
Home Activities Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"Learning to indulge at home... you can also have fun within the confines of your home too."
"People are going to hold on to their entertainment while they're at home."
"I wonder if people are gonna get used to doing more stuff from home afterwards."
"Sent the mask for everyone. She also sent nerf guns. Oh Logan and Freddie are so excited about that too. Actually I'm excited."
"For her recent birthday kate celebrated at home with her family having a diy tea party with the kids."
"When you're stuck at home for two weeks What the hell do you do with yourself?"
"Maybe give some advice on what to do if you're stuck in the house for a while."
"Let's just snuggle and make bread." - Cristine
"I really wanted to add that item somewhere in this build because I thought it'd be a lot of fun for them to play some foosball together."
"Get yourself some snacks in, make sure you're stocked because you won't be leaving home if you're part of this."
"This yard is to us, making those kinds of memories never further away than a quick trip right out your own back door."
"Affordable and fun: the essence of home prepping."
"I've been trying to come up with video ideas I can film in my home without them just getting stale and boring, you know, mix it up a little bit."
"You're gonna need at least one good pupper or doggo to taste test your delicious holiday cookies."
"You have time to stay at home, do what you have to do, maybe finish a project that you haven't finished..."
"If you want to smoke pot, don't do it in your own house."
"It's supper, we have a bicycle in our house, Haizi is loving this bike."
"I really want to be in the kitchen more... I want to cook... I really want to start being in the kitchen more and I want to stop taking that time for granted."
"You may feel that you have the muse to create things at home."
"It's like being a little artist at home, mixing colors and creating."
"Be safe, stay home, throw the ball, get your shots, go for a walk, be a good boy."
"This stair slide installs in minutes and turns your house into an indoor playground so your family can have fun for hours."
"It's the absolute perfect activity for whenever you have a lot of free time or when you're staying at home."
"Projects are pretty much my favorite thing right now. It's kind of my way of making the most of our time staying at home right now."
"I am making fun for the very first time today by myself at home."
"You needn't stand about and stew all day," mother said.
"Question everything, do what you can do at home."
"Yeah, don't try any of this at home. A cup of tea in a kettle, fine. Anything else, no."
"I even saw a couple of these baskets that I thought would be really great for practical life activities."
"I love how big this island is; it honestly really motivates me to cook and to clean."
"Stay positive in these times, have some fun at home, find some interesting creative things to do."
"I find it super useful to refer to at home when I'm doing this sort of stuff or when I'm messing around in my sketchbook."
"Have date nights at home. There are so many things you can do completely for free in your own home."
"What you do at home can be really great too if you're on a budget."
"These were just a couple of fun experiments and activities that you can do at home with things that you already have at home."
"Do what you like in your own home, and you never know, it just may work."
"Doing something like this can really scratch that creative itch you might have, but that means that you can stay home and stay warm and dry."
"Encourage people to stay home but also be creative while you're there."
"I think that we'll grab some breakfast after church and then I want to do some house stuff when I get back."
"Go bonkers in the bathroom, crazy in the kitchen, loony in the living room and win some brilliant prizes."
"Got a little artsy here on y'all, but hopefully they inspire you and give you some unique things to be able to try at home for yourselves."
"Do something creative with that time you have at home and hopefully take your mind off of all the craziness that's going on right now."
"I hope you guys get to try this at home with your family and friends."
"One of the silver linings is that I had so much time to stay home and craft."
"What it's meant to do is just give you something free that you can do at home and just do something good for the world."
"I hope this gives you some ideas of what you guys can do at home together."
"We're all home and these three little munchkins have been busy doing something which I love."
"My favorite memories? Okay, Matt and I have started doing little game nights at home."
"Try this at home, you know how people say don't try this at home? The opposite, try this at home."
"I can tell I'm getting old because I'm super excited to go home and steam the curtains."
"You see what kind of cool things you can do even at home when you are passionate about it."
"Wow, today's vlog is gonna be filled with us trying to keep ourselves entertained at home."
"All these little special things you can do at home for each other just keep your relationship interesting and fun."
"Guys, literally, this is the funnest setup we've ever done in our backyard."
"This channel is dedicated to teaching you different fun crafts you can do from the comfort of your homes."
"As human beings, we have the most beautiful gift which is creativity, so let's be creative at home."
"My kids absolutely love having light show disco ball dance parties."
"I'm gonna get you up, get you moving, and help you get stuff done around your home."
"Even though we can't go to the water park, we can build one at home."
"People have realized that if we're stuck at home, there are still plenty of things to do."
"It's a great thing that you can kind of do at home."