
Leadership Quality Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"What worries me most is the quality of leadership today."
"If you ever wondered why there's dumb failure politicians in office..."
"Everyone knows Ollie is not going to be the guy to lead you back to great success."
"The importance of actual competent leadership."
"The goal of a true leader is to work to better the lives of the followers of the people in the country but we don't have any of that."
"If you elect a clown, expect a circus. And that's what we are right now. This is the circus of the United States."
"Toxic leaders have the luxury of working hard without being abused."
"I want reality and authenticity and I want good leadership."
"When fear is the preeminent emotion that drives how people interact with the leaders... that is an unhealthy, toxic Church environment."
"He's the worst president, the most incompetent president."
"High-character leaders do in fact deliver better business results."
"I just think in every conceivable way, even independently of his agendas which are horrible, I wouldn't want [Trump] leading my nation at all. It's an embarrassment to the United States."
"This is why I'm better for America than you, Joe. I don't hate, I appreciate."
"The worst and most ignorant will become leaders."
"Stop in let's talk about what it's come down to your favorite leaders for the last 60 years have been indecisive and weak."
"Your person is really at the top of their game, they're somebody who's in control of their life, they've got a strong vision for their life."
"Agree or disagree with this government whoever's in charge on a given day it's better that they be competent than not know what they're doing."
"He's the dumber version of Ted Cruz... still an empty shell of a human being."
"That's the measure of a leader, that is the measure of a world-class player."
"We can't have a guy like this. The guy doesn't have a clue."
"Amy Adams Strunk took over as owner in 2016, and it's pretty hard to complain about her job performance thus far."
"Who's going to keep your kids safe: the former prosecutor with plans or the candidate with thoughts and prayers?"
"Money can buy success, but you'll guarantee it a lot more with the right people in charge."
"It's time we win this election and govern by showing the best of who we are, because that's what this country needs and deserves."
"Some may argue that a baby might make a better head of state than a politician."
"Because it's like I mean in Sweden like and and do you just do you um I mean not only they probably have better leadership."
"I could see where he's coming from, I think it's a strong statement."
"She was a natural-born leader and people gravitated towards her."
"The difference has been that they have very strong state capacity, the leaders enjoy public trust."
"The most important aspect of leadership is that how you do something is just as important as what you do."
"The alpha person has a spiritually mature understanding of the world."
"One of the finest presidents we've ever had."
"I think it's so critical that we have people in a position to make these decisions who have actually faced these challenges."
"You won't tell them they're gonna have toxic leadership."
"Did you Empower others and help them to be strong? And he sure did."
"The best captain in the Premier League is Thiago Silva."
"She decided she wanted to do something, something to change this story."
"One thing I will say just to give it balance is Kante does clearly have Paul. He's a [ __ ] top class manager who doesn't mess around."
"Rand Paul... talks in a populist manner... we need people like that."
"This is less about party than it is about who you put at the top and whether they know what the hell they're doing."
"You gotta have somebody that's not compromised."
"I think one of the most important qualities of a new leader today is adaptability."
"Radiant personality... doubles the effective charisma of your leader."
"Charlie Gillespie has been an incredible band leader, an incredible role model, an incredible friend."
"He is the better angel president, Joe Biden is a forgiver."
"What we want is someone as worthy for the title, as the strongest man in the world."
"It makes you go okay he understands exactly what he's talking about." - David J. Harris Jr.
"Ancelotti basically gets the best out of his squad that he can."
"It's very important that our institutions aren't taken over by people who are unworthy and unfit for them."
"The best appointment I think you guys could have."
"Putin displays an understanding and veneration of his own nation's history"
"He's got everybody there ready doing a shift and playing at their optimum."
"He's the right man in the right place at the right time."
"He's got the mindset and approach that wants to make other players around him better."
"Brian is super good when it comes to managing relationships and people and team vibes... One of the most respected coaches you can get."
"I trust someone who's willing to admit their mistakes and course correct."
"Enjoy being the one who gets to be fully in your power."
"Having the right person in charge of it, that's in it for the right reason, is crucial."
"We're living in an era of very weak politicians."
"He's come out looking so great throughout as a leader, as a figure in the club, as well as being an excellent manager, handling everything with such grace."
"They have one of the best leaders in basketball."
"Trust your judgment on the people coming forward to you."
"If you want my vote you got to have a spine."
"Your portion will always make you rise to the top, no matter where you are."
"Lead by example that sometimes means you're going to be out in the forefront doing something."
"I don't want anybody on my team who doesn't want to be there."
"You're gonna be a baby boss, feeling confident and blessed."
"Own it, if you own it no one else is going to be able to come in and question if it's right."
"Elon Musk has shown one thing over and over again. When dealing with problems, the easy solutions sometimes require out of the box thinking."
"A strong leader just says hey this could happen but I'm not afraid of it. I'm gonna just lead and lead well."
"You can't be a good president, you can't be a good vice president."
"This is the guy who released a book on how great his leadership was during this crisis. Ah the hypocrisy, you know me, I love a good bowl of hypocrisy."
"No one is fit to rule who is not first master of themselves."
"The truly strong do not raise their voice recklessly, scaredy-hams."
"Real leaders don't need a title to make a difference. Leadership's an action, it's not words."
"The best managers I have had dealt with things in-house. They don't need to go public with it."
"While Viserys was not a brilliant transformative figure like his grandfather, he was a kind, amiable King well loved by his subjects, continuing most of the policies which led to their years of prosperity."
"Having rejected the throne until he's sure that he can be worthy of the position, the movie ends on a really optimistic note."
"Army tradition gives you a lot of good things: morale, better generals, lots of interesting things."
"The most dangerous thing in the world is power without humor."
"To Thrawn, the people serving under him weren't just faceless helmets; they were hard-working individuals laying down their lives to make the Galaxy a better place."
"Do you know of a dictator who loves his people, who could walk freely among the people on the streets, listen to their demands, and fulfill them?"
"I believe in accountability, holding people to accountability is an extremely important thing."
"The idea is you're trying to be your very best and you're pushing your team to be the best."
"A man who cannot fulfill his bride's wishes cannot deem himself fit as a Demon Lord."
"He reminded me of my dad. He was a great boss."
"You have great leadership skills, your mind is sharp and allows you to dream up ingenious ideas."
"The rare pirates lack quantity but make up for it in supreme quality."
"Shanks has the best men in every commander-ish role."
"Timur had shown that when two matched up armies fight, it is the courage of the leader that determines victory and defeat."
"It's a sign of strength to go with your gut."
"You're stronger with your voice, you call the shots more."
"Humility is an incredibly important quality for all leaders today."
"Empathy is the number one skill for leadership success."
"Building others up also reflects well on you."
"The quality of leadership in an army is the most important single determiner of morale and performance."
"Initiative is the willingness to act in the absence of orders."
"Leaders being legit makes a huge difference."
"Greatness is not simply influence. Greatness is influence aligned with responsibility."
"I am convinced that business people in 2023 do not deploy enough compassion and empathy and sympathy for their teams."
"Conqueror's Haki is the disposition to stand above others."
"You're the straw that stirs the drink."
"The leader's greatest asset is the ability to act normally in abnormal conditions."
"She's actually going to take the time to listen."
"Empathy is, I think, one of the most important qualities in leadership."
"A good leader will blossom where he's at; he's not waiting to become the king to blossom."
"...a servant leader to me is the greatest leader."
"Leadership is best gauged by the voluntary response of those being led."
"It speaks volumes about this group and its leadership."
"If you want to be a man and a woman of influence, you must love people."
"Great leaders rarely talk about themselves; they're constantly asking you questions."
"Integrity can be defined as the quality of being honest and trustworthy."
"The it Factor, he has it as a coach."
"Flexibility is a quality for leaders."