
Breaking Stereotypes Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"We all are trying to break those stereotypes."
"We break barriers, glass ceilings shatter on this show."
"I really want to be an overall cultural figure. I've never felt like I needed to be put into this box."
"It's about the power of Muslim unity and the power of Islam in breaking stereotypes."
"How do you break out of what people have assigned to you and show not only other people but show yourself that there's more than meets the eye?"
"She started out as just a pretty face and proved that she was more than just a pretty face."
"You are no longer bound to the statistic or stereotype."
"So he wanted to use his brand, his status, his name to basically shift the perspective or the stereotypes that are placed upon men who wear skirts."
"We just didn't want to do basketball. We just don't want to be in this one lane."
"They gave me the chance to show this whole world, this world that wasn't accustomed to someone who looked like me and acted like me, that things didn't always have to look a certain way or be done a certain way."
"I did want to break stereotypes because we see the same thing over and over and over."
"Our nations are strongest when we empower our young people -- because ultimately, you're the one who has to break down these old stereotypes and these old barriers."
"I think the stereotypes of what our culture is have been broken and redefined."
"I wanted to break stereotypes... I didn't see any people look like me on TV."
"I am already living it because I am here, breaking stereotypes, being a woman, being a mother. It's to leave history, a legacy." - Colombia
"She doesn't have to be a cheerleader or an Emo or a nerd or J, she can be whatever she wants and she doesn't just have to be a stereotype she can be all of us."
"The son of Blackbird breaks the mold when it comes to ambition."
"I want to break the mold of being the big D that can't do anything."
"Keep watching, we're about to shatter some expectations."
"She had to break through all sorts of Victorian stereotypes and social rules in pursuit of art and love."
"She broke a whole bunch of stereotypes."
"We broke that stereotype and not only broke it but didn't make a big deal at it."
"Taylor Swift, first CIS woman to impregnate a man, she just can't stop making history."
"He always thought athletes had to be big, tall, and muscular, but Ichiro went against all of his preconceived notions and gave him hope that he too could make a career in baseball."
"Women have such complex beings that you cannot put into the framework of like a sexy woman or a beautiful princess or a saint."
"I want to continue breaking the stereotypes and just doing my work with the modeling and getting back into the acting."
"Women are always against each other... we got to break that barrier. We are stronger together."
"When I started out, people said a woman could never rob a bank as well as a man. Well, times change."
"One of my goals, and I feel it's like it's become like a holy mission in life, is to break stereotypes everywhere, to build bridges, to create bonds."
"I want to challenge stereotypes and give these men the opportunity to share their experience."
"Men can do ballet; there are some of the most strongest dudes out there."
"That father-daughter moment... she's into computers, she's into games, smashing stereotypes every which way that you possibly can."
"It's getting hard for people to box women in. We're not having it anymore."
"I appreciate how you break so many stereotypes; it's frankly very refreshing."
"What a year she's had, she became a role model for trans people everywhere, showing great bravery in breaking down barriers and destroying stereotypes."
"What is actually making Muslim women visible? These areas of attainment where they're breaking through glass ceilings, through barriers, through stereotypes."
"I love seeing another professional with ADHD breaking down stereotypes about neurodiversity."
"If you want stereotypes to break, you have to speak up and call it out."
"The fact that Simu's taking up space and he feels like he's willing to call out the injustices and take up the space that he desires is actually breaking stereotypes."
"She's a scientist. She's a woman. And she's smoking. And it's fantastic."
"He transcended any perimeters and stereotypes that were set for us."
"I'm happy that the judges didn't hold her to those stereotypes so that she was able to break them."
"Tony Leung has gravitas, he's very confident and he's basically designed to break all these stereotypes."