
Enormity Quotes

There are 132 quotes

"The universe is massive, and many people can't wrap their head around this."
"The dark web is often called the 99% of the internet due to how massive that it truly is."
"The monolith is a titanic-sized being, measuring roughly 120 meters in height."
"How big and epic is Minecraft? 64,000 kilometers, dude."
"Presenting a stark reminder of the enormity of the tsunami"
"Jesus loves you all. We're just looking at the problem but the problem is this big and Jesus is so so so so so so big."
"The scale of super heavy is just ridiculous."
"It's enormous, I mean I feel like I'm uncovering a lost world."
"The age and sheer size of them was amazing to behold."
"This beast is absolutely massive."
"Dude, I got a pretty wide lens on this camera and there's no way I can fit the whole Hercules in the photo with me. This thing is absolutely massive."
"...this thing's absolutely massive."
"Wow, gosh, this it's huge absolutely enormous."
"It's bigger than it looks, it's just one of the most massive Asylum buildings."
"There's no greater evil than that."
"It's giant. It is what dreams are truly made of."
"That's the kind of fish that can break lines and rip nets. That's a giant!"
"Oh my gosh, this feels huge, this can't be small, this big, this is big, real big."
"Love would have to be bigger than an ocean liner."
"Graham's number is truly enormous, named after Ron Graham, and it's so big, it's terrifying."
"Graham's number is so big that thinking about it can give you 'black hole head death.' Don't think about it the wrong way."
"Graham's number is beyond anything you can possibly imagine."
"Numbers like Graham's number are truly gargantuan, they're in a whole new scale of silly."
"Pando is the single largest and heaviest organism on the planet, consisting of over 40,000 individual trees."
"If you've discovered a scandal bigger than this one, I don't think such a scandal exists."
"It's difficult to describe how big this is."
"Even with all of this talk of death and destruction, I'm making a point. And my point is that a hundred thirty million is ridiculously big."
"We had processes going on that were bigger than anything we can imagine today."
"How do you stop something that large that has that kind of intuitive nature?"
"Imagine how big that would be, it would be unbelievable."
"A huge crack formed through one Farm which was as wide as a football field and as deep as a 13-story building."
"I think it's so big and it has so much gravity that it just pulled itself tight."
"It's absolutely epic seeing this in real life up close, like at the base of the mountain. They're huge!"
"Wow, that was literally the world's biggest Avalanche right there."
"It's absolutely massive, but I love it."
"That ship is enormous, man, BR you're just spinning the wheel, man."
"It's absolutely stellar. It's enormous."
"It's huge, it's awesome, it's monumental."
"I'm pretty sure at least yeah that'll be huge."
"A billion pounds worth of drugs you can only imagine what that looks like but a billion we're talking shiploads you know."
"Look at how enormous this thing is."
"Huge, huge, huge. 100 million. I think we go over 100."
"...absolutely huge and most people are not used to it."
"It's big. So big she stepped out. Oh, so much power."
"It's hard to comprehend the sheer size of this tree when you make it to the base."
"The number of stars in our universe is equivalent to the number of sand grains on all the beaches on all the Earth times one hundred thousand."
"You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is."
"It is absolutely huge, like really huge."
"A jumbo jet weighing in at almost 300 tons fully fueled is truly a colossus of the skies."
"The sheer magnitude of the loss, the number of victims, the types of crimes..."
"An enormous Cheshire grin stretched across its entire face."
"That is a big plane and I mean it's hard to imagine."
"$300 billion? That's an enormous amount of money."
"Space is big. Really big. Even just around Earth it is hard to believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is."
"It’s a big topic because space is big; really big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is."
"It's so big, there's too much to show at all."
"It's quite a lot. It's a big place."
"This is huge, genuinely, this is huge."
"Oh my God, it's massive, like you can't tell but it's pretty massive."
"Every single angle on this thing is massive."
"The ocean is incredibly massive, ridiculously unimaginably mind-blowingly massive."
"This place is absolutely gigantic."
"Oh, Houston, you are huge, but man, do you taste good."
"To say yes to something that is enormous and a religion for people, and that has a release date but not a script..."
"The sheer scale of the ship is crazy."
"It's just a huge horrendous tragedy."
"Large plant, absolutely enormous."
"That's the plant that grows like this ginormous like the biggest flower in the world I think."
"A billion is crazy, that's like unfathomably big."
"This thing is huge. It is absolutely gigantic."
"This is a huge room, it is humongous room."
"Despite the massiveness of this structure it is surrounded by a realm far larger."
"We've discovered more and more of these enormous galaxies."
"This debris signature is just massive."
"The universe is an enormous object."
"Gosh, don't the aeroplanes look enormous in the shadows."
"The enormity of it was absolutely amazing."
"Space is like, really, really, really big, dude."
"It's actually the largest religious site on planet Earth."
"Did you know that the blue whale is the biggest animal on the planet?"
"The ocean's colossal scale put exactly into words."
"It's so large that it is visible from space."
"Space is big, like really, really big."
"When we dwell on the enormity of the second world war and its victims, we try and fail to absorb the reality of all those statistics of national and ethnic tragedy."
"What makes it enormous? Because it's perfect."
"The amount of data that would be required for this is absolutely staggering."
"The Nazca Lines are a collection of absolutely enormous geoglyphs."
"Ultimately, I stand before that which gave me life, which I just call God because it's really, really huge."
"It's massive, it's huge, it's absolutely huge."
"We are at an enormous Mall of Asia."
"Welcome to one of the biggest malls in the world, my friends."
"I realized that this oceanic monster was much larger than I could have ever thought possible."
"So it is very likely that as unbelievably enormous as it seems, the observable universe is just a tiny slice of what we can currently see of the entire universe."
"Just imagine a planet with an ocean one thousand times larger than any we have, and the life forms that must be lurking within it."
"You must understand just how enormous this opportunity is right now."
"The sun is enormous. The sun is a star."
"God is huge, God is supernatural."
"This book would be huge, right, for the human genome?"
"Reality is orders of magnitude bigger than we ever thought possible."
"This thing is the grail of LEGO sets, it's absolutely massive."
"Tokyo is gargantuan, and with almost 40 million people squeezed into its metropolitan area, it's truly like no other city on Earth."
"The enormity of it seemed like the entire universe was being encompassed in this single act."
"That is what we call in maths a mind-bogglingly big number."
"A sense of the enormity and the complexity of the timeless processes that shape marvelous landscapes such as the Kickapoo River Valley."
"That is an enormous garage, isn't it?"
"The monster grew a little bigger and a little bigger and became enormous."
"The camera osaris, believed to be the largest cephalopod that ever existed, was the original Kraken."
"Space is BIG. Stuff is crazy out there."
"VY Canis Majoris... could fit three billion Suns."
"The Himalayas are unique because they're so huge, they're so high, so much crust has been thrust up into the atmosphere."
"It's got 17 quadrillion gallons of water in it."
"Emerging from a gate this enormous without being noticed would have been an exercise in impossibility."
"It would take one person a thousand years to watch every video on YouTube."
"We had spiders that could eat your cat, we had dragonflies the size of large eagles."
"These horrendous birds were straight from a prehistoric nightmare, with wingspans of nearly 21 feet."
"The amount of solar energy that reaches the surface of the planet is huge."
"There is a star out there which is like the sun that's bigger than Manhattan."
"Can you imagine 300 pounds of food every single day?"
"The Hafgufa is the biggest creature shaped in the sea... it swallows both men and ships and whales and everything that it can reach."
"The Colossal nature of supermassive black holes is baffling."
"I slowly came to realize that the room into which I had entered was enormous, cavernous, possibly the biggest room I'd ever physically experienced."
"A world so huge it could swallow all the other planets in our system combined."
"It's gigantic and it is so strange, so weird to our three-dimensional existence."
"It was a vast cavern of metal sheathing and spidery girders, filled with sound and detail."
"His voice sounded enormous, it sounds rich, it sounds huge."
"Let your mind grasp the enormity of my dominion, which not merely governs a handful but a countless multitude of stars."
"Jormungand, also known as the Midgard Serpent, is large enough to wrap itself around the entire Earth."
"It's like looking at an iceberg and taking into account the size of the mountain below the water."