
Interactive Gameplay Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Here is a very simple concept video game which involves talking to your friends and, more importantly, lying to your friends a little bit as well just for a load of fun."
"The actions you take and the choices you make shape your experience."
"Mass Effect Andromeda occasionally gives you options..."
"The game has challenges... There are tons of these."
"NPCs will have memory, they may tell you to leave or call the sheriff based on your past actions."
"I'm gonna have a response before you move to combat. What's your response?"
"The levels here are great especially the elevator stage which sees you ascending the castle avoiding enemies on this platform that you control by tilting the controller."
"Oh, you can dodge that, you can perfect dodge that, wow, I didn't even know, yay, there we go, 70 fishing, hell yeah!"
"This is a fun mechanic, your creatures can help cast those spells."
"One truly great thing about this game is how your gameplay affects the world."
"Enemies might carry a grudge, they remember, and then the next time you see them they'll call back to that."
"That freedom is always there, and the game's feedback from your choices is a lot of fun."
"Finally, the Logic Dive has the player snowboarding down logical routes in order to arrive at a decisive conclusion."
"Combat unavoidable damage with skill-based mechanics for a more interactive experience."
"RPG elements and then in the same place space the same campaigns we're going to be able to roam around and servers like in Destiny with twenty thirty other players."
"Romance gets a bit more realistic. This mod, your Sim can work up the romance skill and unlock interactions and places to go."
"A tremendous amount of playtime boils down to mashing that vacuum button and grinning as thousands of pounds of objects get reduced to nothing."
"Every fighter has a weakness. For example, when King Dedede throws a spiky gordo, you can hit it right back at him."
"Kojima considered that the only way that they'd be able to [defeat Psycho Mantis] is by forcing the player to address the hardware that they were working with and plug their controller in to player slot 2."
"The series is known for its massive sandbox worlds filled with a large assortment of vehicles to pilot, weapons to shoot, and a seemingly unlimited number of things to blow up."
"The questing becomes interesting when you get to fight well-known villains from the franchise."
"I like short and sweet games with a good story and skill-based single-player games."
"I love this little mechanic where the Fox appears and drops stuff, that's really cool."
"The mountain will now give players information on where and how they can obtain mounts."
"The best set pieces feel like they're not just a bunch of scripted explosions and your input is actually achieving something."
"The ability to use the grappling hook to latch onto an object like a fusion coil and pull it towards you and then throw it at an enemy is pretty awesome."
"What's the actual benefit to trying to attract the Pokémon on this island?"
"Assassin's Creed Valhalla allows you to experience your own elemental Viking saga."
"Essentially this is Super Metroid but you can shoot things in the background."
"Moving around now is much faster allowing for more Dynamic and reactive gameplay."
"The last awesome thing that I'm gonna bring you guys is... you can build and well visit other players bases in the universe of No Man's Sky."
"Can you dive underwater? Yes, look at this man's fighting the hippo, I know he is!"
"Come on, how long are you gonna sleep, Link? Do I have to wake you up every morning?"
"A world where your consequences actively shape the world and your quest lines as you progress through the game."
"Being able to react as your character in each situation and make choices that shape the game is amazing."
"The fake Smash Ball... some strategy involved."
"You can ride Titans in this game, pretty fun as hell."
"You can craft an ocarina instrument in the game and literally play it."
"I think a spin-off that has a fantastic paper-like art style and a somewhat more interactive battle system would be fun and not terrible."
"QuickTime events are more in depth, they actually feature gameplay mechanics now."
"Sonic Heroes' puzzles make the game more interactive."
"It's all the stuff I love about games facing off in a death battle: heavily interactive environments, colorful characters with powers, it's conceptually perfect."
"Kingdom Hearts 2 was Snappy right your mashing X you're doing quick commands"
"As you go around you're gonna be able to interact with stuff."
"You will see this glowing crystal that you can actually suck up and get a supercharged die shot."
"That's so cool, you can set up some archers up here, fire down in the streets. That's awesome."
"Just having those different options to be like 'oh maybe I will just take it on the chin this time' or insult them... it's really refreshing and fun to finally have a game that really gives you that freedom of choice again."
"Can Justin actually unlock the secret ending in this game? I think he can, we must, we must, I know you can do it."
"The game remembers everything that you do and responds to it."
"That's a nice bit of business, is it? Well done, I love that."
"Dynamic movements mean you can interact with vehicles in a very cool way."
"There's also a wider variety of enchantment effects including the also react to the world around them like weapons at summon spirits during storms."
"Myth confirmed, you can use the lava rocks to make the volcano erupt."
"You're literally moving these assets all over the place and then resolving the actions of the factions by using dice which gives you a living breathing sector."