
Live Interaction Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"Agree that we all deserve the wrong to be free, can we all type the word free in the chat everybody heard me type the word free in the chat right now so we can all agree that we respect each other's right to be free black people."
"We're building the ultimate gaming portfolio live... with you guys."
"I've never been on a live chat on GT Live. I'm so excited!"
"Big love to each and every one of you that's joining me here in the live chat. Remember and never ever forget this, that you are awesome."
"Let's see if you can hear me well, let me see in the chat just to make sure that everything is going well, yes, yes, you can hear me fantastic."
"I'm really enjoying these live chats, a lot of fun."
"We need an applause, I'm sorry, we good? Yeah, good."
"Follow me on Twitter and Twitch to have your musical questions answered live."
"Greatest game of GeoGuessr ever, no cheating gone sexual!"
"Fill the live chat with hearts for Robert Lewandowski to celebrate that goal."
"Thank you, everyone, for this live chance to talk with you and encourage you about English."
"Thank you everybody, really do hope you guys enjoyed the stream today."
"Thanks for being here with us; it's been fun."
"Make sure you give a shout-out to your city to your state or to the country you're tuning in from."
"Honestly, it's one of those things I love going live because I'm able to answer any questions you might have."
"GG's in the chat, everybody. GG's in the chat. What an awesome map that was."
"Lastly again I do go live on twitch a few days a week at twitch.tv/braxton. Okay, bye!"
"I wish nothing but the best for all of you in chat."
"I actually really enjoy going live, it's a different type of interaction."
"1500 of you in the chat already, appreciate all of your support, legendary Community."
"Are you guys friends? Is this alive? Oh, it is alive."
"I love the independent vibe, I can hang out and talk to people on here live."
"If you have success stories post them in the live chat right now."
"Welcome everyone to the live stream... because it's Canada Day!"
"Do you guys believe? If you guys believe, I'll do a summon right now."
"There will be another one and every time I say put it in the chat y'all say it with your mouth in the room so we can join our faith right."
"Thank you for joining me for this live lesson, I really appreciate all of you being here."
"Diamonds in the chat, let's show our appreciation."
"We've also sent Challenger players into ELO hell's 714 times and Counting where they commentate how to carry live they also respond to all questions asked."
"Thank you to everybody joining me in the live premiere. I've really been enjoying interacting with you all."
"Thank you guys so much for being here and hanging out, I really appreciate you guys."
"Everyone spam one in the chat if you're gonna be here"
"Without you guys here we'd be talking to a wall alright it means the world to me."
"Thank you very much for the super chat. I really appreciate it."
"It's super late for anybody that's not in the chat right now."
"You're welcome. Could you hear those people just laughing in the background? Someone just in the background went 'haha'!" - Stampy
"Welcome to the end of the week live stream Mafia! We in a building!"
"Thanks to all of our friends in the chat, I know I didn't get to shout everybody out tonight but I see you, I appreciate you, you guys rock."
"Monthly live streams... it feels like we're hanging out, so we're doing them now!"
"Thanks for all the interaction, it's been brilliant tonight."
"These live interactions are super powerful... glad that you're taking advantage."
"Bravo pack, thank you very much, thank you. W's in the chat everyone."
"You're not going to read these super chats out yeah so obviously think about it you know what I'm saying in these things you question if."
"It's nice to do this live with everybody. If you're having a good time make sure you drop a like in the video."
"Let's have all of us hang out, I'll be reading the chat periodically."
"How cool was that? Okay, so it's the chat said that this is maybe it's one of these items down here." - Unknown
"Send me your Figma designs for review at the next livestream."
"It's super fun to be on the TikTok live chat."
"I feel like this has been a really successful livestream."
"I've been watching your videos for so long, I can't believe you're live, almost six years. So thank you so much."
"Join us on Sunday live at YouTube.com/usefulidiots for the crossword puzzle."
"And then there's also going to be a live Q&A some games some hanging out honestly I'm so pumped we've been preparing for this for a really long time."
"Thank you, my fam, for being here, thank you for signing in live with me."
"Thank you for being here and hanging with us."
"Whatnot is a lot more personal it's a live selling platform so I get to go on there I get to show you what I'm selling we get to chitchat we get to hang out."
"It's the live interaction, you know, exactly."
"Thank you so much for being here I love you this is the best time ever Monday night to catch up with everybody I will chat with you online."
"That's one of my favorite parts about the live chat is answering your questions live. It makes me feel like, you know, we're connecting."
"This is what I love about these lives."
"I just love joining you guys, it's so much fun."
"It's great to see all the emojis in the chat going off even before we start."
"How is everybody doing? Let us know where you are coming live but not live from in the comments below."
"It's fun to talk to you guys in real time."
"Hey, you guys are so awesome. We love drawing with you live."
"It's easier when we're live, when we're in person, better body language, chemistry."
"If you have any questions during the live presentation, I'm here to answer any of your questions."
"I'm happy if you're here live with me; I'm grateful if you're watching a replay."
"Never apologize for asking questions; that is the point of these live broadcasts."
"It's sort of nice to be on here live so you can type a comment, I can see it, I can respond."
"Keep talking to us, hashtag Safari live. Comments and questions are always very, very welcome."
"I like the idea of doing live streams because then people can ask questions."
"All right, guys, thank you so so much for being here tonight and catching up in real time."
"For those of you here live, I will be checking out the chat, so definitely ask questions and converse as we go through this stream."
"It's been great, you know, I think I love occasionally just popping in there doing these live interactions."
"I enjoy being here with you guys and answering your questions in live time."
"I love getting ready when somebody's on live. I feel like I'm on FaceTime."
"Coming into the winter months we thought we would cheer ourselves up and perhaps some of you by spending some live time with you."
"Keep me posted, how's everybody doing in the comments?"
"I'm going to allow people to say any historical figures you want and while I'm on here live, I'll be able to pull up and see how Mr. Beat is related to whoever."
"Great to see you live, thanks for what you do."
"Let's just do it live, that way your voice can be heard, mine can be heard in real time, and no one can take what we're saying out of context."
"I just got off Instagram live; we were just having such a good conversation."
"Love it when people jump in live, feel free to ask questions as we go."
"Good morning again, my name is Taylor McCurdy, and this is a live and interactive safari."
"This is all happening right here, right now, because we're live and interactive."
"Facebook Live gives you a platform to interact with your audience in real time."
"It's like my favorite thing to do on Thursdays is hang out with you guys live."
"Nothing floats my boat more than when the trade setup happens when we're live."
"I really enjoy the live element, get to talk to the people who tuned in live and ask them questions."