
Proactive Faith Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Don't be a backseat Christian, and if you annoy people blessed be the Lord amen."
"Help is indeed on the way God is moving even now preparing paths opening doors and lighting up the way forward."
"It's not just about having faith, it's about taking agency."
"Now that you're praying church, now that you're engaged, now that you're doing what you need to do, the victory is surely ours."
"Grab hold of his promises and move forward in faith."
"Evangelize, bro! If you're saved and you know the gospel and you can be able to communicate it, your testimony, you have... go fishing!"
"Your victory is assured when you ask God before you act."
"What if we inherited the kingdom of God this year and went and did what God asked us to do?"
"More things are coming out, coming out, guys. It's up to us to be able to get right with the Lord."
"Let's not wait for something to strike us for us to return back to Allah."
"God can forgive, but don't wait until you die to ask for forgiveness."
"Get ready, 'cause you may not be able to walk out the church door without showing some good news to somebody."
"This is not a Jesus who wants you to sit back and slack-jawed awe at how majestic and powerful he is. He wants you to get up off your ass and be better."
"To step into what God has for you to step into your purpose, to write the book, to preach, to prophesy, to travel."
"He didn't just say I'm praying; he said I'm going to give something of myself so that God can use me to help answer the very thing I am praying for."
"The question now is, are you going to act on it? Because nothing happens for this woman until she moves."
"Depend upon Allah with Jalla, by using the means."
"God is looking at you right now and God is saying, 'What are you waiting for?'"
"The question is not if Jesus is coming. The question is, are we ready?"
"Preparation for the second coming starts today."
"Don't wait around. Call on the name of the Lord and ask Jesus to come into your heart."
"In the name of Jesus, that devil's gotta go."
"Let only be a hearer of the word but be a doer of the word."
"Prayer is not sending God to run on your errands. A Christian must get on his knees before he gets on his feet."
"The end times are not happening to me, I'm happening to the end times."
"They that do something while they wait on the Lord shall renew their strength."
"But when it comes is up to you, it is determined by how much you desire it and pray for it and ask for it and spread knowledge about it."
"You can be a missionary by walking out your front door."
"We should be doing everything we can to hasten his return."
"We have to be ready as believers, not just the churches, but all of you watching. We need to be trained and equipped and ready to deal with these demons."
"When you've got mustard seed a living faith you will tell the mountain what it must do you will not simply recite what it can do."
"I refuse to always be keeping people in prayer. We'll keep you in prayer. God didn't call you to just keep people in prayer. He said you go out now and lay hands on the sick and see them recover."
"You have to get to the point where you say, 'If nobody's gonna do it, Lord, anoint me and I will go.'"
"Action motivates miracles, so activate your faith."
"Why don't you go tell other people about Jesus?"
"Trusting in God's plan means actively seeking his will and guidance."
"We should use this time to witness, to spread that message."
"Faith without works is dead. Show God that you're ready by being faithful and committed to your vision."
"Walk close to God, continue building your ark."
"It is time to start making waves in Satan's Kingdom because we are about to flush him out."
"Release the glory of God. Release the presence of God. Begin to release the atmosphere of heaven everywhere you go."
"Now is not the time to be silent, now is the time to obey Jesus Christ's command to preach the gospel to every creature."
"Flee from all things that murder faith in your life like never before."
"Being a miracle worker is not necessarily passive, it's an active participation."
"Faith without works is dead, so get up and pick up the word of God."
"You can't just sit at the door and pray and pray and pray you got to knock on it and god will open it to you."
"Thank you, Lord, for my testimonies in advance. In Jesus' name, I pray."
"In order to bring forth the kingdom, you have to take action."
"This is the beginning of sorrows... our job is to occupy and do the work God has called us to do."
"What would our world look like if we started going like if our relationship with God was in such a healthy place that we weren't waiting for him to be a rescuer but he was preparing us before the storm came."
"We're a church sent... we have a Master who's the Lord of the harvest... He's saying go."
"...if people would use their faith on the front end like they try to use it on the back end, they'd be ten times better off."
"With healing or prosperity or deliverance and emotional peace and joy, you don't just pray and ask God for peace, you take your authority."
"Some of you are waiting on God to do what he's waiting on you to do."
"Seek and ye shall find; ask and it shall be given to you; knock and it shall be opened unto you."
"Faith says I know it's coming but conviction says I've got to do something about it."
"Quit asking God to bless you and just do what God's already blessed you with."
"This is not a door knocking season; this is a walk through the open door season."