
Contextuality Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Women being in video games is a complete non-issue to me personally if implemented in the right context."
"No, it's completely irrelevant. It's got nothing to do with anything."
"He's black and he's not black because he's from Detroit or Wakanda. He doesn't need to be black, but he is. Not every movie with a minority needs to be a comedy drama about diaspora."
"It is impossible to understand Ukraine's reasons... except by reference to the overall military and political situation."
"Moral principles cannot be separated from their consequences in a given context."
"As long as you are not in the immediate context of provoking violence then it doesn't matter what you did previously."
"The correct answer, the only correct answer, is it depends."
"They did a smart job of putting the political context in it."
"Sex a lack of sex is not a problem until it's a problem."
"For Freire, 'there is no theoretical context if it is not in a dialectical unity with the concrete context.'"
"Do you agree that the epithet 'Bloody Mary' is deserved or did she just act according to the circumstances of her time?"
"You can be a genius in one state, that doesn't mean you're a genius across the board."
"Value is subjective and price is contextual."
"There's no thing that's good or bad, it depends on the context."
"Alpha is contextual, meaning an alpha in World of Warcraft would be beta around MMA alpha fighters."
"Performance is contextual. It means a different thing for person a and person based on their needs."
"There is no one architecture to rule them all, no best architecture outside of context."
"Color is contextual, and that's important in the tonal scale as well. If you hang your black and white prints on a red wall, you can anticipate your prints looking cyan. It's the complement of red."
"Everything works in the right context, but you're still going to have to go through the process of getting experience."
"Every particular passage of scripture must be measured and interpreted against the whole of scripture."
"Every color chosen is chosen in the context of what's around it every single time."
"Justice should be put in the historical and cultural context."
"Some people will tell you it sounds terrible, but to be perfectly honest, in the right context, that's going to sound great."
"Everything we do is circumstantial."
"Every theory is wrong, but it can be useful in certain contexts."
"The word of God is deliberately made in that way where you're supposed to study, where you're supposed to compare scripture with scripture, look at the context to understand."
"The truths that we hold to be self-evident are entirely dependent on the particular situation."
"Throughout the Bible, God gives different commands to different people, and many of them are contextual, not universal or eternal."
"There's no true, there's no false, there's no right, there's no wrong; everything depending on the context is what it is."
"Things that have a purpose have the greatest value, and everything is part of a context, everything is part of a whole."
"Human knowledge is contextual; it depends upon the evidence available at any given time."
"...overcoming these disparities requires accepting that multiple knowledges exist and are valid within their own context."
"Everything about our lives cannot be separated from the context of the lives we live in and the lives of other people around us."
"Madness and normality depend on context; they depend on where you are, who you're with."
"We must seek the human context, looking at how the words emerge out of the place they are spoken from."
"I don't know if that's right or wrong, it depends on the circumstances."
"The perceptual something is always in the middle of something else; it always forms part of a field."
"Being yourself unconditionally doesn't mean being everything of who you are; it's being your best in that context for who you really are."
"There are no best practices in software architecture; it always depends on the context."
"It's not a blanket which one is the best, it's circumstantial."
"All knowledge is contextual, which means it has to be integrated, has to form a logical, consistent, noncontradictory whole."
"Nothing is written in stone. Context is everything."
"Reality, at least perceptually, is necessarily context-dependent."
"Language evolves with the time and is situated in the context you're in."
"It's really subjective to the context, I think."
"Particularism is the belief that circumstances dictate how ideas and practices should be applied."
"The more knowledge you know about a particular subject, the more you realize you can't give any straight answer on something because it's so circumstantial."
"What Eliot conveys isn't linked or rather limited to his modernist context."
"Morals are relative to the situation; is killing wrong? Yes, most times, but in self-defense, it is justifiable."
"The words we use depend on the moment, depend on the circumstance, depend on the context."
"It depends on the context, and that's the boring answer, but it's true."
"Formal use of the language is not better use of the language; it really depends on the situation."
"The book gives us illustrations of how Daniel was faithful, but that doesn't say that that becomes the paradigm of what faithfulness will always look like."
"Truth can be different depending on societal context, time, and place."