
Weekend Activities Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Definitely the weather is perfect this weekend."
"I hope you guys are able to enjoy things over the weekend if you're celebrating... have some good time with people you love."
"Hope you've enjoyed today's video hope you having a great weekend and as always take care and I'll catch you next time."
"This is a perfect DIY project that you can tackle in a weekend."
"I'm a lot more chill on the weekend, I'm not going to make them [help], they don't have to do their chore charts on the weekend."
"I hope you all had a wonderful Father's Day. I hope you had a great weekend."
"Have fun. Have a happy Sunday. I'm gonna go eat spaghetti now."
"I try and do this kind of like every either Saturday or Sunday."
"Have a great weekend everybody, stay tuned for plenty of videos."
"We're going to make life-changing money on weekends sometimes I make the most money trading on weekends."
"It's gonna be a lot of basketball this weekend and it's so necessary."
"That was really good. I had a great weekend just simply because of that."
"Thanks guys for watching, have a great weekend, stay inside, play some video games, spend some time with the family."
"If you can do something kind for somebody else this weekend."
"We had a fantastic time on Friday and especially on Saturday."
"One of the best ways to take advantage of the weekends is by planning micro adventures."
"Nicholas and his beloved dog a white German shepherd named Samantha enjoyed hiking and walking through the Wilderness on the weekends."
"Saturday night and they're ready for some serious R&R."
"I'm enjoying life, and I shared as hell enjoyed this weekend."
"It's been an absolutely beautiful weekend here in Ohio."
"It's all about that curb appeal, and Sundays will give you that."
"You'd be surprised what you find out here yeah you got to come over here during the during the weekends yeah before you sweep everything up because he's here sweeping everything up you might have diamonds and stuff in there."
"Saturday's gotta be fun, even if there are chores to do."
"It feels good to know that it's the weekend time, it's time to, you know, maybe catch up on some anime, maybe catch up on your favorite TV show."
"Saturday nights was our main night. We were like children in a way, excited about going on a Saturday night."
"Weekend in the life: full weekend of eating in Wales with exciting bits along the way."
"So as you guys can see I um on the weekends also get my yard work done."
"I'm here with your weekend forecast: 100% chance of pottery kiln opening."
"I hope that you get to make something wonderful this weekend that brings you joy."
"I hope everyone has a great weekend, thanks for watching our applique bib tutorial."
"What a cracking way to spend your Sunday."
"Just for those weekends when I have nothing else to do and I want to go somewhere."
"How do you not love sports? What else would you do this weekend?"
"We work to live our dream life. Our weekends are not spent escaping our weekdays; our weekends are spent creating our dream life."
"So much fun, really a great weekend."
"Hey everybody, it's Brandon the weekend Cruiser."
"Overall, my weekends are a time to unwind, have fun, and spend quality time with my family and friends."
"For your bang for your buck and me being a family man, a dad who does this on the weekends, I don't think you can go wrong with this cooker."
"Enjoy your weekend, make sure you go Halloween costume shopping."
"It's very common on the weekend to go out for breakfast."
"You might go to a farmer's market or to a market or to go just to a mall and do some normal shopping."
"I love Sunday, Zoe is making me a special lunch."
"We're gonna have fun on Saturday here at the Young's house and I have an amazing recipe for you all."
"The best part of the weekend is for sure when you win the race."
"A great fun little car only gets to drive on the weekends, but that's what makes it good fun."
"It's as busy as a Saturday, and it's a Sunday, and it's sunny, and that brings out the worse in us and the best in us."
"I like sleeping in on Saturday morning when you can basically do whatever it is you want to do."
"Honestly, I was very surprised as well when I saw Tokyo go out on a Sunday."
"I generally don't ever make videos on the weekends, but there has just literally been something weighing on my heart."
"It's a Saturday, I never vlog at the weekend, so I thought we'd do something a bit different today."