
Natural Elements Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"A river may be the fastest way out, but it also may be the most dangerous one."
"The flowers and wood have always had a way of making me relax like nothing else could."
"Struggle to survive will eventually lead to mastering the elements."
"Slap on some mushrooms and moss, and I want to read your book."
"Taking the same scene in different lights, different times of the day, different weather conditions will produce such different shots and you shouldn't underestimate that."
"Water is one of those predominant elements that we see in these disappearances."
"Tears become Springs and summon the clouds from heaven."
"Interior trends so far of the 2020s have been earthy luxury and desert style Decor."
"As a water sign, you should be drawn to the water like a fish."
"I actually am a huge lover of all things industrial rustic and natural elements and woods and metals and things like that."
"Let daylight in, let fresh air in, and you will just feel so much better."
"That is really nice, oh, we actually incorporated actual flowers in that too, whoa, Tyson, you've got a talent, that is really, really cool."
"Foliage is your friend - something green, something fresh."
"Water terrifies me. This giant liquid that covers 70% of the Earth's mass."
"Gold is the most beautiful of the Earth's elements."
"Hopefully you got the point that art is a part of the human experience, it is just as natural as war or love."
"Incorporate greenery and flowers for a natural, uplifted vibe."
"Congratulations, you now understand the basics of maintaining an ecosystem with all three elements: producers, consumers, and decomposers."
"The wind takes care of those who have courage."
"We used the power of the wind, the wind believed in us."
"Indirect methods efficiently applied are inexhaustible as heaven and earth."
"The rain and reflections on the puddles complement the lighting beautifully."
"Incorporating Natural Stone Decor pieces really helps to make it feel elevated."
"...using the elements from nature in your house in a way that they can be turned into furniture or ornamentals."
"I just love how warm and cozy it makes our home feel when we use more natural elements."
"You can never go wrong with wood and plants."
"I think the sky and the sand and the water just wouldn't have looked quite as I wanted it, but this rock definitely was cooler."
"I love using natural elements like wood, fresh florals."
"In the Papyrus Burel Andinus, the demon's power is depicted as an alteration of the natural environment, requiring a transformation of water into a solid state to enable passage across it."
"This part of the terminal is actually intended to subtly evoke a grand cavern, as there are many cave systems throughout this region."
"My goal in here is for it to be all neutrals with things like shower curtains mats and then bring in some natural materials."
"I picked this tile because it actually has fossilized plants in it. I've always wanted one of these natural rock bowl sinks, and I found it at Lowe's in the clearance aisle."
"It smells so good. Jasmine, cedarwood, and thyme."
"You have a tie to, to the place where you live. You appreciate that the sun shines and dries your bricks."
"Empedocles introduces the idea of elements: earth, air, fire, water."
"Yang is born of wood, while Yin is born of gold. Yin and Yang reincarnate, and the rivers turn upside down."
"These elevated amenities offer views of the sea or mountains in the distance, new places to connect with neighbors, and space big enough to sit outside and feel the wind blow through your hair."
"You have authority over the wind and the waves."
"Incorporating things in my shelf styling like clay or stone, paper things that come from the earth really helps give it that very casual, down-to-earth feel which I love."
"They use a lot of natural elements because they like the turquoise, it represented water and the sky, you know, Mother Earth and things like that."
"I think that you can get glimpses of heaven in glimpses of the elements."
"Fire and water together, they make steam, one of man's most useful forms of energy."
"I've got a message from a land where storm winds are called Zephyrs."
"I think wood in here would really make this place feel alive."
"Adding natural elements like small potted plants, succulents, or a collection of seashells brings a touch of freshness and a connection to Nature."
"We can use tool structures like buildings or even things like trees to block and shape light."
"It's a beautiful highlight and it basically has crushed rose quartz crystals."
"There's nothing like a good rain on your vegetables to make them grow."
"Anything that appears to be hard, artificial, they are all hard landscapes; anything that appears to be soft, natural, they're natural landscapes."
"Agarwood is like a settling stone."
"Adding branches and twigs to your floral designs really gives it a more natural look."
"I love when we have wood accents because we get a taste of nature."