
Personal Disappointment Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"I thought we were happy. I thought he loved our little life."
"The second she's back inside Viola is right over her shoulder saying how disappointed she is that the princess has been skipping her morning classes."
"There few things more disappointing than getting a burger and it's not a cheeseburger."
"This is just BS, absolute BS. Rotten Tomatoes, the respect I had for them as a company, as an operation, and their place in the film fan community, my respect for them has taken a huge hit."
"This is absolutely not what I was hoping for."
"Poor Lion, seeing what happened on Terra's got to be just the biggest disappointing failure of his life."
"The winner here is Cristiano Ronaldo, and the sad thing is I wanted him to be a winner at Manchester United."
"God was definitely protecting me, but at the time I was so disappointed."
"He's feeling bitter about a few things... He's disappointed... And he's also feeling guilty because he's let himself down."
"I'm more upset with missing the target than anything else."
"Being an Overwatch 2 fan feels like watching your partner succumb to addiction."
"As much as I'm bummed by it selfishly, I think this is a home run."
"I'm really disappointed, that's my opinion everybody, can't change me from that, I'm disappointed, I'm really disappointed."
"That was the biggest slap in the face that tells you right now he doesn't care about us."
"It's unbelievable how much a person for whom I had great admiration has completely fallen off the edge."
"I thought Suicide Squad was gonna change my life... it was a very embarrassing August for me."
"Even with all that being said, it is still somewhat disappointing to me."
"Somebody may disappoint you, and that's going to hurt."
"Am I the idiot? Not the idiot. Your parents decided to take her shopping on your graduation day."
"Crawfie was distinctly underwhelmed, not only by the condition of the palace but also its lack of warmth."
"I regret it a lot. I know that the promise that I made didn't go as planned."
"For if we're experiencing personal disappointment if there's been a loss in relationship or health or a loss at all whenever we hit a difficult difficult circumstance it's okay it's valid to be disappointed and even to be disappointed in god"
"Yeah, this woman, I'm disgusted at this point with how she did this."
"Oh yeah dude I don't even get to do any of this cool stuff."
"Don't do it for Klout, don't do it for money and don't do it for followers because if you do it for the wrong reasons you will be very disappointed when you get there."
"I have a lot of disappointment in Mark, like just a lot of disappointment."
"This is going to stretch into several weeks potentially, most of May, and it is deeply upsetting. It is a self-inflicted wound."
"I was bummed out. I feel like everyone has hobbies, you know."
"He wanted to get a perfect score on this test and study hard but here he was, standing in front of the entire class, embarrassed and ashamed of his points."
"Ben's face drops when he looks at the paper... James could immediately tell that he completely failed."
"I saw many things that I'm disappointing... the passion for the game is still intact."
"I let Chef Ramsay down, and let myself down, and let everybody down."
"And I'll never get to become a professional cheerleader."
"I'm sorry I love this game and I'm a huge advocate of Respawn but this is just no Respawn I trusted you trust me."
"Everybody's not your friend, and I hate that."
"It sucks because this game kind of looked cool and I had fun with it."
"He doesn't care that much for the daughters because how are you just going to stand them up for a photo shoot?"
"I've just kind of taken it as it went, you know? It's clearly my plans didn't work out, somebody else... I just wasted 18 years of my life studying something else."
"I didn't get my five rushing touchdowns all but we did close the game off."
"Oh my god, imagine after all of that grommet struggle it didn't work, I would be genuinely so sad."
"I am so incredibly disappointed and I'll do everything in my power to do what's right."
"I'm absolutely gutted it's not going to work."
"It wasn't as great as I'd hoped it would be."
"It's really disappointing for me to see as someone who was a fan of his content and has had pleasant interactions with him in the past but I can't ignore this. It's really, really bad."
"This movie says so much of absolutely nothing and I think that that's my biggest gripe with it it is just it's so pointless."
"If you believe your life is going to be perfect, you'll be disappointed."
"I just I I want to be happy about a ninja turtle movie you have to understand that but knowing how he's treated the transformer movies I'm like this [ __ ] me running like like the new Nickelodeon show is not bad."
"I'm disappointed that she's not taking a stand."
"The age of heroes is over. You think I'm not disappointed about it? I was one, but now I'm stuck in this situation."
"If I missed out on this game, I would be so upset with myself."
"I mean I was devastated I was devastated because again you go in thinking this is not only gonna work but it might work too well."
"It was amazing that he did not that's not the Merrick Garland that uh Barack Obama sold as the Supreme Court Justice right that's the Merrick Garland who's an apparatchik who's going along when he knows better."
"Is this your best? I was a fool for expecting more."
"I like it a lot, but I do feel like I've cheated everyone and myself out of cute little old tea lady."
"What I don't like is liars and that's exactly what Dan Bilzerian has been exposed for."
"I'm not gonna lie keeping track of my workouts my black book a little bit disappointed in my lips."
"Happy for them even though I'm hurt for me."
"You may have become disappointed, going 'God, I'm getting older and how come it hasn't happened yet?' And God's going, 'I said I was going to do big things through you.'"
"Last week I was morally destroyed, I was so disappointed with it because I had wanted it so badly to be as much as I hoped it was going to be and at that point I didn't think it was going to be, now it is."
"I love Caroline from Jersey, and I'm really upset that she wants nothing to do with this anymore."