
Life-changing Moment Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"I mean holding my daughter for the first time was the most humbling experience."
"I remember getting that call though that call was everything."
"I'm Yours in that moment I passed from Death To Life."
"That moment changed everything because I felt something real that I could not deny."
"This is the moment that is literally going to change everything. But most certainly, you are about to step in the right direction."
"Search your life for your sick and tired moment because you may have hit your sick entire moment."
"She was not going to recover from this and she would be in a coma, and they were discussing what to do about that when she opened her eyes."
"Tommy, I gotta go. I gotta go break up with my girlfriend right now. Tommy, you have saved my life, yeah, you saved my life."
"If you've just prayed that prayer for the first time, I want to tell you, you have made the single greatest decision you will ever make in your life ever."
"His fee for signing on was more than Tiger's ever won on the golf course: 125 million."
"It was at that moment that my life changed forever."
"Little did he know that one of his uploads was going to change the course of his life forever."
"My wife's calming voice... I don't think she understood just how much she saved my life that day."
"It was when I heard about a guy named Rodney Howard-Browne that everything changed in that moment."
"It was like I had been waiting for that moment my whole life, euphoria, complete euphoria."
"Something is opening up for you, you're being given the key, an illumination, an epiphany."
"Alrighty guys, now I'm gonna break it for y'all. Look look guys, if you had one shot for one opportunity..."
"Winning America's Got Talent and its grand prize was a watershed moment in Darcy's life."
"Will you marry me?" I asked. "Yes," she said.
"There's a moment when somebody's life changes."
"And turning away, she took three steps and she stopped, and she started unwrapping it. So she unwrapped it in front of the crowd, and what happened was the beginning of where I am today."
"But his life changes when he confesses his love to his childhood crush."
"That moment was life-changing, and I'm still trying to take it in to this day, man. I just could not believe it, you know what I'm saying?"
"You take life for granted. You never realize what moment it's going to be that your life is going to change forever."
"It was the happiest time in your life. It was the pivot moment where everything shifted."
"It was the most profound moment of my life."
"At that moment, my life changed forever."
"It changed me forever. And it was like, yeah, that was the moment."
"In that moment Julia knew her life had changed forever, not just by the stars she studied, but by the starborn being now lying in front of her."
"It was crazy, it was truly a life-changing moment."
"'Hey, let's eat,' Dick exclaimed before Skiff could really get it fixed in his mind how his life had just been turned around," the captions continued.
"I just remember being awakened by a nurse who said, 'Get ready, you're about to become a father.'"
"That was actually my click moment because it changed my trajectory."
"And it was that moment when you know when you have your first kiss or you ride your bicycle for the first time and you have that moment which will never happen again when you realize that life from now on is not going to be the same."
"I can't imagine what could have happened to me on that day if I didn't get out of that car right there and then."
"When he turned his devastating smile on her, her stomach flipped and she knew her life would never be the same."
"...going to change somebody's life right here, whoever wins this, going to go crazy, you're going to have a bag, a bag in your hand, bro, like, crazy, change your whole life."
"A moment that Mary would need for the rest of her life."
"Oh boy, oh wow, I think my life just changed in a bite."
"Nothing has changed my life quite like that, getting to like the end of your rope."
"But it was divine intervention, like I saw the light and everything was there a certain moment the certain day or night that you remember the way that made you made that like that switch?"
"I've changed their life, you know? For this one moment and we all worked hard for and to have achieved it means everything to me."
"... giving me an hour of time to just share is not a burden on anyone you know what I mean it's it's a moment that changed my life in that moment it really did"
"He had no clue that it was the last time he would walk without being anointed king."
"Wow, this is my radioactive spider bite."
"There was a specific moment in my life that I remember when I had the switch from being lazy and just kind of taking things nonchalantly to actually all right I'm going hard at this, this is my career."
"I fell on my face and wept and cried and invited Christ into my heart, never to be the same again."
"Happiness trembled inside of me as I clasped the test kit."
"After today, we're either going to be together for the rest of our lives, or I'll never talk to her again."
"In a strange way, the minute that rope was cut, it defined the rest of my life in a way that I could never have predicted."
"When I held Leah in my arms, it was like everything made sense."
"For me, this medal changed so much."
"I'm so glad they told me no; it was the best 'no' that I've ever gotten in all of my life because it made me work harder."
"He got down on one knee. 'Will you marry me?' he asked. She flushed."
"This flower changed my life actually."
"I can remember the exact minute Liz walked into my life."
"My whole head melted, my life was complete, my life was fulfilled."
"How many of you can pinpoint a moment, a defining moment where something happened that radically changed your life?"
"It feels truly like one of the most critical junctures of my entire life."
"Guys, what I have here is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me."
"We are touched by a moment of truth and at that moment everything stops."
"Once I proposed to Jenna, it was like, man, I've never experienced something like this before."
"That's what kind of got me sober, 'cause I was like the first time I got responsibility in my life."
"It was almost like God came to me, like if you don't do it now, you're never gonna do it."
"Having a man on one knee asking you to spend the rest of your life with him is truly amazing."
"It was like a light in my life, there was no more of that."
"It was a moment that she will never forget for the rest of her life because she was busy winning an absolute fortune."
"...he's just about 25 miles from the finishing line and there it could be one the best 25 miles of his life..."
"It just felt like, 'Alright, this is the moment. This is the moment that everything changes.'"
"I wholeheartedly gave my life to Christ, and that was my turning point."
"What finally changed me to be positive was when my father was fighting for his life and he took his last breath in my arms."
"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I had an epiphany about my life at a rave."
"That was like literally the best moment of my life, the happiest moment of your life by far."
"It was the most incredible moment of my life, and I just wish it could happen again so I could really live in the moment."
"I had an epiphany, a crystallizing moment of clarity where I knew exactly what I had to do."
"Life they say can change in an instant; for Ron Stampler, that instant has come."
"Your suddenly moment is about to happen."
"I want you guys to just envision being the one that gets the phone call to say that these are going to be your new keys."
"Every once in a while, we will experience a moment that changes our fundamental understanding of ourselves."
"Everything kind of went in slow motion; everything around us went very quiet."
"Tom Petty met Elvis Presley and he would later say that that day changed his life forever."
"This is the greatest day of your life... Everything changes from today forward."
"I knew the moment that I struck steel the first time... that I would either die or be great."
"I'm here to tell you that the house is yours."
"This is that moment of awakening, this is that wake-up call, this is that aha moment."
"This is the moment when all things change."