
City Comparison Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"You haven't seen a large city until you go to China forget New York forget Chicago forget LA forget there's nothing compared to Shanghai and Beijing there's nothing."
"The cost of living is half when it comes to other major cities."
"Stockholm, often referred to as the Venice of the North."
"Maau is like the 'New York of Asia,' the Las Vegas of Asia."
"Safety would be much better in Shanghai for sure."
"Novigrad puts both Solitude and Virgon to shame."
"Bucharest is sometimes known as the little Paris."
"Istanbul felt more modern than Athens or even Madrid."
"Boston 'viet fu' definitely outranks New York via food."
"Pokhara's like a very preferential type of thing."
"These seven boom towns across America are the next Austin, Texas."
"The countryside definitely beats the city life."
"There could be a successor to Kyiv that could somehow be better than Kyiv."
"Seattle is better than LA. Yeah, it is. But everywhere is better than Los Angeles."
"It's just so much more beautiful than New York City."
"In summary, London is beautiful with the most famous landmarks in the world, while New York City is more exciting and fun-filled."
"This place is awesome very different to Delhi very different Delhi is polluted city polluted because of the pollution yeah Agra is dirty City and Jaipur is beautiful city."
"Shanghai can be on the same level as any other city in the world."
"Tampa just doesn't have a lot of issues you see in other major cities. There's an emerging homeless problem, but it's hidden. It's clean. There aren't tents and graffiti all over, there aren't druggies wandering around downtown."
"Both Portland and San Francisco have had their moment in the sun as a shining example of America at its best."
"What sets Muscat apart from say, Dubai, is the accessibility of nature. It's all around you."
"Jacksonville is a very distinctive city; Orlando, Miami, Tampa, they have a lot in common. Jacksonville, it's its own beast."
"New York City is Gotham City without Batman."
"But if you ask me, the one thing that Atlanta has over New York is just the weather."
"Honestly, Mombasa is a good city compared to Nairobi."
"New York is a great place to live if you wanna get better at comedy, but L.A. is a great place to live if you wanna get worse at comedy."
"Miami is what L.A. tries to be, but it will never be there."
"You don't know it, Manchester's better than London."
"It's like if Seattle and Vancouver and LA and Miami had a baby, maybe it's just Sydney."
"L.A. is shitty heaven and New York is fun hell."
"Bristol has everything that London has, but on a smaller, slightly more quirky, relaxed scale."
"St. John's is very similar looking to Boston or Dublin, with a big Irish background and a lot of funny bastards living there."
"It's been our first visit to Manila... it's a great big city and it reminds me of Bangkok, Singapore, even Seoul to a certain extent."
"Overall, I can definitely see why some people would prefer Osaka over Tokyo."
"New York is the Big Apple, but Hamilton is the big donut."
"I think our public transport is insanely good, compared to every other city I've ever been to."
"I love New York, but New York is not like Chicago."
"Hanoi is considered the brains of Vietnam and Saigon is the muscle of Vietnam."
"Unlike Houston, Holland has a lot of natural beauty."
"This city gives me Mombasa vibes from the buildings and everything."
"I mean Charlotte wins hands down, I don't know if Raleigh can even enter the conversation."
"They say that LA is shitty heaven and New York is fun hell, and I think it's spot on."
"Chicago is my favorite city in the country. It's bigger than Boston, smaller than New York, cleaner than both."
"Toronto is very much like London; it's just a blend of so many different cultures."
"Amsterdam was like really cute and quiet and quaint, and London is like a big city."