
Network Analysis Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"Now that we have the network set up, one of the things I'd like to do is get a really good picture of what their Wi-Fi coverage is like."
"Bitcoin is a monetary network... all the other networks are lo[ss]."
"Become a universe tracker, a network detective."
"Through the power of spectrum analysis and packet capture we're going to be digging deeper than ever into what causes Wi-Fi to randomly lose performance or drop out."
"This is what's important: that the network has been exposed for what it is."
"Many real businesses who were identified in our social network were erroneously classified as spam."
"We've collected enormous amounts of data from the use of these nodes, including network traffic and how they do withdraws, how they do deposits—every exchange is a snowflake—but it's greatly informed our engineering efforts."
"Network analysis... understanding maybe it's a road network, maybe it's things like rivers, other features like utility lines all encompass network analytics."
"The size of each circle or node is proportional to the amount of incoming links to its corresponding article."
"We are at a whole new level with network analysis, Network Theory, than we ever were prior to 9/11."
"When I walk around at Riverbed support and I see someone looking at packets and they have the default layout, I have to stop, take a deep breath, not slap them upside the head and say, 'Let's help you out here.'"
"Complex network analysis with NetworkX: it's flexible, easy to use, and powerful."
"It's powerful, with hundreds of functions for creating, manipulating, measuring, studying, and visualizing networks."
"And the last one on the list is the VPC network access analyzer so basically this is a tool that allows you to understand the network access to your resources."
"Wireshark's the most popular out there because it's free and it's awesome."
"And if we are successful, let's say, in that case one day we might be able to do the circuit diagram of a person essentially being able to explain every interaction in the whole biophysical, biochemical network."
"Real-time analysis of network connections helps combat advertising and recommendation fraud, preventing false popularity."
"We look at intramodule connectivity so how connected is the gene to all other genes within this module."
"WGCNA is a really good method to start off with when learning about network analyses."
"When troubleshooting or investigating network conditions, TCP dump is your go-to tool."
"Centrality... algorithms that allow us to find the most important or the most influential nodes in the network."
"You have the ability to timestamp packets as they arrive on an interface."
"In a network, a distance between two vertices or point is not the straight line distance, but it is based on a street network distance."
"The route solver finds the shortest path based on the distance or quickest path based on the minutes or times or travel time between two or more stops."
"We're going to create a bonus network analysis layer."
"Networks tab is super interesting, and you're gonna be using this a lot of times as a front-end developer to debug issues with back-ends."
"It's like a dartboard almost, like you're seeing where the lines are going, where the connections are."
"Cloud Watch is meant for monitoring, is meant for collecting metrics, is meant for providing graphical representation of what's going on in a particular network at a particular point of time."
"Wireshark... a great way to capture, visualize, and then dissect whatever is being sent between these devices on an internet connection."
"Wireshark is an open source network capture and analyzer tool, that will help you to see what’s happening in your network at a microscopic level."
"Nodes that are close together in the embedding correspond to these types of almost like communities in the network."
"One of the goals of the Zeek in action series is to provide you a different way of looking at network traffic."
"Once the connection is established, wait until it detects every graph that can be monitored."
"S11 tells you how much power is reflected."
"S21 tells you how much power is transmitted from this port, port 2, all the way over to port 1."
"That's exactly what you do with a network analyzer."
"Return loss linked to S11, insertion loss linked to S21."
"You broadly learn about the underlying biological mechanism using pathway network analysis."
"In network analysis, you can predict gene function to new genes or maybe find even new pathways or functional modules."
"Network analysis can lead to more refined theories that can really help us understand how symptoms of a disorder relate."
"The only way to do that is with the network tab."
"Graph diameter is the largest shortest path."
"I like something I could actually see when I'm working with Wireshark or packet captures."
"The ACC is like a 10,000 foot view of your network with the ability to quickly dive down to a more granular view."
"That is why we should learn to analyze networks."
"Network analysis gives us the power to do just that."
"The clustering coefficient is another important statistic of network analysis."
"The identification of communities is an essential part of network analysis."
"The capability of identifying communities inside networks has a wide variety of potential uses."
"Join me as we find out and take a good look at the rise and fall of the United Paramount Network."
"We've got Azure IPs in the US and then suddenly IPs that are out of France with OVH SAS as their ISP."
"We're going towards looking at the equations that describe this network."
"Wireshark is a visual packet analysis tool that lets you click through the packet stream and filter out through a really nice graphical user interface."
"For any arbitrary network that you need to determine, there are three numbers that if you knew, you would know everything there is to know about this LTI first-order network."
"The network already in iteration one has a very good guess of what the structure is."
"Things that are close to each other in the network of interactions are also more likely to be similar in terms of function."
"We want to visualize and identify interesting pathways and networks."
"Breadth-first search has many applications, including ranking the importance of nodes in a network."
"We need to understand the kind of traffic that's going across our network before we can size our SAN correctly."
"You can see that some of those splits are very well supported; they occur in most of the networks."
"Tensor board lets you easily visualize what's going on in your network."
"Understanding how social networks actually map to moving people to vote and what messengers are most effective at mobilizing people they know to turn out."
"Wireshark is extremely configurable, and we can decide what we want to see and what we don't want to see."
"So the total sum of out degrees equals the total sum of in degrees."
"Clustering coefficient is all about trying to understand how connected are the neighbors of a given node."
"The goal here will be to learn embeddings for subgraphs that capture well the topology of interactions between nodes."
"The node degree is defined to the number of nearest neighbors."
"It makes lots of sense to study the biology through the lens of networks and interactions between biologically relevant entities."
"As a network engineer, you need to be able to look at a routing table and within a few seconds identify why a particular path is being chosen."
"It's a really powerful tool that will do a full analysis of your network."
"Queuing network model is one of the most popular and important kinds of dynamic simulations."
"This provides us with a way to actually evaluate and determine and characterize a two-port network."
"Cytoscape is a free software for network visualization and analysis."
"Dense clusters in networks often indicate protein complexes."
"It's a common technique to quickly visualize what the network is looking at."
"Very few people out there are actually terribly skilled at interpreting traceroute."