
Spiritual Interpretation Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"It's not impossible to make a game that's fun to play and also generates good revenue."
"Interpret your circumstances through the lens of God's goodness."
"Every god, every mythology, every religion is true... it is true as metaphorical of the human and cosmic mystery."
"The devil is simply a lower frequency lovers card."
"When Jesus said 'It is finished,' he means you are not."
"Jesus spiritually being gay wouldn't have altered his message."
"Life happening all around us is happening for a reason. It's a process by which we create and define divinity."
"It's not a demon, it's the Holy Spirit working."
"I can only come to one conclusion, this is all spiritual."
"Negative people will never interpret God's voice."
"We're going to Exege commercials and try to find some spiritual meaning behind the Super Bowl commercials."
"That means on the day of 9/11, all over America, believers were opening up their Bible before it happened."
"The multiverse in Hindu cosmology is perhaps as much a spiritual concept as it is a physical one."
"I challenge that and go, 'Yeah okay, that might be there and all that maybe God put that there so that like it's his way of accessing you and letting you know hey I'm here what's up you know there's different ways to look at it.'"
"If you look at what you see in this dimension, you'll see a boy looking for a donkey, but God sees a man who can become king."
"The Jesus we never knew is the Jesus who came to fulfill this ancient hope but to do so in a way nobody had seen coming."
"The Lord always holds himself responsible to give a revelation or interpretation of the meaning thereof."
"God's story to the human story but God's story behind it all."
"When you look at Christ on the cross, what we should see is our sin."
"I'm simply presenting to you what I believe is very compelling and of profound significance prophetically."
"God's promises are always for his intended targets."
"What you intended for evil, God intended for good."
"Every child born as a woman is the cross on which Jesus Christ is crucified."
"Mystery Babylon: one of the biggest stories in the world."
"Jesus said Lazarus sleeps and the disciples said, 'It's good that he sleep. He's sick.'"
"A storm of Revival is coming, storms can look and feel scary but it's me working."
"Every single pain and calamity is going to be used by Allah."
"Understanding religious experience as a human process is to me far more resonant and a more beautiful approach because it's real."
"Love your family and love your children. Love in my interpretation is the name of God."
"There's an opening with the Neptune and Pisces now as all of these energetics and themes square the galactic center at 27 degrees of Sagittarius."
"Many are looking at this event as a sign from the most high."
"The point isn't trying to nail down a date but what God is speaking to us through these prophecies."
"The Christ of scripture is resident in man. It's man's own wonderful human imagination that is the Christ of scriptures."
"Wow, it is happening just like Jesus said it was going to happen."
"By definition, a valley should not depress you."
"Mary is the very first person to hear the word and to accept the word, to protect it and ponder it in your heart." - William
"Why is it so deadly and why it is so distasteful."
"The Lord is your husband well if your Lord is my husband I must find out who he is and I'm telling you who he is he is your own wonderful human imagination."
"Forget that 144,000 persons... it means humanity as you are lifted up."
"If you go to the scriptures and you find a God of violence, you're revealing who you really are."
"A tower does not mean that your world is crashing down; it's a transformative energy."
"The voice of God is always coded, whereby it is not the way I am speaking to you, the voice of God needs interpretation, translation."
"The false prophet will have a religion without a cross."
"God is so intentional because if there were two of us trying to do it, it would be wild."
"The earth itself is telling us how near we are to the end."
"Nature understands it; all creation is groaning."
"Although the lady of mystery was called from her earthly home in 1922 we believe these events have permitted Sarah Winchester in her own way to achieve a new kind of eternal life."
"I want to see if a spirit is trying to say here... you want a new adventure and you want to have a partner for that entire adventure."
"The Bible has two counterbalancing threads: judgment, condemnation, punishment, and universal salvation."
"The teachings of Sri Ramana thus throw a fresh light upon the spiritual teachings contained in the Bible... they clarify the inner essence not only of Advaita Vedanta but also of all other spiritual traditions."
"These mystical experiences will help to rescue the Bible from the externals of history, persons, and events, and to restore to its real significance in the life of man."
"The migraine you woke up with this morning may not be an ordinary migraine. Sometimes it's a sign of something else happening spiritually."
"Every time Peter talks about the rock or the cornerstone, it's not referring to him, it's referring to the person of Christ."
"What if the increase of darkness in a nation is a prophetic sign to the church that now is an opportune time?"
"In vain the cross on Golgotha was raised, thou hast not any part in its deliverance unless it be raised up within thy heart."
"By this process of superimposition and de-superimposition, the precise significance of 'that' and 'thou' is clearly determined."
"Seeing the way Shankaracharya has approached it, he has taken the terms from various yoga practices and given them the Advaita meaning, the non-dualistic Vedantic meaning."