
International Diplomacy Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"I got the countries of NATO to spend $130 billion going to $400 billion a year."
"Taliban has sent out a clear communication to treat Indian workers with utmost respect."
"President Trump through ambassador Solomon was asking for president Solinsky to very publicly commit to these investigations."
"I cannot interpret the mind of president zalenski other than to say that it was very clear that what they were hoping to get out of this meeting was a date and a confirmation that he could come to Washington."
"The Chinese Communist Party is using vaccine diplomacy in very much the same way that it used say mask diplomacy and PPE diplomacy."
"The future generations of our world depend on a stronger relationship between the countries of the United States and China."
"France has sent warnings to Russia... threatened strategic consequences."
"China's role in brokering peace agreements historically a role that would have been left for the U.S."
"It's a different set of rules when he attacks a major leader of an allied country."
"President Biden just delivered his strongest criticism yet of Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu."
"You can't dictate to a country or religion about how they handle things."
"Can he go to these world leaders and express a position of unity domestically back in the United States?"
"The United Nations must continue to preserve peace, prevent conflict, and alleviate human suffering."
"China could play a role here in helping to end this war."
"The relationship between our two nations is indispensable to the cause of liberty, justice, and peace."
"Will Republicans be foolish enough to say, 'Yeah, it was a great idea attacking our closest allies when there's no strategic benefit to it whatsoever.'"
"If you want to work with China, you've got to respect me. I demand respect."
"Offers to negotiate which the Russians will undoubtedly reject."
"As president of the United States, I will help lead the world to do everything possible to resolve international conflict through negotiations, not war."
"The president just announced he would be granting that Russian wish in exchange for, again, nothing."
"If the Western countries don't believe that they have either the determination or the capability to hold other measures to force Iran, then well, an agreement hopefully a good agreement would be an achievement for those countries."
"President Zelensky hails the agreement, saying it is a very important decision made by all 27 leaders."
"President Woodrow Wilson went to Paris to help rebuild a new world and advocated for the independence of colonized nations."
"Musk proposed having internationally supervised referendums. I think that's a great idea, that would be the only credible way to find out."
"You don't play these games with powerful countries; you find every way to negotiate with them."
"Turkey's opposition to NATO bids of Sweden and Finland raises diplomatic tensions."
"Some believe... they're testing to see how the world reacts and what countries are saying."
"We will continue to deepen exchanges with all countries and stride out into the world." - Taiwan President
"President Biden met with world leaders from India, Japan, and Australia to combat growing aggression from the Chinese Communist Party."
"The CCP's launch of missiles into the exclusive economic zones of Taiwan and Japan will threaten regional stability and security."
"It's important that the international community understand the mistakes of the past and not repeat them." - Anastasia Sanat
"Maintaining peace and stability on the peninsula and preventing the situation from deteriorating and escalating conformed to the common interests of the International Community."
"Imagine the sanctions that would have been imposed if the Russians did it."
"France has made it clear they will actively oppose any Russian military incursion into Ukrainian territory."
"That's why we move quickly to begin restoring American engagement internationally and earn back our leadership position to catalyze global action on shared challenges. On day one, I signed the paperwork to rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement."
"International affairs should be handled in accordance with the principles of extensive consultation, joint contribution, and shared benefits."
"Getting along with other countries and you're talking nuclear powers, getting along is really a nice thing, it's a smart thing."
"Remember the goal is to get North Korea to freeze its weapons systems... China and North Korea proposed to freeze the North Korean missile and nuclear weapons systems and the US instantly rejected it."
"My government will be at the forefront of efforts to solve the most complex international security issues, champion global free trade, and work alongside international partners to solve the most pressing global challenges."
"When it comes to dealing with the Russians, it's better to do so straightforwardly or not at all."
"But be assured we will not relent until our relationship with China is grounded In fairness reciprocity and respect for our sovereignty foreign."
"Leaders from around the world send well wishes to Trump."
"Adams was appointed to perhaps his most difficult ambassadorial position yet when he was made the first ambassador of the United States to Britain."
"If you look carefully at our peace formula, you will see that its implementation is already becoming a de facto reform of the United Nations."
"You're making peace agreements with some of the most dangerous people on the planet."
"Let's hope they both and others come home as quickly as possible." - U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs Roger Carson's
"America stands for freedom, America stands for bringing these people home." - Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota
"The Not So subtle message that China sent is that while the U.S is the preeminent military power in the Gulf, China is a powerful and a rising diplomatic presence."
"I am impressed with how much the U.S. government as a whole has brought up human rights in China over the last couple of years."
"Working on Ukraine is also investing in the future of preventing a war with China, showing Xi Jinping that we're going to stand up for the little guys, we're going to stand up for democracy."
"President Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke for nearly two hours Friday, with much of the discussion focused on Russia's invasion of Ukraine."
"The nations still send their delegates to New York and also to Geneva to work for peace."