
Maneuvering Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"She's able to squeeze ahead, wrap that spot."
"He managed to maneuver and weave his way through into second place."
"With 10.1 it will creep forward with more confidence and quickly reverse back a little."
"Pawn structures determine maneuvering between your pawns."
"That was a very strategic maneuver with our strategic Bonk."
"Wow wow wow wow into this right-hand turn just leaps leaps from the turn corner to corner."
"You can jump over that ramp without touching the ramp whatsoever without touching any off-road terrain."
"One of the neat things that they did-- airplane is in a left-hand turn."
"Now that was some inspirational maneuvering, John."
"Carriers can generate extra airflow over the flight deck by swiftly sailing through the ocean heading into the wind and the direction of takeoff."
"we're about to load up the sedley I'm going to have to hit it kind of a weird angle"
"A lot of cheech going on here and so I find that maneuvering and fitting them into things is actually harder than the bump, but we shall prevail, okay, let's get started."
"I'm flying with twenty degrees of flaps and around 85 knots."
"I was the one who warned us about Pride, right? I'll be able to maneuver around through the darkness."
"There's an art to being the past just as much as there's an art to making the pass."
"...it's a little bit tight, you will have to turn sideways again."
"Kate Beckinsale flirts and maneuvers her way through the movie like a pro."
"He's had a couple of laps picking his way through the traffic."
"So much can happen when you're trying to get into your pit and so much can happen when you get out."
"The turbo probably weighs 30 pounds or so. It's not light at all, especially when you're trying to maneuver it in weird positions."
"Every time they start taking fire they have to get off the road from their column, get into a battle line, shakeout a skirmish line and push forward."
"Once passing the rotation speed, the captain pulled back on the control wheel and the plane was angled into the air."
"We're managing about four or five knots. We've just had to switch over from being pulled out dead downwind to now we're on more of a reach."
"When turning left into the course, position the car parallel to and about one meter away from the left curb."
"Drive forward slowly, check the left blind spot, and full lock steering wheel to the left."
"Thrive forward slowly, glance to the left and right of the course as you pass through the course."
"Accelerate slightly before releasing the handbrake, accelerate a bit more to move to the top of the slope."
"She's just maneuvering through her range in a really beautiful way."
"Using every inch of the racetrack and uh he's he's trying to get away in a hurry."
"Can you get that car between those two cars? No, I can't. I just drive around till one of those cars leaves."
"And now we're ready to get around our corner."
"I straight saw two cars just do some Grand Theft Auto style maneuvering."
"...the only thing saving him from having one [Montoya] trying to attempt an overtake maneuver at the end of the straightaway."
"...stopped the car and did a three-point turn in the road..."
"Apollo Saturn V rises vertically for 12 seconds, then begins a pitch over maneuver."
"You've got a lot of steerage and when you come into a marina or something like that, you will be able to turn the boat."
"I just can't believe how tight you can keep your maneuvering and still keep from falling."
"I'm not saying that to say he's subpar, he's done an amazing job on timing, he's also done a good job maneuvering and also realizing this is hip-hop."
"We do this to relax and enjoy ourselves, and if you can get this maneuvering down, you will be more inclined and more relaxed to take the boat out with your buddies."
"Just kind of tilt it out of the way."
"Nothing like doing a 90-degree blind side back off of a ferry in front of 150 cars lined up."
"There's so much political maneuvering in Riastes that I struggle to imagine they just get absorbed by Nazarick."
"It's nice to be able to turn and avoid an object that might be getting too close to you."
"Nipping and tucking, ducking and diving."
"Think about pushing the trailer, don't think about moving the trailer."
"We accelerate, we observe, and then we emerge."
"Go where they're not. Good strategy."
"Discovery now getting a boost into orbit from its twin orbital maneuvering system engines on either side of the shuttle's tail."
"I loved the maneuvering aspect of it."
"The best way to learn how to maneuver the truck is by knowing how the truck moves."
"Some of these boats will exceed 120 miles an hour and then attempt to negotiate a hundred degree turn."
"The auto throttle software has been tweaked to give faster engine responses required for more aggressive maneuvering."