
Radioactivity Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"Thorium 232 has a half-life of about 14 billion years… so, don’t hope for the lenses to be less hazardous any time soon, but that also means that you don’t have to worry about radioactive decay influencing the integrity of the element……"
"From the most radioactive lake in the world to a child who allegedly came from Mars..."
"All nuclear waste needs to be stored for five half-lives or so, at which point it’s no more radioactive than the environment."
"Radioactivity, it's amazing, it's the cure-all."
"Chernobyl...to this day that zone is a no-go...will stay highly radioactive for another 20,000 Years."
"Decades must pass for their radioactivity to decay."
"Around the world some rocks do accumulate radioactivity and that's true here in the Valley of the Kings."
"The elements we will discover in the island of stability will be very heavy, initially hard to synthesize, and somewhat radioactive."
"Depleted uranium has a half-life of four and a half billion years."
"Marie Curie, widely remembered for her pioneering work in the field of radioactivity, won two Nobel Prizes, one in physics and another in chemistry."
"If lutters did indeed steal them, then I'm guessing that somewhere out there some people have radioactive jewelry or even silverware."
"A half-life is the amount of time that it takes for half of the parent isotopes to decay into the daughter isotopes."
"So the Geiger counter, alright, so also a couple of more terminology things decay rate is also called activity or specific activity so you're talking about sort of how active your substance is."
"So radioactivity, I'm going to tell you a little bit about radioactivity."
"The property called radioactivity means that individual atoms decay at a certain rate and emit energy in the process."
"Radioactive isotopes are unstable and tend to give off radiation."
"Radioactivity is heavy or unstable nuclei breaking down spontaneously."
"The half-life is the time for the number of radioactive nuclei to fall by half."
"We initially have 2 kg of radioactive element and in 7250 or 7,250 years there will be 1.5 kg left."
"It contains tritium, a slightly radioactive material that allows you to use this thing at night."
"Radioactive spike detected. What on earth is going on?"
"About half of the heat coming out of the Earth today is coming from radioactive elements in Earth's mantle."
"You can identify radioactive elements by looking at the spectrum of the energies of gamma rays."
"Well good afternoon, I'm Dr. Andrew Snelling and we're here to talk about radio halos, a record of catastrophic geologic processes."
"Marie Curie's belongings still have radioactive residue in present day."
"A half-life is defined as the amount of time required for 50% of a radioactive isotope in a given sample to fully decay to a stable daughter isotope."
"A radioactive isotope decays rapidly with a half-life of 5 minutes."
"Investigations into the disintegration of the elements and the chemistry of radioactive substances."
"Many things are not to be feared for their potential for radioactivity."
"A half-life is the time it takes for half the radioactive atoms to decay into something else."
"Half-Life is the time taken for a radioactive nuclei to have its mass reduced to half its original mass."
"Radioactive substances can be used in the treatment of cancer."
"The desire to discover what lay behind that strange element all around us known as radioactivity, literally drove Professor Pierre Curie and Marie, his wife, to the epochal discovery of radium."
"The half-life of the radioactive isotope is approximately eight days, which means at the end of each eight-day time interval, only half remains."
"The rate of decay of any radioactive substance is proportional to the amount of the substance present at any time."
"Radioactivity is the energy given off by the breakdown of the nucleus of unstable isotopes."
"The time required for 50% of a radioactive material to decay is known as the half-life."
"Radioactivity is the spontaneous disintegration of atomic nuclei."
"It does decay, stop being radioactive, but it's there and it's monitored."
"Polonium is an extremely radioactive substance, and when ingested or inhaled, one of the most toxic poisons in the world."
"The half-life of this isotope is just 109 minutes; it loses its radioactivity quite quickly."
"What is beyond dispute is that the discovery of radioactivity changed the world."
"The term radioactivity was invented by a woman who spent the later years of her life beside this quiet courtyard in Paris."
"Quantum mechanics is key to understanding radioactivity."
"Radioactive materials are very dangerous."
"Pierre and Marie Curie renamed this phenomenon radioactivity."
"In 1896, a serendipitous event by a chance of an accident led to an amazing understanding of the nature of radioactivity."
"The half-life of a radioactive material is the time taken for the radioactive count rate to go down by half."
"The half-life of the source is 25 minutes."
"Half-life is the time taken for the activity to fall to half of its value."
"Radioactivity is the radiation of particles caused by the spontaneous disintegration of atomic nuclei."
"Half-life of a radioactive element is defined as the time taken for half of the unstable nuclei to decay."
"Activity is the number of decays of a radioactive source per second or the rate at which a radioactive substance disintegrates."
"Always display the hazard symbol, a warning sign of possible dangers of radioactivity."
"They are useful for geology, are your samples radioactive? You can even prospect for uranium with one of these things."
"Every tick you hear, every beep that you hear, is something radioactive, so it's being honest."
"A half-life is the time that it takes for an amount of a sample... to reduce to 50 percent of its original amount."
"The half-life of a substance is the time it takes for a given sample to have its activity reduced by half."
"Half-life is the time taken for the amount of a radioactive substance to decay by half."
"Radioactivity can definitely be our friend, as well as something to be concerned about."
"There is a danger of radioactivity."
"Half-life is the time taken for the number of radioactive atoms to go down by half."
"She called the energy they gave off radioactivity."
"After years working in a shed with her husband Pierre, they discovered radioactive elements."
"Natural radioactivity consists of the emission of alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays."
"Radioactivity was cracked by a woman."