
Insightful Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"It's been unexpectedly rich and thought-provoking conversation."
"This is next-level stuff. More people need to know about this movie. If you clicked on this video, you want to watch something you haven't seen that's interesting, that's gonna put some extra wrinkles on your brain, you gotta watch Time Crimes."
"Each person's individual perspective and experience... is fascinating, interesting, educational, insightful."
"What made this chapter so good to me is how big the talking points were."
"DL got the ability to break something serious down and make you laugh about it."
"These findings are a treasure trove for historians, offering crucial insights into our past."
"That bloke who said 'money isn't everything' was perhaps the most prescient fucker going."
"You actually give great answers for really difficult questions."
"His findings were super interesting and helpful."
"A couple of things have happened over the past three to four years that if you combine them and take that psychological approach to Tyson Fury it's what I call a keystone action."
"There is actually a nugget of something in there to talk about."
"Once you get to a certain level of Fame and you realize that mentally you're not able to deal with too many things you got to remove yourself from seeing people's crap do you understand Fair."
"There's just so much nuance to this particular conversation that I think Chanel Miller brought forth in the best manner possible."
"Listening to Sam as always is, you know, it's always a revelation. There's always things going on there that you've never heard before you'll never hear anywhere else and that really make you think."
"It's funny, it's heartfelt, it's deeply insightful."
"You're highly analytical and insightful, great for problem-solving."
"I love that guy, I mean what an adventurous and insightful mind as well."
"This show always manages to surprise me with how insightful and eloquent and perceptive it is, like it expresses such simple but interesting ideas about like human nature and just what it's like to be a person. It's crazy."
"Candace's daughter Natasha said something that's really [__] true."
"Frasier, the insightful material and top-notch acting earned the series five straight Emmys for outstanding comedy series."
"Hope you found this video informative, insightful, and inspirational."
"I love how Uncle Larry's brain works. Just mid explanation, he busts out a who classic from the 60s. Yeah, you know, that's really true, my brain is so bizarre, man."
"This has been a very chill but insightful conversation."
"...all of these classes are taught in a very insightful but also very friendly and very approachable style."
"He's dropping truth bombs one right after another."
"You already knew that, great, that was very."
"Trinity has a way of cutting right to the core of the issue."
"I've learned tons watching these videos but this one here I think is the one where I learnt the most."
"It's been wonderful speaking to you again, uh, very insightful and enlightening discussion every time I speak to you, so it's always a pleasure."
"This is a very thought-provoking video about AI, investing, our career, our children's future, India's future, world's future."
"It had a lot of great things to say."
"I'm glad I read it; I feel like I've learned a lot from this book."
"It's substantive and has some interesting things to say."
"Backman has this ability to write humanity in such a penetrating way that every time I finish one of his books, I view people differently."
"It's got a lot of interesting thoughts on a variety of things."
"We always try really hard to make sure our interviews on Mormon stories are with people who are wise and thoughtful and talented and smart."
"Excellent book introductions at the beginning of each book that are approaching commentary level."
"I feel like this is a story that anyone could really get something out of."
"It's one of those books that everyone could take something out of."
"It's a beautiful in-depth, no-holds-barred explanation of the game."
"This is actually a very good paper; it has some fundamental insights that I think are worth revisiting."
"The article cut through a lot of the rubbish and got to the nub of what this was really about."
"You don't get this kind of writing or art without a deep understanding of what makes these characters tick."
"It's really good, it was really insightful, it was really scary at the same time."
"It's been very eye-opening and it's just been so wonderful to have this in-depth conversation with you."
"I think this is really an eye-opener."
"It's cleverly written, there are some really brilliant scenes in here that read as a very clever satire."
"There's a lot of gems in this interview."
"Hopefully this video was somewhat informative and insightful, or entertaining."
"By the end of the series, we get what feels like the most complete portrait possible of Michelle."
"I hope you all have found this video to be very insightful and helpful."
"This has been a fascinating, reflective, and expansive conversation that is really important to be having right now."
"It's been very insightful, informative, and exciting, to be honest."
"I think it's going to be such a great discussion book with people."
"It's really very thoughtful and interesting."
"I believe the content overall was transformative."
"These answers are actually quite interesting; the questions are interesting, and the answers allow us to learn quite important and interesting things."
"It's very insightful. It's very well written."
"You know he always has something interesting to say."
"It's going to open your mind, it's going to make you think."
"Reading this book felt like a therapy session that I didn't know I needed."