
Culinary Simplicity Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"Bread and butter is a classic and it never gets old."
"When it comes to the pure simplicity of making a burger absolutely delicious, Five Guys scores very high..."
"I think it's underrated pasta. It's really easy to get all of those ingredients in one bite."
"Stunning food doesn't have to be complicated."
"Spaghetti carbonara, simple, tasty, cucina casalinga."
"The simplest ingredients can make the nicest meals."
"Oh bread good. Oh Krispy doughy bread good for so many uses like toasting sandwiches."
"Let's eat some of that fish with the garlic."
"Season your meals with salt and pepper there's no issue with that."
"Their food is so delicious... It's very, very easy to make."
"Just make some chicken Parm and everything will be okay."
"You really do get the best of both worlds with this dinner it is so so easy to make but yet it is so flavorful and delicious."
"Stunning lobsters and I'll be cooking them very simply with chili and garlic butter."
"You can have food that's simple to pull off but looks incredible and tastes a million bucks."
"Fried rice is just one of those things that is just ultimately comforting."
"Melted peanut butter is genius, it's like instant frosting."
"Just a couple of ingredients, quality ingredients."
"This is truly a work of culinary art because it's so simple didn't have to do anything extra for it you just like a few ingredients throw them together do your thing and this is the end result."
"Six simple ingredients, no filler all thriller."
"Just as in Cambodia, it's the simple food and the casual dining experiences that are often the most satisfying."
"That's what I do, four simple things on the plate but tasting amazing together, that's what I hope."
"It's simple food, it's basic food, it's feel-good food, but it's done very well."
"It's delicious, but it's not easy to be basic."
"There is something so wonderful about simple ingredients coming together, real ingredients."
"It is so so delicious and it's again a super easy recipe."
"Once the quarters are cut and the center's taken out, I just cut them in like fifths."
"My favorite spam recipe is actually a spam katu musubi from 7-eleven 7-eleven musubi yeah so it's a spam that's breaded fried but because it's sitting at 7-eleven for so long it's like mushy which i like love that texture."
"If you've never made bread, I encourage you to start with this recipe because it is the easiest bread recipe."
"Simplicity is the key to happiness in life, so appreciate a simple Alfredo sauce. You will be happy for the rest of your life, guaranteed."
"John's filling is simple, clean, and expresses traditional Asian flavors."
"Success is finding simplicity and ease in the recipes that you are creating. I know for me lately I've been enjoying making more simple meals."
"The food was an amazing discovery that it could be so simple, so easy, so delicious."
"The fried chicken sandwich, my top tier sandwich order."
"Pizza is so great because it can start with such a simple combination of ingredients."
"A very simple beef and coffee, that's a beautiful main course."
"When you think of a pizza, the bread is a vessel for cheese to your mouth. That's all it's doing bro."
"Keeping it simple in the kitchen doesn't mean you can't have amazing food that not only looks incredible but tastes fantastic too."
"Soup you can't go wrong with, it never tastes bad."
"Simple ingredients can still produce complex flavors."
"It's fantastic, it's a quick easy weeknight meal."
"What more could you ask for? Good honest local produce cooked simply."
"Fresh, delicious, simple food. That's what bistro cooking is all about."
"But rice krispie treats come together and the flavor is consistent."
"A good corn on the cob needs nothing."
"Sometimes, in fact the majority of the time, the best food is just the most simple food, just done well."
"French bread should kind of only have flour, water, salt, and yeast in it."
"If you have a perfect watermelon honestly it's a crime against God himself to put anything on it."
"Very light. All you taste is garlic, olive oil, fresh seafood."
"Oh wow, looks amazing, fish and chips back to basic style."
"Italian food by nature is so simple, which means they need to be perfection."
"This recipe is not only simple, delicious, it is also very quick to make."
"Steamed Yellowtail: You can taste the original sweetness of the fish."
"Can we just appreciate how easy that was and how delicious it looks, and I know it's gonna be a family favorite for you guys because what don't you love more than pasta, tomato, cheese? Just really comforting, feel-good food."
"I would probably eat nothing but samosas."
"This sandwich is so simple but so flavorful."
"This is pretty much done, in essence."
"I want to make what we used to call chicken noodle soup, but it's just noodle soup."
"It's so simple to do with just a few ingredients, it really just brings out the best of a piece of salmon."
"I get why back in the day people wanted good food. Something that's tender, savory, hits the spot, and you know, simple."
"It's just one of those Italian things that make you wonder how something so simple could be so good."
"The most important thing about the food tonight is straightforward and easy, but the real key is cooking for 50 times."
"Whole fried fish is one of my favorite ways to cook it, super simple, tastes delicious, it just looks really neat on a plate too."
"A simple plate of rice and fish can become an absolute revelation."
"Really fine cooking often depends on a few very simple steps which, if taken, make a great deal of difference in the final result."
"Spaghetti is simple, but it's hard to mess up spaghetti."
"A good taco is a good tortilla, good meat, and good salsa."
"There's no chef's flourishes, no creative add-ons, nothing but a starkly basic version of this stew of peanuts and spices, and it's absolutely sensational."
"Pasta al limone is my favorite pasta dish because it's so simple."
"Perfectly steamed bowl of regular Chinese short grain rice is incredible."
"Texans love their beef and Texas-style brisket to me should focus heavily on making that specific ingredient shine with little assistance."
"The ultimate form of matsutake soup: Dobin-mushi style, with nothing added but matsutake."
"Congee is the ultimate Chinese comfort food."
"Keep it simple, the puree absolutely perfect, nice and silky, all the flavors they all come together, it's almost world-class."
"Beautifully cooked, very simple, not too salty, just tastes fresh, it tastes like it makes you feel really good."
"I can't believe I didn't know about this sooner because it's like a meal I don't really have to cook."
"Make this. That's all I had to say about that."
"Simple dish, yet absolutely delicious."
"It's simple, but this completes the tasty salmon rice roll!"
"I find that keeping it simple oftentimes leads to a more enjoyable dish, at least for me."
"The simplicity of this broccoli is so nice; it's salty and then it's just captured up those kind of pan and the fond from the actual steak."
"I love to make a side salad just with olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper, parmesan. That's it, the best side salad on arugula."
"Sometimes the simplest dishes are the great dishes."
"Try this: basic stuff, tortilla, some kind of fish, olive oil, red onion, purple cabbage, squeezed lime on top. Incredible."
"Sheephead wrapped in bacon, amazing, isn't it good? No seasoning, no salt, no pepper, nothing, just wrapped in bacon."
"It's a great dish, really simple, the key to that really is the cooking, you just give it the time to cook."
"It tastes so good and it's so simple, just put some pasta in a pot, like a teaspoon of Marmite, a little bit of cheese."
"Simple food done in a sort of restaurant environment, so street food up and down the country into this amazing restaurant."
"Good meat and the simple ingredient and the heart, that's it."
"You could never go too wrong with eggs."
"It's just so simple, you taste the waters, you taste the beef, you taste the potato."
"These bad boys are so good, they're so simple to make, do not require a lot of ingredients, and listen here, they're gonna be amazing."
"The simplicity of it, the flavor, it just pops."