
Sales Technique Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"You're not selling, you're helping someone make a decision that's going to help themselves."
"Hey, would you like me to come over and show you what I could do to sell your home and get you top dollar fast?"
"Being helpful and adding value, especially for free, you're gonna make a hundred times more sales."
"This sells itself peeps that doesn't need me to sell it it just needs me to essentially let you know Barry's birthday happy birthday happy birthday dum de dum de dum dum de dum de dum happy birthday give me a song to sing peeps"
"If I could show you, would you be ready to get started? It's so hard for him to say no to that."
"The movie ends with Jordan passing a pen to someone at one of his seminars, asking him to sell him that pen."
"Create urgency by limiting course availability. Scarcity drives sales. It's about 'why now?'"
"Anything can be sold if you're giving people a story."
"The cold call is vital because it puts you in control. You're not a victim, you're not waiting for a phone to ring, you're not waiting for an internet lead, you're not waiting for somebody to walk into your business."
"If you truly believe in what you sell, selling is actually very easy."
"The doubleheader technique: offering a bonus on top of a product to incentivize purchases. Two courses for the price of one!"
"The great salesperson takes its time and builds a sales pitch along the customer's responses."
"Fair enough, right? That is someone comes in for something free, we give them an inferior offer, and then we upsell them the primary offer. That's what we call limited free, by the way."
"Products sell themselves, the salesman doesn't need to work that hard."
"The more pain that you can get the prospect to feel, the more they want to change."
"The first person you always have to sell is yourself."
"Speak about your product, your service, with conviction because conviction closes more people than facts ever will."
"They just sell themselves... they just sell."
"So, the taco method was acronym for text message after, you text, you then analyze the text that comes in with the response, see, you then call them and then, oh, you make the offer, taco."
"Sales is not about qualifying prospective customers, it's about disqualifying prospects with the appearance of real that'll waste your time."
"Close number two: the approach close. 'I'm not going to try to sell you anything now. I'll just show you why others have bought it and you can judge for yourself.'"
"The number one most powerful technique in all of selling is control."
"The art of selling without telling."
"I now say, 'Excuse me, Mr. or Mrs. Buyer, will you be paying all cash for this property or will you be taking advantage of these great low interest rates we have today?'"
"During your next sales appointment, pretend you're explaining the process to a 10-year-old. Explain less and keep it simple and focus on critical details."
"Boom, this is how you handle objections."
"If you wanna sell anything to anyone you need to form an emotional connection with them first."
"Establish credibility early by narrowing the scope of your questions."
"Implication questions probe further into the prospect's thoughts and feelings."
"Add-on sales would be, 'You want to buy a burger? Would you like fries with that? Would you like a drink?'"
"This is how you're able to sell long-term high ticket contracts and incentivize a pay in full."
"Upselling is great if you can offer a product that is perhaps more luxurious, more expensive, and can make you more profit per sale."
"Marketing is what you say and sales is how you say it."
"The final pricing mistake is that new wedding videographers are not using add ons."
"The key to good pricing is to provide your buyer with options."
"There's nothing more powerful than walking a customer into your environment... and you point out something that is a maintenance or service or a safety issue."
"If you can break down through your questions the limiting beliefs and reinstall the empowering beliefs... you're going to create an objectionless close."
"People are hungry for the personal relationship when a salesperson can look at a woman or a gentleman when they walk in and determine what their size is."
"Disqualifying works much better than qualifying."
"Your job as a salesperson is to take them from wherever they are on this continuum and move them up the certainty scale to as close to a ten as possible."
"You're looking to corral to put together in one moment a 10, 10, 10 in a single moment in time and ask for the order."
"It's the technique and the expertise in sales that really matters."
"Sales is a process of asking a series of questions that naturally and automatically lead you and the customer to a mutually desired end result."
"The most powerful thing in the sales process is asking hard questions."
"Never ever state your price until the end of your sales call."
"The key is to sell the experience rather than just the product alone."