
Control Mechanisms Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Silence kills men inside, gives you control over them."
"Tucker Carlson engages in a thought experiment exploring a hypothetical strategy for controlling a country, emphasizing the hierarchical prioritization of armed forces, federal law enforcement, and bureaucratic agencies."
"Abortion restrictions exist to control us, not to protect us."
"Fear is itself is the ultimate control that we have on this planet of everyone."
"It's a Brave New World now Nancy, they control the door at these points."
"Money is power. Narcissistic folks care about power, so money becomes a tool of control, vindictiveness, and punishment."
"I think the apocalyptic narrative is incredibly dangerous and is a means of political control."
"The Bible is a tool of control only if it is read and studied personally by the individual."
"In societies of control, power no longer requires enclosing people."
"Religion is always in the control business. It's in a guilt-producing control business."
"Holiness and Purity and sin are just words used for control and to instill guilt and shame... adding nothing of value."
"Abusers will often try to control your financial situation, what you say, and what you tell others."
"If you want to know who controls you, look at who you're not allowed to criticize."
"Most religions have been created by people on earth to suppress and control other people."
"There are several reasons why there may be a small percentage of individuals immune to the AI's control."
"Magnet... it's the only form of cc crowd control in the game."
"Control the food and you will control the people."
"The common ground that I've found with pretty much every single cult from the very beginning is they like to control people and they like to replace your authentic personality with like the new personality."
"Who controls the intelligence assessment controls the politicians."
"If they can rewire society to prevent people from talking about things, it's gonna change everything."
"Mutation, rain severity, front organizations create legal entities that claim to perform services such as education or counseling, but which are really controlled by us."
"The IMF utilizes debt as a tool to exercise control over African nations."
"We are all being controlled and victimized by the same group of people and there are no sides; it's an illusion of choice."
"While it can be argued Sauron controlled Orcs through fear, fear alone did not keep them alive to help him conquer middle-earth."
"Priests now have the tools to utterly destroy aggressive decks."
"Censorship only works in a totalitarian system. It only works if you've got control of absolutely everything."
"This technological power also ties into the film's theme of control."
"Control food supplies, control populations. Remember that."
"The biggest hurdle mobile gaming needs to figure out is how to get over that control hurdle."
"Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Each successive crisis, a bigger crisis is needed to bring in more and deeper controls."
"Once you swallow the pill that has the experimental chip in it, it will be about controlling you."
"Adorno and Horkheimer diagnose the culture industry as a mechanism of psychosocial control."
"The virus is a pretext, an excuse to establish control."
"Cashless society: a trend driven by governments and banks for more control."
"Slavery is not just free labor, it's about control."
"They control everything you see, everything you eat, everything you believe, everything you learn, everything you hear, and everything you do."
"Once you control the food, you can control the people. You can control the global economy. Does that make sense?"
"Now armed with this newfound power, he possessed the capability to bind others through the medium of blood."
"All religions were devised and revised by devious minds in order to control weak minds."
"Division is the greatest way to have tyranny over people."
"Technical controls, a lot of times we cannot see, we cannot, sorry, we, we, we cannot touch it, but we can deny the impact, all right? So, the logical control could be hardware, it could be software mechanism used to protect an asset."
"Narrative control, behavior control, emotional control, and thought control—if a group exhibits those qualities, it's probably a cult."
"There are three principles that form the basis of social power: the control of violence, the control of information, and individual charisma."
"1984 is a twisted world... the consistent theme is information is important, and the control of that information is most important."
"We habitually seek safety and control by living in our thoughts."
"It's easier to control you when you think it's a liability to be unique."
"Homeostasis is enabled by sometimes complex, sometimes very simple control mechanisms."
"We've just amplified the control mechanisms and the flexibility aspects."
"The guidance electronics manages the missile energy to get to the target by steering the aerodynamic surfaces or enacting any other form of control that is on board."