
Time Awareness Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"Good morning and happy, I forget what day it is today, June 29th, girl, we're almost in July."
"Now I live in constant fear of running out of time."
"Time becomes really important. It comes crashing into your psyche how important it is."
"Good morning peaches, I'm not quite sure what the time is now."
"Motivation is key. Go after your dreams and goals because we all have a limited time on this planet."
"Merry Christmas and I hope you having a wonderful day night afternoon depending on what time zone you are living in."
"Obviously you know it's February, so happy February and it is the month of love."
"Life is very short and anxious for those who forget the past, neglecting and fear the future."
"Never take your loved ones for granted. You don't know how much time you have with them."
"We need to be a pair, we don't have forever to wait."
"Don't wait around to see what's going to happen on April 25th, you don't even have a promise you're going to see April 23rd tomorrow."
"Hope you are having a lovely morning, afternoon, or evening, wherever you are in the world."
"Yay! Have a wonderful day or night or evening or afternoon or whatever time it is for you!"
"What is my purpose? Because I feel like there's a time running out."
"It's getting late and there's just so much information... hope you're having a great weekend."
"I'm drunk, sorry. October 9th, oh my God, that was yesterday."
"Cherish this time while you can, because you don't ever know how much more of it you have left."
"Thank you for watching and have a great day evening or morning depending where you are."
"Knowing where you are depends on knowing when you are."
"Live like you're dying... Live a fulfilled life with whatever time we have left."
"We're only here for a certain length of time, so what are you gonna do?"
"We want to play a game with you, ready or not, here we come."
"Don't put it off my friend because we don't have much time."
"I hope you're having a wonderful, wonderful morning, noon, nights, whatever time it is for you, and I'll catch you guys in the next one. Bye!"
"I know it won't last forever so just trying to give everything I have to this journey right now."
"I was more worried about the fact that I was awake before the 8:13 alarm."
"Look into it and you will see. Yes, I'm aware of the time."
"We're all given a limited period of time on Earth so it's really to make the best of every day and enjoy your time here."
"Whoa, this is fast! Oh well, it looks like it's getting pretty late, I think I should stay here for the night."
"Peace out everyone and have a great day/night/morning, whatever time it is for you."
"The time is now, imagine if the unknown countdown time or to our expiration date was almost at zero, what would you be doing now that's different?"
"Well, well, well... would you look at the time."
"Time is short, live all the more in light of eternity."
"We all know how much money we have but we don't know how much time we have."
"We literally have two more weeks before this year ends."
"It's crazy to me, and it only gets realized when I hear like the years, you know what I mean?"
"Life should probably have a deadline as well, otherwise we are insulting existence."
"We're gonna end it here before we keep reminiscing about our past and wind up going past our expiration dates."
"Time kind of crept up on me like it creeped up on you, and I was like, 'Oh [__],' but I'm on."
"Winter is definitely coming, it's was the time now 8:30 in the evening."
"Did you just look at your wrist with no watch on it? Nope, I did not."
"Bestie, I don't mean to scare you but we've got three months left in the year. It's time to reinvent yourself."
"It was good of you to stop by," Lil said, glancing at the clock on the mantle. It was five minutes of 11.
"Man, I was trying to get you. I'm like, 'You know what time it is, bro. It's good.'"
"Excuse me why is the clock running?"
"I knew it was 3:00 because I clicked my phone and the screen lit up."
"How's everybody feeling on this Tuesday afternoon? Trick question, it's Wednesday!"
"I realized at a point I was starving and looked down at my watch, realizing it was almost 2 A.M."
"They're only doing five. You know what time it is. Go to Paddy Power."
"it will JC with something [ __ ] y'all know what time it is"
"At some point, we realize that we are reading against the clock."
"Time does not wait on you; it will never wait on you."
"One day you're going to realize you don't have the time you think you have."
"Don't miss out on a good thing, baby, because your time is running out."
"Life is short, the clock is ticking as far as I'm concerned."
"I hope you're doing all right, I hope you're having a great week."
"Lord, teach us to number our days so that we gain a heart of wisdom."
"I can't believe tomorrow is our last day here," she said to Liam.
"When I wake up in the middle of the night and I don't have anywhere to look to see what time it is... it's just nice to just glance across the room and see what time it is."
"The ability to keep track of time is operative whenever one keeps hold of time-specific thoughts as time passes."
"Hello everybody, it is the first day of May today."
"I'm watching the time just because we have a very special guest coming on tonight."
"We gave you a clock to remind you that time was ticking."
"I think about death, wow, and how many hours we've all got left."
"It's another Tuesday, it's May now, we're a couple days into May, and what better way to be in May than with these guests."
"Time flies, and before you know it, we're gonna be old and not have anything saved."
"Welcome to May, in case you didn't realize it."
"Remind you to look ahead, the time is running out."
"You should be able to get your head... Oh, it's three o'clock, isn't it? It's time for medicine."
"You gotta convey to him that you know you don't have too much time left so you have you have less time now than you did yesterday."
"It's this hyper awareness of the passage of time blended with nostalgia."
"I know what time it is anytime I want, and I don't have to worry about the twist your wrist thing because it's always going to be on."
"We made it to December and we're going to get out of this and it's going to be January and then February because I know the calendar because I went to school."
"It's now almost 1:00 o'clock, I think we may make us some lunch, huh?"
"I cannot believe that we are already in December and Christmas is in like a few weeks."
"Happy September! Oh my goodness, we are already in September."