
Visual Contrast Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Perfect black with the bright yellow right next to it. Now, this is why you get an OLED TV."
"Contrast is key in creating engaging designs."
"You got the bio mech elements just right. The contrast you got from the monochromatic background, and then those red elements in the foreground, really gives it a punch. Overall good work."
"The Bold color and Luxe pattern creates a visual contrast which coincides with her Evolution highlighting her Newfound sophistication."
"Such a nice look as well really lightens the interiors particularly if you've got a dark field a black interior or dark interior this this option gives the interior some contrast and there are a bunch of other aluminium options as well."
"Tragic yet enjoyable to watch, beautiful but absolutely terrifying."
"Interlocking shapes are very good. Find letters that have contrasting lines to create something that interlocks with each other."
"Styling objects is all about contrast. If everything looks the same, nothing feels important."
"One thing that you should take notice of from that last shot to this shot is in this shot there's a lot more contrast and there's a lot more vivid colors going on."
"A totally different look with a white background."
"Seeing them side by side, the comparison is stark."
"The minimum requirement for art is contrast... it's what makes it interesting."
"Here in the front, we can see the huge mask here in the black contrasting style."
"This is our most recent shot compared to what we've had before, you can see there's a lot more contrast."
"It really is striking, the red and black contrast in these scenes."
"Hestia's hair contrasts with her usual outfit, making her memorable regardless of what she's wearing."
"Overall, this falls squarely into the category of not actually armor but you know what it works because even though it's a bit cheesecake it provides this really stark visual contrast to all of Leia's previous appearances."
"Your interpretation of these textures give it a different look than what's in the photo."
"It's going to be there as a contrast for other plants in front of it to show themselves off."
"I like to use high contrasting thread."
"Our brains are attracted to contrast, to something different. And so if we have all this quilting and all of a sudden, we have a thread buildup over here, that's what we're going to notice."
"Whether it's a unique way of using contrast or an unexpected approach with typography, the examples we'll explore will always be inspirational."
"The red eyes just pop, especially with that yellow background. It really highlights it."
"It's all about contrast in paintings."
"It's a very kind of poetic story and it goes between black and white and color."
"It has really nice contrast all the way through."
"I'm a fan of the contrast levels this lens produces, really beautiful images."
"The suits of the two teams are basically inverses of each other, and it's a great distinction between them."
"It's always just kind of a dance between having empty space that creates rest and then contrast and detail and rendering that creates the action of the piece."
"I love the contrast of the black truck."
"You can take a dry cloth and buff off the excess ink and that white will pop out and you'll have a beautiful result."
"That nice crisp yellow just cuts through that rain, gives a really nice contrast especially off of those wet roads."
"I prefer a larger print and higher contrast in my lettering."
"Let's A/B test this; we could turn on and off our curves, you can see the contrast right there."
"The white spider on the back of the costume stands out nicely."
"Check out that contrast between the background and the focal fabrics."
"Light brings forward, dark detracts. It's the first thing I learned in theater and film makeup school."
"I love putting color next to black and white because that creates a third impression."
"The city just pops right up, the white really contrasts the sea so well."
"I just love the contrast of the colors in the barren land with the green vegetation."
"Generally, it's best to have nice sunshine and clear blue skies to work with, not only does it give a nice simple clean background, but it also contrasts really well with the reds on the bird."
"The lights in the room begin to dim, and as they do, the lights on the Christmas tree brighten."
"Exaggerate the darkness of a tree, far more effective with a snow scene."
"Whenever we have strong contrast in a particular location, it's naturally going to pull a viewer's eye to that location."
"It's going to be that dark ocean meeting that really nice white light sky, so it's going to give us a nice contrast."
"You can see the two greens here in the wreath and the tree; the left tree is darker, and the right tree is lighter."
"The effect is to increase the visual contrast between two areas of different uniform density."
"We still want our character to stand out, so we still want that contrast between our background and our character."
"Think about contrast, letting lines appear because of shapes and contrast as opposed to actual lines."
"The contrast is always with that focus, that light and that dark really makes this one pop nicely."
"The most contrast is going to be on your center of interest."
"Using contrast and creating definition by color and contrast, those are our two key things."