
Untold Stories Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"The story of China's interference in Australia has not been told."
"This is the hidden untold story of South Korea and Japan."
"So this is the footnote story to the Blue Angels not told before."
"There are so many stories in Black American history that have not been told."
"Beneath the notice of gods and heroes, there are smaller stories hidden, tales of murder, crime schemes, and heroism."
"There are a lot of stories Bungie has yet to tell."
"This is the story Americans do not know that is the story that matters deeply."
"I think that would definitely be one that deserves to be told."
"There is greater agony than bearing the untold story."
"We celebrate athletes and critical thinkers... but you don't know the story behind the glory."
"In a world where most legendary bows are named and celebrated, Aram's unnamed bow stands apart, a reminder of the untold stories and unexplored depths in the rich tapestry that is Middle Earth's history."
"There's no greater agony than the bearing of an untold story left within."
"What can be said about 'Dracula Untold'? It's supposed to be untold."
"Untold stories, man. [Expletive] is real. [Expletive] is real."
"There's many more chapters to be written in this book."
"There are so many stories you can't tell yet."
"Untouchable, those stories can't be told."
"A call to awareness, reflecting on untold stories."
"But there were things that happened that never made the history books because they were too incredible to be recorded."
"The untold truth about Africans in Jamaica."
"This is the most untold story of the whole American Revolution because it wasn't a continental army that defeated Ferguson, it was a group of frontiersmen."
"The story of those who resisted the First World War... is really an under told story."
"There are incredible stories that lonely people have written that are incredible that we'll never know about."
"There's a whole story that's never been told to the world."
"The reality is a lot more complicated than what you see on TV, and there are a great many stories that rarely get heard at all."
"Welcome to the greatest stories never told."
"It's the most unbelievable sports story never told."
"We don't often get to see or hear stories about black queens."
"This is such an incredible story and there's absolutely no reason why it hasn't been told apart from the fact that it's about women."
"The community is forever changed by hearing that story, the one we don't talk about."
"But today, we could be witnessing the unfolding of the most untold story of human resilience of the 21st Century."
"Everything you've heard about Keith Moon is true, and you've only heard a tenth of it."
"These are the untold stories of the Navy Seals."
"You know, when you think about how many people's names history just never remembers and whose stories are never told."
"There's so many stories that have not been told."
"Over the last several years, we've looked at a lot of battles, a lot of commanders, we've looked at the casualty rates, and those who have been wounded or killed in these engagements, but one of the stories that we have not talked about are those men that went missing."
"For most of the next 35 years, this story of selfless valor remained largely untold."
"The story of this family captures the imagination and reminds us of the countless untold tales of those who have sought refuge, freedom, and opportunity beyond the borders that confine them."
"I realized that these stories didn't seem to be talked about very much, which also piqued my intuition and interest."
"What I was curious about was the untold story of Captain Smith."
"You can tell she has a story, but she doesn't have a voice to tell it."
"For all the children whose stories have never been told."
"There's a lot of stories in history that go untold."
"...the manuscripts themselves, the Hebrew Gospels, are the primary landmark, the primary markers of the greatest story never told."
"Sometimes there are some unread stories which we fail to read and only show the one side of the story."