
Opportunity Utilization Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"You might be lucky, you might come across this project that can help you show those skills."
"That's the aim of the game: if you take the opportunity, you win; if you don't, you probably don't win. So you gotta be clinical, right?"
"Focus on experiences and opportunities, not just the end vision."
"Now's the opportunity for us to completely shift our way of life because no crisis can go to waste."
"We have the opportunity right now to transform students' educational experiences."
"Exploit the opportunity while you still have it."
"If you're playing Morgana and you know the enemy jungler is cross map from you, you can just trade flash for a flash or kill."
"He was given a perfect opportunity to put it to rest."
"It's more about timing and taking advantage of it because everyone else had that same opportunity that I did."
"From an early age, Gordon displayed a remarkable knack for seizing opportunities."
"A crisis is always a moment where you need to consolidate... and utilize the opportunities."
"When opportunities came, I always put myself in a position to win."
"It's a very good finish from Hudson-Odoi, but he's got all the time in the world."
"The most important thing is how you adapt and how you take advantage of that situation."
"You've accomplished what many haven't, despite similar opportunities."
"Opportunity is a way that God pulls out the potential and gives a platform for the expression of your purpose."
"Conor Gallagher, take advantage of the uncertainty around you."
"The opportunity that you take advantage of becomes the leverage for the Next Generation."
"Use this as an opportunity to pay off some of that 2020 debt."
"We've seen tremendous results already because the opportunities are there."
"I don't want to take that opportunity I was given and not do good with it."
"There's never a bad opportunity to make a difference."
"Getting the opportunity is all about what you do with the opportunity."
"Take advantage of this time. It's going to be a time of great fruitfulness."
"You only get so many opportunities in life, and it's like, you gave me another one, and you're like, 'Here, like, here's the ball, run with it, just be yourself.'"
"Life circumstance sometimes can give you 500 hours that you have nothing better to spend them on."
"Make every possibility that you have been given count."
"Couldn't miss, could she? Really from such close range? But was in the place to take the chance in the first place, and that was just what Leon needed."
"You're being given like a stepping stone in another direction."
"Success comes when opportunity meets preparation."
"This is the time to reach your goals; stay organized, stay determined, and don't miss this opportunity."
"The American dream is in the eye of the beholder... if you work hard and you take advantage of opportunities, you can make a difference in your life."
"There is a way to take advantage of this stuff."
"A golden opportunity to leave a permanent legacy."
"I think we've got a great chance if we can finish our chances that's what I wanted to say we need to start finishing our chances we get in so many good positions."
"I had the opportunity and so this allowed me to be who I am."
"You can have everything handed to you but then what do you do with what you're given? A bare minimum or something special."
"I want us to understand that we have normalized a privileged but we haven't taken full advantage of it."
"I challenge you to start today by using your god-given opportunities to reframe your world."
"We can draw on our advantages now and do what needs to be done."
"You're just throwing the opportunities like a combine harvester."
"This is not the same country. Take advantage of the opportunities that you have in front of you."
"What good would it be for all of this right here if a lot of black folks won't even walk through the door to go and take advantage of all this right here?"
"A smart woman would have cherished and maximized the opportunity presented to her."
"A lot of these dudes couldn't handle the tough situation."
"Let's utilize the opportunities and be successful."
"Investing in yourself makes more sense than investing in the stock market because it's a lower-risk bet."
"Talk about making the most of an opportunity."
"Good teams take advantage of their opportunity."
"His upbringing in a well-to-do family might have provided a cushion against the financial uncertainties that many artists face, but it was his talent, perseverance, and the wise utilization of his opportunities that truly defined his path to stardom."
"Success is determined by opportunities presented, but making the right choices, and then you got to sprinkle a little bit of luck in there."