
Fervor Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"You can't be a lukewarm Christian. If you're not warm and on fire for God, you're not seeking after him."
"We must seek God fervently, with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength."
"I don't care about your cheap color. Don't obey God? Die hell, your britches going. Going, all right. Hallelujah!"
"It's more than a belief; I compare it to religion."
"We're not Kingdom minded and because we're not Kingdom minded we don't realize that the way you talk the way you act the way you dressed the way you behave everything represents the kingdom of where you're from."
"There's no such thing as being too on fire for God."
"When God ignites the fire you don't want to let it go out."
"Jesus wants everything. Jesus wants everything. He doesn't like leftovers. Amen. Hallelujah. Thank you, Lord. Hallelujah."
"There's a lot of fire, there's a lot of passion, there's a lot of heat."
"Solomon prayed fervently and with humility."
"I want to pray that fire fall down... I pray for house fires to break out all over the world."
"She served her community and her job title with fervor and Grace, the opposite of Scary Mary."
"God doesn't want lukewarm people because He says if you're lukewarm, He'll spit you out of His mouth."
"The fervor that we put into our disease identities is actually misplaced fervor for wanting to be seen."
"There's not just an obsession, it's compulsory and it's rabid."
"We want that kind of fervor for Jesus, and the angels, they have it. They'll give it to you and I beginning tonight. Are you ready?"
"Radical praise, worship, prayer, excitement for God is what we're missing in the body of Christ."
"Effective prayer must be fervent."
"Holy Ghost fire, Holy Ghost fire."
"I want you to be feverishly desperate to find something you are so passionate about."
"God loves a person that prays fervently."
"Your prayer should be filled with potency, filled with energy, filled with a hunger for God's glory and the salvation of souls, amen."
"The sheer chaos of fandom behavior in the age of the internet is so passionate, it is so concupiscent, steadfast and just unwaveringly relentless and resolute that it's almost... well, it's almost religious, isn't it?"
"When prayer mounts on the wings of fervor, answers come down like lightning."
"My father, my father! The chariots and horsemen of Israel!"
"Ignited for Him, burning for Him."
"Love one another with a pure heart fervently."
"Not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord."
"Lord, just give us a new fervor and a faith just to be faithful in these days."
"Persecuting the witch, the alien and the heretic with relentless, unbridled fury in the process."
"Madness for God is the most beneficial and least harmful."
"Inside of that man's heart is a burning, raging inferno."
"When there's no fire in your prayer, you're not praying at all."
"They definitely gonna be Dangerously in Love with you."
"The fire of the Holy Ghost is burning."
"We pray that you will Kindle in us a Pentecostal fervor for the discipling of our bodies and minds and hearts."
"They're inspired, the unit fights with unexpected fervor."
"College has emotion, college has passion."
"Let the winds of revival and awakening continue to burn hotter and hotter."
"...the fire department was called out because they said there was fire burning in that place and they could see flames of fire shooting up out of the place..."
"Anything that induces an experience of fervor in a group of people should be looked at with tremendous care."
"What if you're on fire for Jesus?"
"Fervor towards God with a desire that one's soul be saved by Him."
"May your fire come upon our hearts, may you set our hearts on fire, may you fill our hearts with the passion of the Holy Spirit."
"God does not like the lukewarm, for He specializes only in the red hot."
"The war fever filled him, and he was jubilant."
"Three things characterized the religion of the slave--the Preacher, the Music, and the Frenzy."
"The Second Great Awakening... was huge, this was everywhere, it's 24/7 religious fervor."
"Like an unstoppable wildfire, they spread across the stars with an unprecedented fervor."
"The Lord shows no favorites but reveals Himself to all who seek Him fervently."
"The baptism of the Holy Spirit and a baptism of fire."
"Oh, that you'll be baptized and filled, and full of the Holy Spirit, filled with fire in your bones."
"Do all things heartily unto the Lord, with heart and with fervor and with passion."