
Bananas Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"Bananas: Nature's perfect fruit. Delicious, convenient, ubiquitous."
"Bananas are not only delicious but also packed with numerous health benefits."
"The bananas were just stored in the Arsenal all along! That's fantastic news!"
"In short, bananas kicked off lawsuits, advertising innovations, protests, coups, and violent suppression."
"Bananas are kind of weird if you think about it."
"Bananas are radioactive and they have a triploid set of genome."
"The bananas we're familiar with have been selectively bred over centuries by humans to drastically decrease the size of their seeds."
"Bananas are the best in is smoothie if you just blend up frozen bananas."
"Banana plants do best and produce better bunches if they're given space."
"Bananas are the ultimate staple crop."
"Eating a banana at lunch helps to strengthen your immune system."
"But with bananas that's not a problem the genes don't move because they are sterile."
"Extends the life of your bananas."
"This car is a factory windshield delete. Dude, this looks like factory, mate."
"Bananas have several odd side effects. If eaten sideways, they may cause victims to smile or frown uncontrollably."
"We're going to take these, I love those, this is bananas."
"Green tip bananas are rich in the most powerful kind of fiber it's called resistant starch."
"Bananas are your friend, my friends."
"I have like 99 problems and bananas are all of them."
"Farmers have proven that the Philippines is the best exporter of bananas in the world with outstanding taste and aesthetic appearance."
"Bananas are very rich in potassium, which can aid digestion."
"Shipping and Refrigeration technology helped bananas become a major export crop. Today, bananas are a major export around the world."
"...this smells like bananas and caramel and sugar that is so delicious."
"This film is bananas, absolute bonkers, and I loved every minute of it."
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking, B2? I think I am, B1."
"Bananas are goated, oh my god, yes, immediately."
"This is absolutely bananas in comparison."
"Bananas are sweet, making a banana is fun for a treat."
"Bananas and peanut butter never disappoint."
"Don't hate until you try, we're going to add those little soft banana slices all over."
"Check out these bananas... this is our third year we've consistently harvested between 55 and 60 pounds per bunch."
"The ice cream, also known as the Java banana, has a hint of vanilla flavor."
"Bananas are very high in potassium."
"I got 99 Bananas but a glitch is one."
"Americans eat more bananas per year than apples and oranges combined."
"India, number one producer of bananas, followed by China."
"There are thought to be more than 1,000 varieties of bananas."
"Bananas are very good for energy."
"This is a perfect ripeness of the banana that you want; it's kind of got the brown spots on it."
"Some people have also used like a quarter cup of applesauce; they didn't have bananas, but I think the banana is the best."
"Bananas are my number one go-to fruit because they're like super cheap, and they are like always in season somewhere around the world."
"These bunches hold hundreds of teeny tiny little baby bananas that are packed tightly together."
"Bananas are actually considered a berry."
"Humans share about 50% of our DNA with bananas."
"There is a banana museum in California that is home to over 17,000 banana-related items."
"We love bananas; they're really good as a pre-workout snack."
"How good would it be if you bit into a banana and there was chocolate inside?"
"Chiquita bananas are now certified by the American Heart Association."
"I always check the bananas for spiders."
"Man, is that a lot of bananas or what? This is going to make a great batch of banana wine, I can't wait to try it."
"I'm gonna eat a banana. Bananas are just like a good snack."
"Bananas are good. They're good for potassium."
"By 1930 Honduras had become the world's leading producer of the fruit, accounting for one-third of the world's supply of bananas."
"Bananas help your muscles relax thanks to potassium."
"Let's go bananas, yeah Dad, it have bananas."
"Store bananas appropriately; your best options include an open countertop, a pantry, or a dedicated banana hook."
"The best flavor is going to come from essentially the oldest bananas possible."
"We share about 50% of our DNA with bananas."
"It's like baby blue and it has a bunch of bananas all over it."
"Bananas are among maybe one of the world's best fruits."
"These banana babies are chocolate-covered bananas and they are so freaking bomb."
"Even wild animals peel the banana."
"It's no secret that Ecuador is the world's largest exporter of bananas."
"When you cook the banana, I feel like the sugars come out of it even more, becomes more sweet."
"Humans are more than 60 percent genetically identical to bananas."
"One banana equals about 1% of how much radiation you're exposed to on a single day."
"90 percent of bananas on our shelves are bananas from Ecuador."
"Some 30 years ago, bananas were an exotic delicacy and curiosity for you and me."
"A banana tree is actually a herb, and a banana is actually a berry."
"Bananas are an excellent source of complex carbohydrates, providing a steady and long-lasting supply of energy."
"Turon is a Philippine snack made of thinly sliced bananas dusted with brown sugar, rolled in a spring roll wrapper, and fried."
"There isn't really much better than bananas for your gut microbiome."
"You can't have a smoothie without bananas in this house."
"I'm Chiquita banana and I've come to say, bananas have to ripen in a certain way."
"Bananas are a great source of potassium."
"If you wrap the top of the bananas with cellophane, they will last longer."
"Bananas are a great thing to freeze, you can use them later for smoothies or banana bread."