
Uranus Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"Uranus is always trying to move us to a higher state of being."
"Being black AF is about building strength in your community."
"Uranus always wants to liberate you and free you from self-imposed limitations."
"Usually planets are warmer when they produce more heat than they get from the sun, but Uranus doesn't generate much internal heat of its own, so it stays cold."
"Uranus is the rebel as well as the revolutionary."
"Uranus is with Neptune the only representative of the icy giant planets of our solar system."
"Voyager 1 and 2 have provided unprecedented measurements as they journey through Interstellar space."
"Neptune still holds a meteorological record with storms observed that reached top speeds of up to 1,305 miles per hour."
"Last year, the Chandra X-ray Observatory detected x-rays on Uranus for the first time."
"Uranus is the only planet in the solar system which spins on its side."
"Uranus is lying on its side, the reason for this astonishing axis inclination is however unknown."
"Diamonds may be raining inside Uranus and Neptune."
"On the 13th of March in 1781, William Herschel discovered Uranus."
"There's a lot of stuff going on with Uranus."
"Uranus is associated with the awakening, the opening of the third eye."
"Uranus, an icy blue sphere with red rings, captured in a colorized photo."
"Controlling the weather is probably the number one most commonly theorized ability for Uranus."
"Uranus has rings just like Saturn has rings."
"Whatever you want to change, changes are represented by Uranus will be made easier."
"Uranus is all about boom, like what's the future going to look like."
"Venus will conjunct Uranus on the same day, increasing your odds for all these amazing things."
"One of the most positive and interesting aspects of this year is that Jupiter is going to conjoin the planet Uranus in the sign of Taurus."
"Uranus is the brilliant genius awakener, and people are portals that are awakening new sides to yourself."
"Jupiter inspires us to have faith and Uranus pushes us to break free of any constraints."
"The Sun and Uranus join together, indicating some kind of big bright spark of unexpected positive energy around May 12th to the 14th."
"This combination of Jupiter and Uranus could be highly, highly favorable for Bitcoin."
"Uranus entering Taurus was a rebirth, a regeneration of cryptocurrencies after that colossal crash from the all-time high."
"Uranus line brings change, shakes you out of your comfort zones."
"Jupiter Uranus contacts, especially the conjunctions, are like seeding points. The seed of the cycle is being planted right now, and the fruit is coming onto the tree around the full moon."
"Ride the energy, Uranus is all about breakthroughs."
"There's this adventurous spirit here as well. Remember, this is Uranus, the planet of surprises and breakthroughs."
"Not only is blue one of my favorite colors, but blue is the same color as Uranus."
"Uranus and Neptune are fluid worlds, but they are mainly made of gases that freeze at low temperature, including water, methane, and ammonia."
"Uranus going direct means life-changing breakthroughs and surprises, especially for you."
"So this Uranus is pretty much telling us that at the end of the day, you know, we need to believe in collective power."
"Their strangely terrestrial hue, so different from the orange-red seething of Jupiter and Saturn."
"Methane gas absorbs light in the red part of the spectrum, giving Uranus its blue-green hue."
"By far the most common word for heaven or sky in Greek is Uranus."
"Jupiter and Uranus conjunction signifies the beginning of the upper hand for freedom and democracy, but possibly through challenging means."
"Uranus is not a boring planet; on the contrary, it is a fascinating and unique planet."
"Despite its bad reputation and few exploration missions, Uranus is not a boring planet at all."
"Whatever Uranus is, it's probably better at it than anybody."
"Uranus might be a dragon of some sort."
"Uranus is the great awakener, the rebel of the zodiac."
"Uranus had just been discovered... it remains the key signature of something that's part of our solar system, it's moving compared to all the background stars."
"My name's Uranus, I am blue in color, I'm the seventh planet from the Sun."
"The third largest planet, Uranus, that's my name, I'm also an ice giant up here in the mix."
"Uranus represents that first level that we're here to develop and that has to do with becoming secure in our individuality and being able to express our individuality and creative potential."
"Miranda, one of Uranus's moons, is really a weird moon."
"This is one of the most remarkable phenomena of Uranus which remains unexplained."
"The composition of Uranus is very different from that of Jupiter and Saturn because of the presence of ice which dominates over gas."
"The greenish blue color of the gaseous envelope of Uranus is the result of the absorption of red rays by the methane present in the atmosphere."
"The unusual tilt of Uranus's rotation axis is one of its most impressive features."
"Astronomers have detected diamond showers falling thousands of kilometers below the surface of Uranus."
"Uranus is very different from the other planets of the solar system; it is a special world with its own characteristics and mysteries."
"During the summer season in the northern hemisphere of Uranus, a day lasts continuously more than 20 Earth years."
"The magnetic field of Uranus is not only deviated at an abnormal angle from its rotation axis but it does not even pass through the center of the gas planet."
"Uranus was the first planet discovered with an optical telescope."
"Uranus just went retro a week and a half, two weeks ago or so."
"A day on Uranus lasts 17 hours, 14 minutes, and 24 seconds."
"Uranus is often categorized as an 'ice giant'."
"With Uranus, there could be some really surprising news coming up for you."
"Uranus in astrology is the great awakener, all about Liberation."
"Uranus represents changes, radical changes, important changes."
"The name of Uranus references the ancient Greek deity of the sky Uranus, the father of Cronus (Saturn) and grandfather of Zeus (Jupiter)."
"Uranus is roughly twice as far from the Sun as Saturn."
"A day on Uranus lasts 17 hours, 14 minutes and 24 seconds but get this, the planet has a tilt of around 98° and that makes a season on the gas giant lasts 21 Earth years."
"One of the biggest mysteries about Uranus is why it's tilted over almost completely onto its side."
"Uranus is represented by rebellion, innovation, technology, and liberation."
"The planet Neptune was discovered by its gravitational pull on the planet Uranus."
"I am Uranus, the seventh planet from the sun, with 27 moons named after Shakespeare characters."
"The planetary entity known to you as Uranus is slowly moving through the first density and has the potential of moving through all the densities."
"Uranus rotates on its side, possibly due to a powerful ancient collision."
"Morning planet Uranus is perfectly placed for UK observation, able to reach an altitude of around 50 degrees under dark skies."
"Unlike most planets, Uranus rotates on its side."
"Every 13 years, expansive lucky Jupiter crosses liberating progressive Uranus."
"The ring stable. It's still stable beyond Uranus."
"The planet Uranus was almost named George."
"My icy composition prevents Uranus from emitting methane, making it the coldest planet in the solar system."
"Uranus in Taurus wants true freedom and true security."
"Uranus contacting your moon can bring on a whole new sense of identity where you shrug off what's old and you embrace a new more participatory way of being with the world."
"Energies of Uranus combined with this beautiful, emotional, intuitive, expansive energy."
"When Uranus makes a change, it's really significant because it doesn't happen very often."