
Romantic Proposal Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"And all of a sudden red gets down on one knee and he goes will you marry me and she's like oh my God yes red."
"Leonard and Penny: 'Honey, will you marry me?' 'Oh my god, yes.'"
"Luke and Lorelai: 'Will you marry me?' 'Yes.'"
"Barry and Iris: 'Iris West, will you marry me?' 'Yes.'"
"Jake and Amy: 'I love you and I treasure you. Will you marry me?' 'Yes.'"
"If you ever decide to stop running and make a home, make it with me."
"They're coming forward towards you with an offer of love."
"I've spent a lot of time thinking about this moment. Tonight's the night I'm gonna ask Karlie Redd if she would spend the rest of her life with me."
"He got on one knee, yes, yes as a matter of fact, I could barely let me finish proposing."
"I want you to really think about it before answering me. If you can consider me as something more than just a friend."
"My answer is yes, I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
"So... will you go on a date with me in two years?"
"He confesses his love and asks her to stay by his side forever."
"I brought her to the spot where we had our first kiss, got down on one knee, and now we're engaged."
"I will marry your daughter right now like I don't care"
"She then asks if he wants to date her to which Azumi replies a resounding yes."
"Will you marry me? I just know you'll say yes."
"Nevertheless, when he proposed at the table, I was really turned on and struck by his directness."
"I love you. We're not kids anymore. We're in high school, and this time we reconsider our relationship. Risa, will you go out with me?"
"This offers coming in very soon, Virgo, but again they're at the this, they're almost to that ace of Pentacles where they can say okay, Virgo, I'm stable, I'm solid."
"You're my best friend. You are my everything. I can't imagine having anyone else in my life but you. Will you marry me?"
"Marriage is sacred, something that's meant to be between two people looking to make a covenant together. I want to make a covenant with you."
"Let's be together as lovers from now on. Oh, okay, let's do it, Miss Kaguya."
"I love you. Will you be my Valentine? Will you marry me?"
"Let's reconcile and commit to the situation, or there's something hopeful about a commitment, engagement, or marriage here."
"I would love to go on a date in Miami with you."
"The story is Ben asked me I want to do like a special proposal."
"Somebody wants to propose to somebody, and I feel like this is gonna happen out of the blue."
"He then proposes to her with a bouquet of flowers, asking her to be his girlfriend. This time she gladly accepts."
"You asked me to be your Valentine? Yes, a million times."
"You stole my heart from the moment I saw you at school."
"He turned to me and said, 'Ellie, will you marry me?'"
"This person sees you as marriage material, they're saying 'ring, will you marry me?'"
"Someone will arrive into your life to propose something romantic."
"This is my real dream, Angela, will you marry me?"
"That moment when he was there on one knee described that I think for every girl like she always thinks of this feeling Kay kabuki I got Mooji Bulaga to Musa shaadi Karogi."
"I want you to be mine forever, would you say yes?"
"If buying her an island or giving like basically giving her Martha's Vineyard like that's what I would have been on the table I would have said Ruth Martha's Vineyard could be like your own it could be your Vatican."
"I like you, would you like to be my girlfriend?"
"Would you be mine? Could you be mine?"
"I love you. Will you come with me?" "Yes, I love you too."
"Oh moon of my desire, marry me, Pearl."
"I did propose to my girlfriend, and she did eventually say yes."
"He got down on one knee. 'Will you marry me?' he asked. She flushed."
"I like you for your cheerfulness and smile, please go out with me."
"Do you think we could spend the night out here, just talking?"
"Lou, I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
"Will you be my girlfriend?" "Oh yes, Isuku, I couldn't think of much that would make me happier."
"I'm learning about important dates in history. Want to be one of them?"
"Expect a proposal; this is going to be your most beautiful romantic proposal."