
Witness Testimony Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Are we alone in the universe? Hearing about alien abduction stories reaffirms my belief that we are definitely not alone."
"You've got this highly qualified pilot talking about it on film. So really kudos for getting that."
"If you're in the camp of believing Adnan's innocent you have two witnesses who say we heard Hay say I'm not giving you a ride home."
"Perhaps it would be best if we added this to the witness's testimony. Would you please tell us what you recalled, Miss Sky?"
"Not one witness, not Fiona Hill, not the accounts of John Bolton, not Kurt Volker, no one puts Donald Trump on the side of ethics."
"For Wilson, this was America's moment to force the old imperial powers to make peace on American terms."
"This is their worst nightmare because uh again this is a credible witness."
"Explicit Declaration of witness testimony is of course also very common in later Christian Apocrypha."
"Unanimous agreement among a multitude of witnesses: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John."
"UFO witnesses don't get much more credible than that."
"This has been recognized as one of the most reliable encounters with an unidentified flying object due to the number of witnesses who were able to observe what happened."
"We need good confirmed data, and when you have consistent witness testimony that presents an identifiable pattern which this does, I feel it is irresponsible not to use it."
"Six hours in a closing argument from the prosecution over two days going over detail detail after detail and witness accounts."
"Eddie Lawrence told investigators that Sara was going to divorce Fred."
"If this is a person that Luis Rivera ran his mouth to and they go to the police, it's going to be worth zero."
"The UFO appeared to maintain a consistent altitude but made rapid lateral movements."
"Some huge Revelations because Leticia's daughter took the stand."
"It helps to have people stand up there, swear under oath, and corroborate what you said."
"It was very difficult to get anything out of her that, to me, was inconsistent with someone who had a genuine complaint."
"The District Court appropriately permitted Mr. Duggar to try to lay such a foundation through Mr. Williams's testimony."
"Democrats are looking to further abolish the fossil fuel industry."
"So he's just someone who's telling exactly what he saw and now he's giving the detective a potential suspect."
"This poor innocent girl saw the murder with her own eyes."
"There's multiple witnesses that kind of corroborate not necessarily that ghosts are real, but rather that the events that led to people speculating it was a haunting there are people that corroborate the details."
"If the pioneer of witness reliability scholarship couldn't overcome his illusions, what chance did a college student traumatized by a violent sexual assault have?"
"Let me be clear: this committee will hear Mr. McGahn's testimony even if we have to go to court to secure it. We will not allow the President to prevent the American people from hearing from this witness."
"She got up on that stand... she was caught in her lies."
"He acknowledged talking to Trump on the day of the attack on the Capitol... So we obviously would like him to come in, but his decision not to, not all that surprising."
"Through this radio broadcast, it states that there have been witnesses of this creature saying he is not a normal human being."
"Everything shows that he is innocent and witnesses you recanted they stable."
"If you can show that your witness has personal knowledge, the judge will probably accept that witness's testimony."
"People are seeing something, and they're not lying man."
"My cousin Vinnie is highly regarded for its accurate depiction of real court trial procedures and well-acted witness testimony."
"There's so much evidence, especially I think the best evidence still is witness testimony."
"David Whitmer's authority as a witness is really important. He's an eyewitness to something and he testifies that he saw it."
"The witness was firm in his opinion based on his years of experience and training."
"There are advantages to taking a story public and watch your phone. It'll start ringing with calls from witnesses who've read the articles or saw the broadcast."
"One prosecution witness did ring me up and thought to convince me otherwise when she knew I was appearing for the defense."
"Evidence doesn't come from the podium... it comes from this witness box."
"We are so grateful that Mr. Mustafa Hassan is talking. Some of the witnesses have since died."
"It's like Lois is seeing the suspect just the way the victim did."
"Having one solid witness who can say 'I heard him threaten her' or 'I saw her hit him' would be really relevant."
"The crime had to be proven by two witnesses to the same act."
"The right to offer the testimony of witnesses and to compel their attendance if necessary is in plain terms the right to present a defense."