
Lifting Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"Could you, if there's a giant rock, you know, let's say the Atlas stone we have, what does that weigh 160?"
"I don't think a meaningless lift has ever been more meaningful." - Commentator
"Nuance is everything, so an honest coach will claim the following: Conjugate works for raw lifters when exercise selection is specific to raw lifting."
"There are huge benefits in allowing people to lift you up."
"It's really just like lifting it up and over."
"He lifted both of these men straight up in the air."
"Efficiency in lifting is enhanced through neural adaptations and technical improvements."
"We never want to just dump into our neck; we want to lift up like where a candy cane going up and over."
"Another amazing Stone lifter trying to put some pressure."
"I've got 10 pound floral so I'll be able to lift them up to me."
"You're causing yourself an increased likelihood that you're going to screw the lift up by going wider."
"I believe we may just lift it up and off."
"Few people can imagine what it takes to lift 120 tons of steam locomotive off of its drivers."
"This is a technique to help lift the face."
"...so I'm choosing to use an engine hoist to pick it up."
"...it's just it's a real awkward shape so I just hoist mine up in the air."
"How many children does it take to lift Madame Gazelle? One? Ten? One hundred?"
"How often do you have to pick up something that's heavier than you can lift?"
"Humility in God's sight is essential for God's lifting."
"Nobody could lift him up. You gotta be worthy."
"I barely notice I'm lifting anything really. It just lifts straight out onto the floor."
"Jesus is lifting the scissor lift."
"I'm really grateful for Kevin for it, it's the GRCS it's just it's an amazing device you can crank and lift all sorts of crazy stuff with it."
"Your form is everything when you're lifting."
"Every lift is a battle against mediocrity, a triumph over self-doubt, and a step closer to greatness."
"An advanced hydraulic system enhances lifting and material handling with ease."
"...think about when you're doing a specific movement how is it going to help me with something else that's athletic. I think that's the key and that's why I resonate with my style of lifting because everything has a purpose."
"...makes you look like you don't really lift people can't really see your physique and then once you get a pump and you take it off and it's like boom who is this guy who is this guy."
"Let's do this! On the count of three. One, two... LIFT!"
"Don't let your egos get in the way when we're lifting, especially on certain exercises can really screw up your joints."
"Wonder Woman can lift 2.2 quintillion tons."
"I'm tired, I hurt my foot, this one, but it wasn't news of lifting, it was just through me doing some dumb [__], but we're not gonna get in that right now."
"Cranes are specialists for lifting and lowering huge loads."
"In the long run again I would not suggest bumpers anyways because most of you don't lift in that style."
"My greatest tip for lifting anything is be gentle."
"Lift the table off the floor, lift the table off the floor if you can."
"Lift with your legs not your back that's what I want you to think about we're lifting here with the legs so think about that as you go through this."
"If you lift, you're not a racing driver anymore."
"We are not [ __ ] lifters, we are builders. We are not here to lift weights, we are here to build muscle through the act of lifting a weight properly."
"I think humans are extremely obsessed by numbers by nature. Once you enter lifting you take that demon with you and you start obsessing over numbers."
"You have to lift heavy to get stronger."
"This is world-class lifting. Absolutely. It totally is."
"I like it but I feel like literally if I just lift enough my nipple's literally right there."
"Absolutely outstanding team-lifting stuff."
"Lifting with these weights feels very stable and secure; as a cable machine, it works really well."
"It translates so well to everyday life if you need to pick something up."
"Lifting should be treasured because it's so hard, because it is in a sense rare, and everything that is rare is precious."
"This is the highlight shade; it also will lift your brow because it catches that light and opens up your eye again, making it look bigger and lifted."
"Just pure strength out of the bottom, no hesitation."
"Putting heavy things overhead is absolutely a part of our DNA."
"I love seeing so many lifters here and getting on the national platform."
"The sole driving factor behind it was hitting bigger numbers, making progress on the lifts."
"Don't lift with your back, you lift with your legs."
"It's factory lifted so you're not out of warranty, you don't have to do it yourself to get 33 inch tires and 11 inches of ground clearance."
"Using an arch like this is perfectly acceptable."
"Using this tool should help skin appear lifted and more radiant."
"Pulleys make lifting things easier."
"Learning how to flex the muscle is so paramount to the success you'll have from lifting the weights."
"It's going to be a good shoe for most folks in the context of cross training, lifting, and wanting a shoe that really moves with the feet."
"The stack height of a shoe is the amount of material that separates your foot from the floor."
"The fact that these have a relatively flat sole and a harder sole at that, you're going to be able to transfer more force between the ground and yourself when pushing."
"Feel is a big part of a lot of lifters and some people just have to feel it."
"The variolift Airship aims to make heavy lifting a breeze."
"Lift, lift, lift, so stretch that low back."
"Pulling with your elbows, not your hands, is a great cue."
"Pull with your elbows, not your hands."
"Now with the main lifts within overhead, there are three big options that I recommend you focus on."
"Remember, strengthening that mind-body muscle connection can help you get even more out of your heavier lifting workouts as well."
"The Nano 10 is going to be an awesome option for CrossFit specifically or lifting."
"It's going to lift that thing up solidly, and that's going to get you the most accurate measurement."
"All in the knees or in the legs, do not try to lift something like this with your back because you are gonna get hurt."
"We're lifting that one; it's just phenomenal."
"When you pick up heavy objects, bend your knees and not your back."
"Lift heavy to make lightweight lighter."
"Is there a portion of the range of motion that you can move through on that main lift that doesn't hurt?"
"It's just a matter of lifting it up and away."
"The whole thing can be lifted and carried away."
"It doesn't have to be pretty; it just has to be over your head."
"Lifting is anything but a chore; for all of us, lifting is the best part of our day."
"The rhino beetle can easily lift more than 100 times its own weight."
"The block and tackle is an amazing invention; it's a series of pulleys that allows someone to lift far more than they would be able to normally."
"That's her opening lift, that is just incredible."
"Tumi's final lift gives her the win."
"The Noble lifters have a heel-to-toe drop of 18.5 millimeters which is about a three-quarters of an inch."
"The stability of these shoes is awesome. The grip and added contact area makes lifting in these just feels like super planted when you hit the ground."
"Learning to love lifting or finding the meaning of lift, as someone famously said, it's so important for long-term changes."
"Absolute strength is how much can you actually lift."
"It's going to improve your liftings because it's going to improve your life."
"This was the best lift event yet."
"A really great lifter knows... I can introduce you to the one that will always lift you."
"It's not just for furniture but it can even lift an entire vehicle."
"The load chart will tell us how much we can lift based on the angle of the boom, how far the boom is extended, what the reach is with the boom, and how high we're lifting the load."
"Well done, John. That's probably one of the top three things I think I've ever seen in the history of lifting culture."
"They can lift things that are two, three times their own body weight."
"I'd much rather see you continuing to lift and progress for the next two years."
"These lifts, although heavy, take something out of most people, but we've seen some of his physical abilities are just out of this world."
"Lift with your knees, not with your back."
"The main reason you want to be doing this is because if you strengthen your core, it is going to literally help every single other lift that you do."
"When I caught that lifting bug, it was the most powerful, overwhelming, peaceful, deep sense of certainty."
"I love Buff Dudes... They're a couple of good dudes who love lifting weights."
"It's important that we have successful lifts."
"It lifts everything up and makes me look so awake and de-puffed."
"This concealer technique really helps lift your face."
"This little baby right here is going to lift the face and tighten your jawline."