
Fictional Lore Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"The Sword of Gryffindor was originally intended to be the final Horcrux."
"The Legion of the Damned: spectral Space Marines as revenants, bound to the hell dimension of the warp, yet still remaining sane."
"Despite all odds, they decided to become the Legion of the Damned, a decision made in the midst of insanity and suffering."
"The story is called One Piece because it’s all about the search for this treasure."
"Who the hell came up with this lore? Oh, this guy again."
"The Morag Tong sets the foundation of a peaceful Dunmer society, orchestrated by Mephala."
"The idea that it introduces that the Namekians actually, like, 'Oh yeah, from the gods,' I'm like, 'Oh cool, that's actually cool world-building there.'"
"The final boss to cover in this list would be the leader of the aforementioned Pal Genetic Research Unit, Victor Ashford and his artificially created pal Shadow Beak."
"The idea of a two-God was first introduced in War of Secrets."
"Prior to the creation of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there were six singularities: space, mind, reality, power, time, and soul."
"Welcome to story time with Spice8rack where we're going to be today delving into the lore of Kenturo the smiling cat."
"We don't know how he got it right and that's when we important things to understand here when I to the Infinity stones we're rarely ever told how it is that a person came into possession of them."
"If you just say that the X gene is just being created now, you undermine and undo all the primary pillars of what the X-Men mythology and history is."
"Numenoreans really are not like other men in Middle-earth."
"A secret group of five masters formed what was known as the Jedi covenant."
"The Space Marine Dreadnought, revered as ageless forebears, destined for a life of endless battle."
"SCP-3141 was discovered at a foundation archaeological dig site near bakuno Jammu and Kashmir Republic of India."
"Where Red Skull would go after Nat's sacrifice and the Soul Stone was removed from Vormir."
"The Thousand Sons are actually convinced that somehow they have Leman Russ trapped somewhere, and I imagine they have no intention of ever letting him go."
"It's memorable because it presents a fascinating tale of the foundation going simply too far, largely as a result of the influence from the global occult coalition, an organization focused on terminating anomalous items."
"Enoki, a character as old as the concept of ninja Villages."
"I'm not sure why the Titans did this but this is what apparently drove Nozdormu mad."
"Old Ben's ability to transcend the physical plane as a force spirit speaks volumes about his connection to the life force of the galaxy."
"The creation of Winterfell was sealed by a Stark sacrifice."
"Inside the Mount Wonder Gore temple, we can see a huge Scarlet Witch statue and we can also see that there are two children statues as well which likely represent Wiccan and Speed in the comics."
"Welcome to the final part of the SCP - 1730 Saga, as we close the book on one of the most deadly locations in the Foundation multiverse."
"Do we truly understand the power of the dark side?"
"Deathclaws were originally created to replace humans during close combat Search and Destroy missions."
"The Scarlet Crusade was created from members of the Order of the Silver Hand."
"Maybe the previous guardian was one of the celestials after all."
"Joy Boy's chaotic actions and the origin of the Will of D."
"Everything is canon. So I would say yes, that's my answer anytime someone asks me if something's canon because the Sonic existing Sonic lore is kind of like it branches in so many interesting ways and many of these do not connect to each other."
"A werewolf doesn't want to draw that kind of attention to themselves."
"Did you ever hear the tragedy of Omni Saiyan the Wise?"
"So, this transformation would be the true control of the power of the uzarus."
"Arceus is not native to the Sinnoh region because it literally created the Pokemon Universe."
"He brought up the burning of Prospero by the Space Wolves and asked if Caliban would face a similar fate at the hands of the Hounds of Fenris."
"The destruction of the nation of Conria is the reason the Abyss Order now seeks to destroy the nations watched over by the Seven."
"There must always be a Stark at Winterfell because each generation adds to the army underground."
"There is so much more factional flavor in the Horus Heresy than just red versus blue."
"Those who have supped from the Sanguinary Chalices and survived are noble in spirit, honorable in manner, furious in battle."
"Shanks would absolutely 100 know about the Joy Boy stuff."
"I should also mention that in Wizarding World lore there are other variations for this charm such as hometum revelio which reveals hidden humans and specialis revelio which reveals spells performed on objects or potions."
"All Might maybe did have a sidekick and people knew about that."
"The rule of two: one must contain all the power of the dark side. If the apprentice becomes strong enough, the battle to the death will prove it. If the master should be struck down, the apprentice becomes the master." - Sith Rule of Two
"So in the first half of the lore book, Uldren convinces a Crow, i.e. an Awoken agent, named Jolyon to venture into the Black Garden."
"The canon way that red crystals are made is through a fascinating process referred to as bleeding."
"Roger's sword: maybe it's in Rayleigh's basement or Garp's possession."
"He used Myrtle's murder to split his soul and put a broken piece of the soul into the diary."
"Destroy the Sith Order to rebuild it stronger than before."
"Equality is a lie, and victory belongs to the powerful."
"They just gave King Kong the Infinity Stones. This lore, this is actually mindblowing."
"The Infinity stones are these six singularity stones that hold specific powers based on the stone and its purpose."
"The ten great family leaders calamity."
"He created a book imbued with the power to corrupt a vampire's true name."