
Athlete Support Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Shout out to Kane, hope he smashes it at Bayern Club. He's way too good not to have silverware in his career."
"I've never rooted against an athlete in my life because I understand what they go against. I'm sensitive to it. I got love for them for and I'm always gonna be here."
"Peter Sagan, we salute you and we look forward to watching you in mountain biking next season."
"If Izzy wins, I would see Whittaker getting the next one. Still think so, yeah, I hope so, he deserves it, he deserves it."
"Just support him for the rest of the season, he is going to need you to put the wind back in his sails."
"He's a road warrior... people come out and they support Javonte Davis."
"Michael Johnson is just one of those guys. He's so much fun to watch when he's on, and you want to see the guys succeed."
"Second place has built a huge fan base for me."
"If he goes to the Jets or the Raiders I... will root for him to win another Super Bowl because it's so hilarious."
"Let me give you the scoop on the brother who playing quarterback for Philly that's why I don't care who win and it ain't because oh it's just two black quarterbacks it's because I know how hard it is to get your proppers at quarterback in the NFL."
"We need more companies sponsoring athletes who speak out."
"It's a locker room environment a safe space for athletes to share their stories and we keep the subjects for this athletes entertainers comedians we keep everybody human and most importantly we're transparent."
"Mike Moustakas, I'll never forget him, gotta rep my Greek boys."
"I think it'd be fun to root for Justin Fields. We have skin in the game."
"Dominic Reyes will be your world champion and rightfully so."
"Welcome home Baker Mayfield good for you H that's a that's a story I can get on board with."
"The greatest pleasure I get is when I can get an athlete to achieve something that he or she wants to achieve."
"Pogba, beautiful goal. We obviously love Pogba, always have. That's our hero, bro."
"I'm wishing all five of these players the best of luck with their basketball career..."
"I want to see it again so no, he doesn't lose any stock in my opinion."
"I feel like if a coaching staff gives him the tools, he will do good."
"Some people in this story, Tom Brady and some other football up well-known athletes have said that Colin Kaepernick is good enough to play but just people don't want to sign him because they don't want to take the heat."
"the echo chamber hate directed towards this player is something unlike I've ever seen in my life so welcome back Kyler Murray good on you for getting that win let's see if you can keep it up"
"Just so happy for her, you know when you see the love and passion for the sport."
"Everybody wants to paint UFC as the big bad guy, but they're not. They take care of the guys better than most people think."
"Let's go, there it is, sick. Shout out Devin Booker, man."
"I didn't start a promotion company to take advantage of fighters. I started a promotion company to try to help fighters accomplish what they want to accomplish in the sport of boxing."
"I believe in you, Dak Prescott. Play-action and all the time in the world to throw downfield."
"Ronaldo staying is only a good thing. True Man United legend and football legend, and most important can still do it. Haters sit down." - Ryan King
"I rooted for Tom Brady all last year and I'm rooting for him this year."
"If I've woken up this morning, I'm a Kohli fan and I've seen this performance I'm saying that's as good as I could have asked for."
"It's a crime what happened to Sha'Carri Richardson."
"He gives his 100% all the time, even more, he cares a lot about Chelsea."
"Say Quan Barkley, New York Giants, I'm hype."
"Women fought so hard for Title IX and I know that thousands of athletes around the country agree with me. Governor Noem, we have your back."
"Ronaldo loves this club. He wants to win, and he's fed up with being [ __ ]."
"He was one of those guys that you really really were cheering for to see him succeed because he'd been a good player in Philadelphia and they basically shipped him off because he was too good to the Pelicans."
"Nah, the optics of that look real bad. I feel like I've been one of the ones up here that'd be like, nah, DeAndre Ayton still got it."
"Hopefully make it a really good thing where some of these guys can make a good amount of money."
"All we can do is you know the support of his teammates spot of his fans I guess you got a string that and come back from it right that the comeback would be more impressive I think right."
"Lance Archer needs something, bro. He's done nothing."
"Hope Ativa can make it, would love to see him lead out Canada."
"Not a single athlete out there would ever think of not having a coach."
"I'm going for Cesaro in this one. He's been nothing but fantastic recently."
"I wonder what's gonna happen to them if they lose the match... push Cesaro, just push Cesaro."
"The Jet Lawrence fans are just ecstatic."
"On the football field, I got to wear shoulder pads, a helmet, hell, I had five 350-pound men that were paid millions of dollars to protect me."
"He's had a phenomenal impact on athletes."
"A place that athletes can come, feel safe, feel welcome, get their stomachs and their souls filled."
"All we can do is keep improving the platform, keep opening up opportunities for the athletes."
"It broke my heart seeing Serena spin."
"I'm so tired of the Jaylen Brown hate. He's such a great ambassador for the league."