
Seizing Opportunity Quotes

There are 176 quotes

"You seize the moment. Carpe diem. Seize the moment. Carpe momentum to make real reform."
"You've got to seize what you want to get like immortality is right in front of you."
"Life's fragile... you've got to grab it while you can."
"That's it, he's not going to give you much of anything, but he gave Kazakis the opportunity right at the start."
"This is a beautiful connection. You don't want to let this pass by."
"I just had a great day because I didn't wait for the perfect time with this car."
"Seize this window of opportunity right here, right now."
"We expand our kingdom by sharing the gospel, and every time a life is transformed, that life touches a family, that family touches a region, that region shakes nations."
"Don't miss this chance to do what you want to do."
"Help each other, a united crowd is more likely to survive."
"One life, one chance, one hope. Let's begin."
"Don't let a moment go by without an opportunity for God to fill you up."
"Recollections like these are a very special opportunity and I hope that both of you will be wise enough to seize it."
"Don't miss the opportunity to go in another direction."
"Just do it because you've only got one chance to wear your dress of your dreams."
"Jump in and do something, opportunity is around you."
"Forget about this guy going into the future, he's only going to be signed for another three years." - Illustrating the transient nature of circumstances, highlighting the importance of seizing the present moment.
"Love is love, and whatever package it shows up in, seize the day, seize the moment."
"You are ready for the good... it's time to grab it because you are in your power right now."
"Whenever you're able to capitalize in the moment right there and get it done in a pressure-packed situation, great job Wings."
"We have to grab that moment and don't let it go and communicate messages that are very positive."
"You've got to grab your moment with both hands."
"Find your niche and lean into it hard right now because this is the moment."
"Every single moment is an opportunity to get it popping or squash something."
"That's the lesson, it's the opportunity because if you had one chance would you catch it or would you let it slip?"
"Why the timing's now, why you feel it now couldn't say I don't know that's your particular judgment but I like how you're literally picking up that ball and running with it."
"You get one shot at life, you get one chance to swing for the fences and I'd be silly to waste this opportunity that I've been given."
"Take the leap of faith. Waiting for the perfect moment when there never will be one."
"Everything offensively is there for him to take and he's taking it all."
"Find your opportunity in this weird time right now because it's there."
"Unexpected opportunities again where something just drops in your lap, and you really want to grab it and run."
"Grasp this opportunity with both hands because it will not come around again for you."
"I cannot miss this opportunity. A great and exceptional door is about to be open for you."
"It's a stressful situation that we're all in but we got to make the most of it, you know? We got to take advantage of the time that we have."
"Capitalize on this opportunity now, take it by the scruff of the neck."
"This is a moment, an opportunity that I've been prepared and prepped for my entire life."
"I don't think it's a complete accident because there is a kind of assistance that we get in this world if we grab it right there are ideas there are impulses."
"He saw the spotlight was on him and he took his opportunity in the best way possible."
"I didn't want to sit around and waste these good conditions."
"It's just an opportunity that I saw that was worth it."
"We've got to take this opportunity. We've got to grab it and go for it."
"What is meant for you will never pass you by. Rise up for this bigger opportunity, and you are capable of it."
"It's too risky to sit on the sidelines and let this potential opportunity of a lifetime pass you by in my humble opinion."
"They want to have a moment like that. It would be crazy not to do it."
"The timing is perfect for rebirth and transformation; seize the moment."
"Seize the moment, take what is being offered to you."
"You definitely want to ask for the raise or ask for the promotion because this is some really good energy for you."
"Grab as much of it as you most possibly can, it's like gasoline on fire in a good way."
"I think he's gonna take take full control of the opportunity that he has because he sees what's in front of him and he's 100 confident his ability."
"Can you grab the opportunity? This on Wednesday night is the ultimate test."
"Now is the perfect time to go and get done anything you've been putting off."
"Let's not wait any longer, it's your time to shine."
"You can force your luck... against the demons of the last minute."
"You guys are one of the lucky few that get to play at the highest level so take advantage of it."
"This isn't an opportunity to take lightly, grab it with both of your hands."
"Act confidently and go all in this month, because you're gonna notice that the right moment happens."
"Don't miss your moment. Don't let anything take the momentum from you."
"Regardless of where you live... you have an incredible opportunity right now in your hands."
"You never take that for granted no matter who you're playing no matter where you're playing you take it and you run with it."
"There will never be a perfect moment for you to live your dreams."
"This is your chance, now take advantage of it."
"Coach really Tiger told his team to seize the opportunities if you don't ask for permission for greatness you go out there and you take it."
"Never wait to go to something like some sort of training or do a school that you want to do, especially if you have the opportunity. Now, do it now or have the opportunity, because you might not always have that period."
"The opportunity presented itself this weekend, and I very almost didn't, but I took it, and I'm so glad that I did."
"You gotta take every opportunity you got, it's a god-given talent and these opportunities we can't waste."
"When he got his opportunity, he nailed it."
"While the opportunity exists you have to seize it."
"Tommy made the most of every opportunity."
"There's a moment you have to grasp. If you don't grasp it, it won't happen."
"It's a good opportunity to go out on a high."
"This is your time, this is your moment."
"It was an opportunity to take advantage of indeed."
"You have an amazing opportunity here."
"She saw an opportunity, you know, and I think the key characteristic of any champion is when you see an opportunity, you take advantage of it, and Sherry certainly did that."
"You have situations and opportunities that come up where it's like, 'Oh my God, I'm gonna get this right'."
"If you don't act on that information some way... the moment just passes you by."
"I've just had the most amazing opportunity... I wrote this on my vision board 2 days ago."
"If this is the only shot that I have at existence, I'm gonna take the wheels off this thing."
"Why not just grab life by the balls."
"Don't miss out on a good thing, baby, because your time is running out."
"Jordan pounces on this opportunity."
"It's about having an opportunity and taking advantage of it. That's what big-time players in big-time situations do for their team."
"Nobody's going to give it to you, you got to go out and grab it."
"One life, one chance, you only got one chance to do this right, let's get it done."
"I need to take advantage of my situation."
"He couldn't let this opportunity slip away from him."
"Take the win when you have it, run with the money."
"I'm talking about seizing the moment, I'm talking about taking control."
"When opportunity knocks, you've got to take it."
"You're going to have to seize everything you want; you're going to have to take it."
"Fortune is only a season; it is the moment that we should embrace."
"I'm turning 30 next month, and my life won't be this flexible forever, so I wanted to take advantage of it now."
"Just grab any opportunity that comes in your way. No job is small or big; it will just add to your experience."
"I'm going to take it with both hands and grab it and run."
"Opportunities like this only come once in a lifetime, man. Take advantage."
"You have to actually want the moment and you have to embrace it."
"We're going hard on the dining because we've missed so much opportunity in the past year."
"He's relishing the opportunity of being there, not because he was asked, but because he wanted to."
"Take it from me, when you get these opportunities, take advantage of them."
"This game is all about opportunities, you don't let them pass when they present themselves."
"We've come too far, we've overcome too much not to seize this 60 minutes as physical pain for a long time."
"She's capitalized on those opportunities and is going to take full advantage of it."
"When opportunity knocks, that's when you have to jump."
"Whenever you are given the opportunity, seize the opportunity. God wants to bless you, seize the blessing."
"Never let good weather go to waste."
"You've got to put them away when you get those opportunities."
"He's done it at just the second chance in 2021 at the age of 17."
"Big opportunities are rare, so you need to seize the moment."
"If you have an opportunity and you think you can make it work, do it."
"I've outgrown it, you know, so now I've got the opportunity to move out, I am taking that opportunity, I am running with it."
"This is it, I got their attention; this is the opportunity I've waited a lifetime for."
"If you can take advantage of the opportunity you have right now, the future looks very bright."
"Don't waste any opportunity to be with Jesus."
"As much as I'd love to stay inside and be cozy with the family all day, the frozen tundra presents the perfect opportunity for me to finally catch up on something that I've been dragging my feet on for 6 months to a year now."
"It's your moment, this is it as big as you're gonna get, so enjoy it."
"When you get to that level, you definitely jump on those opportunities when you get them."
"Opportunity given, opportunity taken by Team Canada."
"I don't want to lose this opportunity, so I better make a move."
"When you've got it, you go for it."
"Life's well, we've got one of those rare sunny days on Skye in the winter, and we have to grab those opportunities while we've got them."
"What a moment for him, opportunity and he's taken it with both hands."
"When life comes up and gives you a chance, you gotta close the deal."
"This is the opportunity for him to finally say, 'You know what, it's my time'."
"These opportunities don't come very often, and I think I need to move very quickly on it."
"I wanted to take advantage of every cold breath we could."
"It's the ambition to win, it's the opportunity."
"This kind of opportunity here, this is the kind of opportunity that you have to grab by the throat and not let go."
"I'm so lucky to be able to do this now, so just do it and enjoy it."
"Grab the amazingness that you have with both hands."
"You seized your futures and dates hands, you created this opportunity."
"If I have the opportunity to do these great things, why would I not take advantage of them?"
"When's the opportunity gonna come again? I jumped over the wall, ran up the drive, got to the front door."
"Make the most of your opportunity and I hope you run hot and win a bracelet."
"It's going to always be there but your opportunity may be your only chance. Don't blow it."
"Do it. If you have the opportunity to do something while you're young, take it."
"If you have an opportunity to play, take it."
"You gotta stop waiting for life to happen to you and take life by the damn balls."
"Once the opportunity presents itself, you got to pursue it."
"He pounced when he had the opportunity."
"Please, Julian, don't miss this opportunity."
"We're gonna get our time, and when we do, capitalize."
"These are real opportunities... you'd like to see her really take advantage of that."
"I will only have one chance, and I have to do it now."
"Take advantage of strong opportunities... when you do get a writer that you click with or an editor or a gig that suddenly becomes available, you need to jump on that and try to kick the ass out of it as much as you can."
"She saw an open door, and she jumped right the hell through it."
"When the opportunity is there, she will grab it, she will not waste it."
"So many characters kind of confront and seize their own fate and opportunity."
"It's about taking the moment when it comes, punishing when we get the opportunity."
"Taking the moment, that advantage that Red Bull quarter pipe has to offer."
"You have to know how to seize a moment right away and grab the moment and make it a moment."
"These opportunities do not come along very often and if I never grab any of them, at the end of my life I will regret not having done that."
"He saw an opportunity and he grabbed it."
"If you see what you want, just take it. Don't sit there and look at it for years and years, just take it."
"We need to make our chances count when we get the opportunities."
"You have to look at the moment in time, and they don't come often, and when it comes you got to strike and strike fast."
"Embrace the opportunities in front of you."
"If I sit on the opportunity that I want, I may not have the outcome that I deserve."
"They want to end the painful cycle, they want to put the past in the past, they don't want to miss this chance."
"When you give great players a moment like that, they snatch it, they run with it."
"You're grabbing life by the horns and you're seizing the day."
"Life is by the cup, that when you find something this powerful, you don't let it slip by."
"Every opportunity that you have to claim victory, you should do it. Life's too short, this game's too short."
"You're going to come across an opportunity where you're going to grab it and run with it."
"Think on your feet, there are going to be opportunities presented to you, but you're gonna have to move quickly."
"You've been given a talent, you've been given an opportunity to do something, to not take it is crazy."
"If you find something and you're in a good space, you can make it work and you're not struggling, go ahead and do it."
"It was your time, and a lot of people pass their time because they be scared to take that chance, but you took the chance."