
Trickery Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"For all you guys know this isn't even the same compound I just got some flour and thrown in this little thing."
"This is some sneaky [__], uh-oh, how are you gonna bring your way out of this one, Bingo?"
"First of all, if you notice the mysterious figure aka the other guy taps the victim... on the left shoulder and then the guy turns around and looks over his right shoulder."
"Sprite, unlike most Eternals, is a rather immature trickster who loves to play tricks on the other Eternals as well as humans with his illusions."
"Trickery was a well respected heroic trait when used in moderation."
"That was the worst trick anyone's pulled on me lately."
"This game tricked everybody from every angle."
"That is the greatest trick I've ever learned."
"They play with perspective a little bit, they are rather sneaky."
"Loki is the personification of trickery, deceit, and mischief; in the unchanging perfect realm of Asgard, Loki is the flaw."
"A mind game is a psychological trick that people use in order to manipulate or intimidate someone."
"That's for a pirate trick yeah it's so fun"
"And I fooled your stupid ass too."
"I think it's still tricking even if you got it 100%."
"You sell Satan with trickery, that's what Satan is all about, trickery."
"What they didn't realize was that they were looking at something else: a pile of loose floorboards underneath his duvet designed to trick them."
"Greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. And like that, he's gone."
"Rosanna, I'm really hoping that we're going to fool you with this."
"You celebrate when they're dead after what they did. Like, you... I hate to put it like this, but you pretty much have to trick your players into liking them."
"The key to faking out the parents is the clammy hands."
"This story was a trick. We wanted you to lead us to this cabin."
"You are going to fool everyone with this trick."
"What is offered for free is dangerous—it usually involves either a trick or a hidden obligation."
"The floating dollar trick - imagine getting away with this type of conduct in an office setting."
"That's not a trick, that's a crime, isn't it? It's not trick or military coup."
"This new quest, this new mission, however, I think the coyote energy is it's trickster energy actually."
"The trickster can trick everyone but himself."
"The book trick is old as time, so I remember going to school the next day."
"They Bamboozled us a bit with the pickups."
"You have the power within you to overcome all battles and obstacles. They tried to trick you and fool you but you fooled and tricked their dumbass."
"Back at the palmwoods Carlos is able to eliminate all three Jennifers by putting fake labels on glue sticks and giving them out as free lip gloss samples while disguising himself as a girl."
"In this Mexican standoff Burnham manages to trick them into believing that they actually don't have the clue which they definitely do by using a little necklace trick."
"Immense speed, immense trickery, and what a finish, absolutely fantastic!"
"Smoke and mirrors. Sleight of hand. Now you see me, now you don’t."
"Ivar was cunning and tricked King Ella into giving him land."
"The devil's pretty good at tricking people."
"You've been tricked! That's like saying underwear, and someone says I made you say underwear. Walked into that one!"
"What a great trick I played on dumb old Santa."
"There's no such thing as out of space. No, and that's the whole thing that got you tricked in."
"They completely fooled all the people."
"Why wouldn't you be? You've just played tricks on your body to make it so that you can't eat enough."
"The wickedness of the trickster, that's okay. For example, when he came to Eve, he appealed to her ego in order to get what he wants. He appears as everything you ever wanted."
"I don't know if the person's been there since... the Briarwoods... but to me personally, I was like, 'Oh, that's Delilah. It has to be a trick.'"
"He tricked Han because it turned out that he had known about his betrayal from the start."
"This is probably one of the better April Fool's kind of jokes because the whole point of it is to trick as many people as possible."
"It's like the whole meme is that it's a trick, right?"
"Scooby is a master of the dup, a classic trick cartoon trickster."
"Captain Massie said he tricked us."
"The Browns have won the game out an amazing piece of trickery."
"Frankie boy you're a smart guy man you really tricked us on that."
"Spinning was a pretty good trick."
"Alright, here's a trick to make stuff disappear."
"Tom now realizes where they are. He tells Bonnie that they have been tricked. Tom says they have landed in Black wish mountain of the darklands."
"If you weren't listening, he would have joked you out of your entire mind. You wouldn't even realize he'd been clowning you the whole time."
"It's the rules that often trick drivers."
"I like what he brings to a team. I like the trickery, I like the arrogance."
"...it's very very easy this is one of the easiest tricks that actually any beginner magician can do and completely fool anybody they will literally fool themselves when they do this trick."
"It was an all-time bamboozle, everyone was pissed off."
"The trickster has a kind of intelligence that is like ours."
"Dude, I was really hoping he'd fall for the trick."
"Being a trickster is knowing everyone knows you're a trickster, and then many of your tricks can come exploiting the fact that you know that they know you know."
"Mutual enjoyment is mutually beneficial. That's not tricking if it's mutually beneficial."
"I told you before, I'm out of fools. But if I can trick you, I'll kill you. Don't try, I remember."
"I picked up the receiver and right away there was a guy there saying that the money was ready to be picked up even though Hasim was dead."
"It's a trick, it's a magic trick."
"Chatta’s workaround is silly, but I do like it. It’s kinda a trick question on the Sphinx’s part, and I do think that’s very clever."
"He very cleverly faked his own death."
"Black people are the original trickster."
"The only point of a false shuffle is to retain either a small setup or the entire deck setup."
"I'm not trying to trick you, well I am, I'm trying to trick your eye and your brain."
"I laughed because he fell for the oldest trick in the book."
"But just as he thought his dinner was caught, he found his hands had hold of naught."
"Before he could mind, Tom slipped behind and gave him the boot to larn him."
"You fell for a classic misdirection. Still got it!"
"You've fallen for my little trick, Count."
"You have a buzzer that's... you have an acid flower, you have a shocking buzzer, you have a gun with a little bang flag."
"There are all sorts of ways to trick plants into thinking the conditions are right."
"I didn't know then my dad was actually on the second phone in the bedroom doing his best Krueger voice to trick me."
"He fooled Doink and outsmarted him."
"I swapped that key with a banana before you got to it."
"If it was a trick, then its secret was beyond their comprehension."
"I tricked you, oh what a genius I am."
"Oh, my love, I have found you, but why did you play that cruel trick upon me?"
"It's a sleight of hand; it's a misdirect."
"Loki has pulled the greatest trick that only the god of mischief could ever pull."
"Loki has indeed pulled a fast one on everyone again."
"You tricked me," cried the little blue wolf. "You tricked me, and now you have stolen my tail. Without it, I can never go home."
"It wasn't a scary game after all, Mommy. You tricked us."
"I do love a good joke, and this is the best ever: a joke on the children."
"He fell for the oldest trick in the book."
"I have a hunch someone pulled a fast one," Mason said.
"You guys always fall for it every now and then."
"I just thought it would be amusing to see your expression; I shouldn't have played a trick on you. I'm sorry, Jory. Forgive me."
"Either my brother was really good at tricking me, or it really was something paranormal."
"I'm afraid you have fallen for my great deception."
"I can't believe you fell for it, the oldest trick in the book! What a goof!"
"They are tricksters supreme who use sleight of hand, deception, misdirection, and magic in their pursuit of wealth."
"He was not just a mutant with a knack for deception; he was a master of the con, a trickster without equal."
"This is a quick trick by our own people for our own safety. For the benefit of all the world."
"He's an absolute trickster, he is phenomenal at what he does and a heck of a competitor."
"The magician is here, can also be seen as someone who likes to play games."
"The biggest trick the devil ever pulled was making you believe he never existed."
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled is convincing people it didn't exist."
"I can't believe he actually fell for that one."
"Sometimes a cool party trick and some serious spycraft is all you need to become a supervillain."