on one side and get both sides of the story."
"The first real 'aha' moment came to me realizing just the exclusivity of it all and then the burden of proof not being met."
"The burden of proof is generally on the claimant, not the skeptic."
"You still have to verify, you still have to have evidence."
"The burden of proof rests on the claimant."