
Team Quality Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"We've genuinely got an absolutely spectacular squad all around."
"They're better equipped, they've got better ambition."
"This roster just fantastic from head to toe."
"The best commentary team in AEW and arguably just the main rosters is it's Michael Cole and Pat oh."
"This team has genuinely got to be up there as one of the best we have ever put together in to rebuild history."
"United have got the better squad, they've got the better players."
"I want players at Manchester United who are better than everybody else and can compete with the best teams in Europe."
"I think they still got the quality in the team."
"Certainly, Manchester City are one of the best sides in this league."
"The caliber of people I work with is the highest."
"A timely reminder that we have got a lot of quality in this side."
"Every player on this team is like all-star caliber."
"Everything here is elite. These guys are so elite they're practically, you know, like I don't know, Air Force Rangers, whatever. I don't know, but they're, ah, cream of the crop [ __ ] elite status everywhere. Absolutely everywhere."
"A top team, some top players, a fantastic club."
"I believe that we have the quality and ability to fight for everything. We have had a couple of changes in the squad, but since I arrived here in 2012, I always had the belief and the confidence that we could fight for everything."
"Manchester United now have is this fair to say Manchester United now have the best first 11 they have the best first 11 in the Premier League is that fair?"
"The best four teams get in. Alabama's one of the best four teams, no doubt."
"I think this team is good, I think this team is really, really good."
"Legit, this might be the best team he's been a part of."
"He's got a good enough squad to do this now."
"If you have the most best players, you're probably gonna be the most best team, that's just the way it goes."
"This is the best England squad I've ever seen."
"Another player added to the world-class caliber at Liverpool."
"It's about having a great squad, you want a team of just a lot of quality."
"There's a quality shelf that we need to hit, and it's not just about effort, it is quality we need."
"This is still a good team, they got a good quarterback."
"This is a sick team as well one of the best teams I've ever built."
"This project is all about quality and our team of deviators that we have back."
"I mean, this is by far without a doubt the best Buffalo Bills football team I've ever seen in my entire life."
"But having Leo as well is the best team in the world."
"Ninety-nine, ninety-eight, ninety-three, nineties all around and it only gets better the more you look at it."
"This roster is absurd, it is absolutely freaking stacked man."
"They've got the quality, they've got the depth."
"This is the best team I've ever put on the field, a title-worthy team." - Travis Lemanski
"It's not about the size of the squad, it's about the quality."
"This is arguably the best squad we've had so far."
"I think Arsenal have this in terms of the quality there."
"Right now, we do look good. We've got a very, very good set of players."
"The Saints roster is just rich with quality starters."
"The Browns are a good team. They got a good defense, they got a good offensive line, they got two great running backs."
"This is the best Squad we've ever had"
"They're still a great team though."
"They are truly the best agents I could have ever hoped for."
"The Ravens are just, they are the model of consistency."
"We think we have a great team, we have great designers that work for us."
"This team is going to be excellent."
"This is the best team Luka Dončić has had."
"It was that time of year when I think we all have to say this team is very good."
"This is a team that is good, potentially the best."
"It's a sign of a well-coached team."
"I like the West in terms of the top heavy part, but in terms of just more good teams, I like the East."
"Top human quality players and persons, without that, no tactics, no ideas, no nothing."
"It's a well-coached team; they are why they are number five in the world."
"I think the Wahoos are an exceptional passing team."
"If you've got the best players, you're going to win the game."
"The best teams have the best goalies."
"Is the quality of the team you have right now when you combine that with the quality of idea, will they most importantly attract great talent as they move forward as a team."
"My football mind tells me that the Cowboys should have won the game based on experience and they got the better players."
"Excellent teams have standards of excellence; they don't accept mediocre work."
"There's so much quality in this team."
"It's a really special quality this team has."
"The sabers are a good hockey team."
"This is by far the best team they've had here."
"Newcastle defense is unreal, the best defense in the Premier League."
"There's so much quality within the group, and everybody's adapted really well to how we want to be playing football."