
Societal Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"The system, as many people have said, is broken."
"Freedom and liberty are precious commodities."
"It might just be the culture that's based around supporting the hist."
"There is a physics to destroying the establishment."
"People think the way to resolve things is to call the police, as human beings we should be able to interact, communicate, and talk our differences out."
"We need to look at it from a collectivist view rather than an individualistic view."
"Marriage is a political decision. Who you marry tells me who you are."
"We should change that and make people think before they repeat disparaging negative sentiments about white people."
"The Black experience in this country varies."
"We're gonna treat each other with some form of respect."
"We're tearing down a system of belief that this is how we make it and this is how we got to make it."
"I think the world needs more of this kind of conversation."
"I think we should have more conversations like this."
"We need to focus on building Mutual Aid societies."
"The social structures of ancient civilizations were pretty similar - organized hierarchically."
"It causes an erosion of trust in every institution that we have been brought up to trust."
"It also exposes the lie that when you talk about the working class you're only talking about the white working-class." - Kyle Kolinsky
"The world isn't nice and the world isn't polite, that's why woke don't work."
"You have become the face of the American people."
"I genuinely want to help you; I don't want to give up on a quarter of this country."
"We've got to help them pull out of this insanity that they've been sucked into through different forces today in American politics and history."
"We have to stop demonizing each other... Canadians, we share Canadian values."
"We're all one... we've now all got to come together."
"Everybody was just more empathetic...we'd all collectively just have a bit more tolerance."
"The world won't love you unless you can offer it something."
"The impact of all these aforementioned problems has affected the collective mental health of a generation."
"The world revolves around sex...every action we take is related to trying to have sex."
"They act like they're fighting so they can get you fighting each other."
"Society and history have shown us many such events before."
"The word excluded is a powerful one for many. It has a particular and heightened meaning to many."
"Some of us thought they're going to talk about nuclear families... Not really."
"Her goal is to make sure the bulk of the population is comfortable."
"Children are children and they're precious in nation site and they're precious to parents."
"I'm very comfortable with that. And I think actually being explicit about it and creating some societal consensus is an important step in solving this problem."
"Don't miss this narrative because it's not just a narrative, this is literally like a multi-trillion dollar company, it's a total transition for our society economically."
"No one likes cancel culture. It's not a thing."
"Ours's kindness transcended societal positions and titles."
"The political is not just personal but anatomical."
"What advantages my color, my skin give me? Well, there's a certain ease that you have in society that many people of color don't."
"The belief in witches can have positive societal benefits. It encourages social behavior."
"There's this teen fantasy to hag pipeline. I really want to discuss that has almost nothing to do with age."
"It's like without, it manages to encapsulate a lot of the fears and paranoia people have, some that are primal and some that are more societal."
"Society shut down it's just like what the hell happened."
"Everyone wants to succeed, they want to contribute, they want to work. But there's just something psychological or societal that was getting in the way."
"Nobody is 100% clear of supporting wokeness like your toothpaste the paint on your wall all the things."
"There are moments that define us as people and society and this is one."
"We're seven to ten years away from massive societal change."
"Respect is needed in your household, it's needed on the streets, it's needed with the connect."
"Just because something is common doesn't mean it's normal."
"Systemic racism is a system, not a particular person."
"For the first time in modern history the villains are winning overall."
"When we look within the Holy Quran and we look at our societies today, there is a mirror reflection."
"Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil. Society seems to be doing everything in its power to stand in the way of people learning about Christ, promoting ideologies and activities that are directly against God."
"There's real power in the company context to infuse a culture of DEI that can have a profound effect outside of the workplace."
"The world system of evil is the structure of the evil system that dominates human life."
"We've got to deal with stereotypes to progress."
"It's a battle raging outside of our home for every boy in America."
"Boys are not being allowed to be boys more and more."
"It's not your shame to carry, that shame comes from people."
"It like very cleverly breaks down institutions of prejudice and oppression, specifically like racism and misogyny."
"Popular: So, popular means something that many people like. So when something is popular, that means that a lot of people think that it's really, really good."
"The purpose of these terms is to accomplish social objectives which either the common law or the Parliament has decided are important."
"A lot of societies collapse for environmental reasons."
"We need a moment of clarity and inflection in this country."
"One of the things that keeps the fabrics of society together is comedy."
"The social contract in Canada has largely been broken."
"It dares to say what everyone is thinking but reluctant to say."
"Stop robbing each other, stop hating yourself, stop hating each other."
"Perhaps some things need to be addressed culturally, family-wise."
"I think we as black people spend way too much time worrying about what white people think of us."
"It's backwards, getting exponentially dumb. It's more difficult to get a job than purchase a gun."
"A society without monks, nuns, and friars is qualitatively different from one with them."
"We could play games as a society in order to deal with real problems."
"Transformation, permanent societal changes, career choices, professional priorities, status changes, karmic revelations."
"The so-called religious conflicts in the world are fundamentally not about religion."