
Niche Interests Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"There are online communities for literally everything."
"Private servers are one of those things that really won't be for everyone."
"If you like bowling with old ladies, this game is for you."
"Go tell everybody you know about coffee and crypto."
"Don't sleep on it if you like games like this."
"It's definitely an industry worth supporting if you're a fan of all things creepy."
"Thank you so much for joining our Hot and Flashy tribe."
"It's very much in the collector sphere of intricate details that 98% of the rest of the population will never ever notice."
"Nothing gives me that good ol' familiar feeling quite like being halfway done with a review and realizing that I'm pouring well over a month of my life into talking about a game seventeen people cared about when it was released."
"CRT fans tend to be very fond of scanlines and many consider them an integral part of the retro gaming experience."
"This is a business leadership personal development type channel, so if you're looking for like really super entertaining stuff, this isn't for you."
"The Star Wars trivia is its own weird beast."
"The average dude that I know... a huge percentage of people that I know will listen to a three-hour traveler Ross video."
"It's like if there was music that you're like, 'I would love to hear this,' you would have to go out of your way to search and dig to find it."
"Amino is the best place for passionate communities."
"Nobody cares, I mean there are people that like garlic jr. but that's not enough to entice summons from a lot of people."
"You always want to feel like you're into the band that nobody else is really into."
"Tag team wrestling is not dead, it may be dead in WWE, but when LAX is on a show, tag team wrestling is at the forefront."
"If you're into that sort of stuff it's fantastic... you do need to have an appetite for that kind of repetitiveness that kind of loot grind it's definitely not for everyone."
"It's one of those niche things, but for the people who are into that, pretty freakin' cool."
"Dream here's the dream guys: sewer pop #sewerpop."
"I just love this weird little sub-genre of games."
"Welcome again to Punching Weight, where we celebrate the weird, ambitious and unnecessary."
"Nerdgasm: a thrill of excitement felt in response to something relating to a subject in which a person has an obsessive interest."
"I i mean personally being a runescape player i probably would have thought it was cool and my niche group of runescape friends probably would have thought it was really cool just saying"
"I love this um some more flashy tech actually um the tournaments might kind of sound boring and like out of the way and weird but I kind of like them for that to be honest."
"This is stuff that isn't necessarily the most popular, it's rare, hard to find, or just stuff you really dig."
"The internet enables any niche interest as long as you're the best at it to scale out."
"Finally we get the weeaboo representation that we need in comics."
"What I liked so much about this site was how much it embraced the many oddities of the franchise."
"There will always be people stumbling upon these gems for the very first time."
"A hero almost forgotten and wrongly forgotten except Zulu War Buffs and now to you too."
"I feel really grateful being in a position where I can talk about the things that I love to an audience who you know cares about the same nerdy stuff because we're all just uh draw we're all beautiful nerds."
"The multiplayer community does still exist in a very small contingent today."
"If you're really big into something that nobody else is doing, maybe that's something you want to introduce to your market."
"Girls Go Games dress-up games to a picker obsession pipeline."
"This is really Niche but anyone who's my age..."
"One of the things I like doing is looking for unusual pieces of technology, things that may have flown under the radar a little bit or were only sold to a very specialist niche group of people."
"They're an extremely niche but incredibly unforgettable bit of nostalgia and early internet history."
"No matter how esoteric your tastes are, you can find the community for yourself on the Internet."
"Tumblr was unique for its focus on particular sexual fetishes."
"The more you try new things, the more you find that audience who will love that really niche content."
"Just shows you how niche some of History can be."
"Nagatoro is an anime for guys who want girls to step on them, and I am here for it."
"Consider this: it is because if we know anything about reality shows somehow they're going to take the most Niche Hobby and turn it into America's Next Big Fascination."
"I'm Christian Pearson, this has been Pop Craft Studios, home of the nerdiest art videos on YouTube."
"Your interests are kind of niche, they're not things that the general public cares about. That does not make them any less interesting or any less valid."
"If you like coffee and you like guns, you need to go show some love to black rifle coffee."
"I really like Wargaming's attention to some tanks that are just what some weirdos play thousands and thousands and thousands of times."
"I don't think the Atari ST gets enough love on YouTube."
"This whole video series is one big nerd circle jerk."
"If you like true crime and you like makeup, then welcome. You made it."
"It's like being super into a specific anime except that specific anime brings joy. At least One Piece brings you joy."
"Personally I love a good old-fashioned deep dive into the Lesser talked about games."
"It's like you and me having our weekly talks about UFOs and it's so cool to allow that to be public."
"Also, people into furries, female body-builders, and basketball mascots would probably be into this era."
"Come on, you know, everything doesn't have to be about Moorish science."
"Frankly, history is somewhat of a niche topic in the grand scheme of YouTube's reach."
"I feel like what I want from life is very niche."
"If anything, thanks to the internet's ability to nurture communities around these like extremely niche interests, mathcore is now almost definitely like 10 times more popular than 20 years ago."
"I think there's enough people in the world that really enjoy that, so I think you can make a career out of everything because there's always a big enough group of people that enjoy certain things."
"My patrons are seriously awesome people I would not be able to make videos about such incredibly niche things like what board games have the best miniatures if not for their support."
"Speaking of being one of the one percent of people that enjoys something that the common audience doesn't..."
"That's for sure. Yeah, they'll. Anything bionicle goes to our bionicle bar in the basement. It's, we might have the only basement that has a bionicle bar. You might have the only bionicle bar of anywhere there's a Mixel over here."
"Streaming has been terrific for people who have pointed interests."
"Because there's a passion underneath how awful and broken everything is. There's a real family in here, a real adoration for all this incredibly niche nerd-crap."
"Where else are you going to find a community of people sharing images of anime girls dabbing?"
"There is a subreddit for everything."
"If you are into any sort of hobby, whether that's model trains, RC cars, video games, miniature painting, Manga and Anime, collecting Gundam model kits, anything you can imagine... all the way up to and including the strange and most niche hobbies in all of the world."
"Nicol Bolas has only ever seen sparing play."
"Our main thing has always been and will always be the nerdy pop culture stuff."
"It's like when you watch a show and you don't know anyone else that watches that show, but then you find one person that does and you can just talk about it for so long. That's how YouTube is."
"Special interests hold a lot of value for people on the spectrum."
"If you have some sort of niche particular taste in isekai or fantasy, then it's more than likely one or two of these shows here will scratch that itch for you."
"Just like YouTube, on Twitch there's a niche for absolutely everything."
"I'm sure you guys are going to love it, well, some of you will, you film nerds and people who like memorabilia."
"I don't want this to come off poorly, but I watch Nick's Strength and Power channel, and I think he's really good at what he does."
"If you are a lover of all things luxury, you are in exactly the right place because we get it, and not everyone does."
"It's a small niche community but we all got to stick together."
"Not everything needs to appeal to everyone; we should be allowed to have things that don't appeal to everyone."
"The web is incredible because people get super interested in uncommon topics."
"Nerds, I ducking love it when people are total nerds about some obscure interest."