
Quirks Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"I'm going to start with one of my favorite quirks of the Continental and that would be the door handles."
"And all of them have their quirks, but all of them also have humanity."
"There's so much little isms that you have that I love and cherish."
"Why you have to touch every donut three times?"
"Regardless of its quirks of what works and what doesn't, it's finally clear to me now why the appeal of Symphony has lasted for almost two decades."
"She absolutely loved getting her teeth brushed. I don't know what it is, but she loves it."
"There's some good things, there's some not-so-good things, and there's a lot of little quirks."
"It's those little quirks, a birthmark, a crooked tooth, the scar that makes you you."
"It's like a moth to light, you know? I mean, there's a lot of strange issues people have."
"He's gonna see all your quirks and all the little weird facets of your personality."
"And that easily deserves the title of number one quirk of the year."
"The biggest reason why I'm hesitant to switch over is that the Sony autofocus is so solid, and this is solid too, but it still has its quirks."
"The best way to describe the anime community is that it's very passionate, but it also comes with a lot of weirdos."
"It's odd but I'm used to it now because Shane has so many of them."
"It's a car that's full of interesting quirks and unusual features and a wonderful relaxed serene driving experience."
"These things are fun. They're all very, very similar, but they all have their unique quirks."
"...I like you so much and even the things I don't like, I kind of like."
"...the Daniels are very quirky and when they can take the quirks and spin them into gold I think that's really fantastic."
"Everything he does is so funny, like all of his just little, little things."
"Harry Potter is an old-fashioned good triumphs over evil story but full of quirks and surprises."
"My love is finding someone who doesn't find it weird to extensively read through the menu before we go to the restaurant."
"Everybody seems normal till you really get to know them, then you find out you're a little weird."
"This is my toxic trait is that I get mad at everyone who can't remember left and right. 'Cause it's just two things."
"I'm dying to get back in it and drive it again. I love the car even when it had all its quirks."
"He was definitely quirky and for the most part we spoke about our shared interests."
"It wouldn't be a Ferrari if it didn't have its own unique little quirks."
"It's nice to be held by a guy who doesn't interrupt wedding toasts to smell his belly button."
"You what am I meant to say your pants yeah the laughter that I make in the morning the way that I walk downstairs."
"I'm sure we all have our weird idiosyncrasies."
"I think it goes to show how there are some quirks with this power station."
"If you push the diet orange Fanta button on the drink machine on the second floor of my dorm building, it instead gives you two bottles of water and sometimes lemonade."
"Every single kind of misbehavior or any kind of lack of character you have is not negative, it's just another quirk, it's just your personality type, it's just your INAG number, it's just something special and beautiful about you."
"We do weird things when we're in love."
"Jealous of a guy with a regular life, it doesn't have a bunch of OCD ticks about washing things out or flushing his toilet before he leaves the house."
"It's very neat as one of my favorite quirks about this car."
"The very reason villains are rising is because society demeans the life of those who have quirks that are deemed to be dangerous."
"Everyone is silly in their own way, yeah, everyone has their quirks."
"I mean, we all have our little eccentricities, Maybes. You tell me yours and I'll tell you mine."
"You will always be able to do better, unless you're able to look at the person across from you and the tiny things that make them who they are, the little idiosyncrasies, their mannerisms, their tics. Exactly, you fall in love with that."
"Does anyone else's other half do this?"
"Marriage is a descent into accepting your partner's quirks."
"What's interesting with actors is when they get tired, those tics and those really interesting things start to dissipate."
"But the odd thing that I really think is normal and everybody that has watched me do it is like kind of disgusted but it doesn't make sense, I pour milk in my ice cream."
"But one of the things that I enjoy about being alone is not having to have a partner to explain everything that I do because I can do some real quirky things."
"There's a lot of annoying things that girls be doing, but we like lowkey secretly like it."
"Now, I don't know if you're new to my channel or not, but if you've got a history with me, then you'll know that I am very bad at tear strips and zippers."
"Anybody else got like a weird thing nobody knows about? Everything I do is weird so I don't know."
"As long as you're willing to deal with a few of the quirks that still persist and you're okay with the design still being a little rough around the edges, then both these Grinders are pretty damn baller."
"Girlfriend refuses to remove protective plastic coating from anything we buy."
"The internet's weird. No one wants to see you eat a salad."
"Her quirk though is... she usually works by secreting the acid out of her pores."
"I'm aware they have one of the most violent mating rituals I've ever read about, but they also hold hands while sleeping."
"It's also loaded with cool quirks and interesting features."
"Dr. Garaki heavily modifies all of the bodies of these deceased persons to give them the ability to hold multiple quirks at once."
"One body can hold multiple quirks, however, it's not good for the body."
"Although this guitar has a ton of quirks, it is still one of my most prized guitars."
"Are you a sock shoe sock shoe person? Personally, I'm a sock Shoe Shop soft shoe people think I'm a psychopath that is psychopath Behavior."
"No fountain pen is perfect, but each one has its own quirks. Embrace them and manage your expectations accordingly."
"In the world of My Hero Academia, 80% of the human population possesses supernatural abilities known as quirks."
"Everybody's kind of a weirdo. Everyone's got their weird small idiosyncrasies."
"Everyone has something about them that's odd. The little quirks are what make each of us unique."
"I'll show you all of its quirks and features."
"I am really enjoying it, lots of great functionalities, yes some quirks."
"When I find a man who keeps his cigars in the coal scuttle, his tobacco in the toe end of a Persian slipper, and his unanswered correspondence transfixed by a jack knife into the very center of his wooden mantlepiece, then I begin to give myself virtuous airs."
"The 195 has its idiosyncrasies, of course, but despite them, or maybe because of them, the 195 has a devoted and adoring fan club."
"I think those little things are really endearing."
"Shout out to My Hero Academy because the way that they are so creative with their quirks makes the fights in this show super crazy."
"We get used to each other's quirks."
"There's a lot to love about it and there's some quirks as well."
"We're all a bit crazy about some things."
"I really like this car; I love driving it and love everything about it, with its quirks and all its things here and there."
"We all do weird stuff; it's okay, you just gotta figure out a way to deal with it."
"Yeah, pet peeves are interesting. It's crazy how we all have like different pet peeves."
"You're so cute, I love your quirks and personality."
"The new one has this odd habit of perching himself on the top of the corner of the couch."
"What makes him tick, what are his personal quirks, his hidden talents, and his everyday habits?"
"I adore everything about you, all your funny little ways."
"I love being with her even though she can get a little hangry sometimes."
"Everybody's kind of has their weird quirks; nobody is normal."
"Memory obviously has practical uses but it's got so many quirks that it almost feels incomplete."
"I'm not different majorly; I've just got my quirks."
"Every job has its own quirks, and this was a good one for sure."
"As long as your family has a strong bond and is able to see each other's quirks, we knew it was going to work."
"The family, they are mostly sweet but a bit of nuts."
"You need to embrace that, like all of the weird stuff that your woman does, all of the quirky stuff that sometimes annoys you, that's why you like her deep down."
"You have multiple quirks, and from your teacher's tones, it seems that you're super reliable."
"Even though we have pet peeves about each other, we love each other very much."
"It's cool when you have a friend in your life that gets your crazy little quirks and then they can help you work through them."
"A difficult hospital patient would only take his medicine with ice cream."
"I'm just like, yeah, I wanted to date this girl, she was perfect except she kept chewing weird."
"She was allergic to shellfish, her favorite color was yellow, try she may, she could not sing to save her life."
"It's always fun to read the stories of Vince McMahon doing things in a certain way and having his weird quirks."
"Sometimes those are the little quirks that make us who we are."
"Self-acceptance means that I accept all my quirks and foibles, and that I equally accept all my beauty and glory."
"When you watch these two women, they accept each other's weirdness and their glitches; they don't hold it against one another."
"Accept each other for each other's idiosyncrasies."