
Development Strategy Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"Focus on the core... make that stuff work... then expand to the other stuff."
"We don't balance the game around the pro players."
"This interchange could serve as the template for what we're going to do everywhere else too."
"It's all important for the game for longevity."
"There are better examples to follow which will likely yield much better results for the dozens of countries around the world now going through their own periods of Rapid development."
"The imperative is to reverse this decade-long aborted structural transformation."
"It is essentially a philosophy that we think bethesda could follow to show us a whole lot of dwemer awesomeness in the elder scrolls 6."
"The rapid Google-like approach to development makes them extremely nimble and quick to adapt."
"The continuous development looks to be there."
"Some developers are able to capitalize on this live service model in the best ways possible."
"Developers will not be stupid enough to limit the audience on their games."
"Our goal is always to significantly move beyond what we have previously delivered."
"Fallout 4 built on everything Bethesda has ever done right and fixed a whole lot of stuff that was done wrong."
"It's about containing all the global South, keep them there. Because what China did, you know why China invested so much into the Belt and Road initiative..."
"Developing expansions for games can be profitable creatively, experientially, and financially."
"Capitalizing on the success of a game with a good follow-up is absolutely crucial."
"Decisions like these aren't easy to make mind you as they take up a lot of the studio's time and resources but if you want to ship the best game possible doing so sometimes becomes a necessity."
"I think Dragonflight is a, 'we are going to stop doing all this crazy [__] we are going to build up the foundation of the game.' We are going to make the game's foundation stronger."
"This sort of opens the doors for potentially less expensive development."
"This provides a clear path towards a large and maintainable Firebase product."
"Every season brings opportunities to address long-standing feedback items or even make some back-end changes to prepare for bright futures."
"Core is a platform for the game that should be continually improved and updated."
"Microsoft had a plan for OEMs to develop their own products around this technology."
"Consolidating growth and development in Ethiopia can serve as leverage in international trade."
"The beginning of what they're gonna do with this platform."
"Provider is a really solid, good choice to make, which will hold you in good step as your app grows in complexity."
"Overkill and Starbreeze have constructed a co-publishing deal with Koch Media, putting millions into Payday 3's development."
"They want to focus on quality over speed of release."
"We need to start with the community and build from there."
"China just started doing this 40 years ago and they've had an astonishing result."
"China has agreed to coordinate with the United Nations Development Programme UNDP in implementing its one belt one road initiative focused on Eurasian Economic Development in integration."
"Both 'Turtles in Time' and 'The Hyperstone Heist' come from an interesting period in gaming where the same developer would release titles representing the same franchises in completely different forms depending on the hardware."
"Velocity is more important than position. A fast game will become great, but a great slow game will very quickly fall behind."
"The difference... is that China's debt has been to help countries grow, not to finance their dependency."
"How you structure your Learning and Development process will determine the odds of your success."
"The biggest updates came with the release of Chapter 4, overhauling chapters one through three entirely."
"Korea and Taiwan: closing the gap compared to the United States in terms of economic development."
"Star Marine is a simulation of FPS combat inside the game so it's like we have Arena Commander as a simulation of the dogfighting." - John Crewe
"Chapter 2 season 2 would be where Epic Games really showed their plan for Mythic items going forward."
"Financial literacy has to be the cheapest economic development plan on the planet." - John Hope Bryant
"We will never build Africa if we are not able to steal."
"There's definitely uh so to be fair the hotfix did pull some of the spicy out of it um some amount of those changes that we kind of pulled into the hotfix were ones that we had uh earmarked for 3-0."
"I think the game has insane potential, especially if they release it the right way."
"Iterations and variations are the key components here."
"Human-centered development philosophy." - Mazda's commitment to customer satisfaction.
"If you try to make a game for everyone, you make a game for no one."
"I think they've come to the table here and thought let's not fix anything that's not broken."
"Undoubtedly, this is a fair and true statement. Bungie only has a limited amount of resources. They can't make what everyone wants all the time."
"We're trying to basically leverage all of our experience."
"With multiple teams rolling now, Blizzard is in a stronger position."
"Iterate, iterate, iterate... the number of iterations is going to decide how far you go." - Chip
"Releasing something OP is easier to adjust downward than to adjust upwardly."
"This is how it has to go... this is the clear next step for AAA gaming right."
"They have been able to figure out how to develop their economic system in a way that should be the envy of the world."
"I'm a huge proponent of the build it twice kind of thing."
"Test-driven development is how I usually set up my project for testing and for enabling coverage and just regular tests."
"Develop once and sell many, many times."
"Follow pain-driven development, which means if it's causing you pain, then you know, take some remedial action to fix it."
"Africa does not need sustainable underdevelopment; Africa needs socio-economic transformation."
"Working so that your software is always in a position to be deployable into production is the most effective way that I know to get going."
"Agile as a method has evolved and it's very good at building things in that stage of evolution."
"The first thing we're going to do is combine React Native with Firebase."
"Let's just find the right people and develop it, that's the only way it's going to work."
"If you build the base, the growth will mushroom."
"The point of a kind of library is to take some set of facilities that are needed, package it up, have a little bit of a vision for how they work together."
"There's magnitude in numbers... the multiplier itself is the power behind going in and developing."
"What can be achieved with an incremental development approach."
"Start with a happy path and broaden out a little bit from there to the things that are somewhat less happy."
"Instead of just managing poverty, we have to offer nations and peoples a path out of poverty."