
Creative Ideas Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"An interesting idea for an original series spin-off would have followed Harcourt Fenton Mudd, an interstellar conman."
"The fact that maybe she goes mad after being possessed by the mother... I don't hate that, I kind of like the idea."
"That way we can take these ideas and bring them into future paintings as well."
"The scene never ends... shows just how great an idea it is."
"I love this idea simply based on the premise."
"Of these three ideas, I gotta say Tommy's Norman Osborn, that was very good."
"I think if they ever get around to doing that first ruse they should do them in alien form on sixsome that would be pretty cool."
"Stand and Fight was one of the very first ideas we ever came up with."
"The real tragedy of this game is that it actually has some reasonably good ideas."
"Condiments are way better than diamond powder."
"I'd like to be in Game of Thrones the comedy rom-Com musical."
"Do you have any million dollar ideas that everyone watching this can steal?"
"It's an idea that you watch and you go, 'How did nobody think of this already?'"
"I thought of a good idea for the brunch: hangover kits!"
"At best, there are some great ideas that only scratched the surface of what this film probably could have been..."
"You'd need a really spectacular idea to convince me that they could launch another franchise."
"Let's make the floor trampolines, then everybody's flying all the time."
"Those crazy ideas actually work out in the best way possible."
"Make it like Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, but with a shark. That's my TED talk."
"You can actually plant this on other plants and that sounds really cool, really reminds me of some original plants vs. zombies one mechanics."
"It's actually kind of a unique idea, I like it a lot."
"Hello my victims, hello my prisoners, hello my torture pals. I got a fresh idea, try not to give in to fear."
"He wanted to make a different kind of monster film and approach New Line Cinema with an idea. He wanted to make a film that was about something we as humans hold dear: dogs."
"God damn am I excited to just hit the ground running and bring all those ideas."
"A mind-blowing idea from the past will bounce back, leading to exploration and success."
"This could have been a really interesting twist."
"I'm sure this idea has been done. I'm afraid to google. But it's just so super cute and I love it so much."
"We're seeing new companies rise up, we're seeing creative ideas come out."
"This would be a great way to introduce a new addition to the series."
"This wreath is the perfect width to sneak underneath the berries on the snowman's hat."
"We need to think like that again; we need to come up with ideas."
"So there's just a few ideas that you guys might want to look for next time you're in your thrift store."
"Brilliant new ideas will present themselves to you, and success is all but assured."
"This game is super unique. I love new IP, new ideas."
"The only way you get great ideas, is if people feel safe to say them out loud."
"This is always such a great way to decorate on a budget."
"Just by changing out what I put in the little jars even for Christmas you could put little sprigs of Pine and I feel like that would be so cute."
"The network itself isn't lacking when it comes to ideas for potential shows."
"I have an actual idea I have an actual semi-original content idea."
"Freeze Lake Madison and make it an ice rink, that's such a good idea."
"That's some next-level thinking right there."
"A goal explosion like a black hole that sucks you into the goal... I feel like that'd be a really fun idea."
"I woke up to this beautiful balcony with coconut trees, I have so many ideas now."
"Honestly, I think this would have made a great movie so it's really too bad that this one was abandoned."
"Pick your favorite book and pick your favorite director and put those two together, that's the kind of stuff that I really get excited about."
"I found some things that we can use for instruments."
"This video has inspired you and maybe giving you some ideas for how you want to make your studio."
"It's a fun story. I could actually see this... made into an anime."
"His costume so Jackson's costume ideas I have an idea I don't know if that's what we're gonna do but."
"It's like things are clicking into place. You may have a brilliant idea."
"I love how much you guys innovate and change the game, always thinking of new ideas."
"Give me all that armchair Imagineering down below."
"It really showcases how with this concept, you can take an idea and just completely flip the universe on its head."
"Wallpaper I think is such a cool thing to do to a space"
"Disney almost got to enjoy a Disney version of the battle with an adaptation of the short story known as King of the Elves."
"Even after calming down, yeah, this isn't a brilliant story but all the same it does have interesting ideas."
"I think it'd be a really, really cool idea. I don't know, it's just a weird one."
"If I had another daughter I would probably name her Saline."
"There's potential to do a modern retelling of that story."
"She's basically young Peter Parker, and I like that idea."
"Hopefully this will give you some inspiration for the season coming up."
"I just had an awesome idea for Kingdom Hearts 5."
"I hope your day is going great today, we're gonna have an awesome video guys, I have this idea that I want to introduce."
"There's so many fun ideas to explore with platforms."
"I absolutely adore the idea of putting Clara inside a Dalek."
"We could do something with that, like that was the thing, David."
"You could just make up the books ready to decorate and put pockets in at another time as and when you'd need them. Fabulous little presents, you know, somewhere between a card and a present kind of thing."
"Moira's revolving collection of haute couture wigs was actually Annie Murphy's idea."
"We came up with some crazy ideas for breaking up the rock—everything from TNT (never seriously considered) to hauling a generator to the mouth of the cave and running an extension cord down to a jackhammer."
"It's a fun, great idea on a budget."
"This giant ornament is the perfect addition to your Christmas decorations."
"The weirder, the better. I love the idea of maybe like a horror camping for like Halloween."
"That's such a good idea, isn't it? Ten out of ten for idea on that."
"Not only can you make one for yourself, but you can make them as gifts for all of your friends."
"It's always such a great idea to stay at rentals to get design ideas."
"I hope this gives you some ideas on how to create some fun and unique cards."
"By the end of this video, you're going to have a whole bunch of new ideas to use with your water-based blending pen."
"I think there is a version of this book out there somewhere or maybe someone's gonna write it one day."
"I'm really excited for the video tomorrow; I've had a few lovely ideas."