
Company Praise Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Actions speak louder than words, which is why I constantly praise a company like CD Projekt RED."
"All I can do is say thank you, Takara, you guys have done an incredible job with this."
"Just the very fact that they were so receptive to fan opinions... really shows some good commitment."
"This is one of the most fundamentally sound companies I've seen in a very long time."
"We're giving them some sunshine, Essential is an awesome company."
"CD Projekt RED handled this really well." - Commentary on the resolution of the conflict
"I think CD Projekt RED handled this really well." - Commentary on the resolution of the conflict
"One of the best things Insomniac has ever made."
"East Asia Soft is top-notch, they're killing it with what they do."
"Riot does a great job...they made a fun game."
"Pat on the back to Val for doing something really quite interesting here."
"Supergiant Games: Consistently remarkable, consistently ambitious."
"I think ARK has done an incredible job in explaining what they do."
"Atlas is very good at what they do when it comes to making fun video games."
"Tesla's a fantastic company that is enabling more miles driven autonomously."
"AMC is just one of the most awesome kick-ass companies."
"This is the best f**king company anyone can ask for."
"Bungie makes games with outstanding technology."
"Thank you for this DLC, Rockstar. You're awesome."
"Epic is one of the smartest and most interesting companies in the world right now."
"I think Bungie's got a really great framework right now to work with I think they've done a lot of good things in the recent years."
"Nintendo is great at what they do... they can keep getting away with it."
"Everything that you liked about this company before, everything that you hoped it was going to be, has been confirmed with this announcement."
"Tesla being good at software updates? Really, really cool."
"I think you know you guys are one of the few companies [...] the good part is those kinds of visual experiences are definitely happening."
"Congrats to this customer for pushing us to be better than what we already are."
"But in summary, I got to give credit to Sony for backup compatibility on the PS5."
"It's really cool... I like what Apple is doing here."
"Bethesda are an awesome company and produce some of the best games."
"Kudos to Tesla for such a strong start to the year."
"I think Rivian's definitely setting a standard."
"I know Epic and the amazing people there will keep making it better."
"They are a great company, great business practices."
"Just an amazing company, an amazing product."
"I'm bullish as it gets on that stock. This is a great company and uh, you should double down on this in my opinion of course."
"laran Studios is kind of like a Beacon of Hope in the industry so they deserve all the praise that's coming their way."
"Very few publishers are able to match the variety that Square Enix offers."
"I was blown away by what DICE had achieved in one and a half years."
"Valve are doing a just a great job at making devs and consumers feel confident in it. I'm excited."
"GG Valve, we're all really excited and you are completely nailing your run up to release in terms of communication, so well done."
"It's just absolutely amazing of a company to do that for a lot of reasons."
"Tesla is the best company in the world."
"I cannot speak highly enough about this product and this company as a whole. They are absolutely wonderful."
"Your company was great to work with... I had no issues whatsoever with the way anything was packed."
"Costco is one of the best companies in the world."
"Kudos to PSA, they do have good customer service and a good warranty."
"It's not often that things work out, but your company is seriously impressive."
"FlexiSpot is a brilliant company."
"The PS Audio Direct Stream comes from an amazing company, PS Audio; they're extremely great, they have excellent service."
"FiTech is actually a pretty cool company, they have a lot of really cool technology."
"Legitimately one of the best companies I've had the pleasure to be involved with and work for."
"You couldn't pick a better company to work for, I mean they're awesome, it's a good company."
"God, this company has got it sorted; they are making some amazing products."
"Fantastic job, excellent company, looking forward to what they release in the future."
"Long live Matchbox, they're doing a great job."
"Red Bay are a fantastic company; they basically keep cars like this alive."