
Clever Design Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"It is really easy to meme the fact that hey, Kirby can rock a firearm in this one, but there's a lot of puzzles and collectibles surrounding that ability that are actually really clever."
"Containers: transforming spaces, transforming communities."
"The Magic Coffee logo's cup of coffee on top of the name is shaped like a top hat, a clever hidden imagery."
"I love the concept behind its ability. So clever!"
"It evolves into telosi and Marowak and you can see its skull is actually a Zapdos skull which is so clever."
"TV light simulator? Wait, what? Oh, that's adorable. How clever!"
"The creativity is on point, and if you are a trivia buff, you'll appreciate 'You Don't Know Jack' for likely being one of the most clever games of trivia you've ever played."
"This submission from Jonathan is deviously brilliant because with this single shirt, you've continued the Pixar theory."
"I'm just so impressed, I think this is insanely clever."
"It's deceptively simple, but it's actually incredibly clever. That's the disturbing thing about this."
"I mean they're not just tapping three numbers on their phone and bam Ranger mode it's kind of clever I like it."
"Tiny house clever architecture and some snazzy design features allow this seemingly dinky domicile to open up into a family home."
"I just thought that was really, really fun and really clever."
"Wow, that is just so clever. That is so clever."
"This is very clever setting, it's just very elegant and very simple once you start to think about it."
"The game visually does some really clever things with live action."
"It's absolutely genius that they're able to store what is essentially a home office into just a really small footprint so very very clever."
"This is genius. This is such a clever design."
"Skoda's famous 'Simply Clever' touches."
"What we now do is we actually employ a very, very clever design pattern."
"Adirondack Thunder: lightning bolt on the T is very smart, like the mountain scene."
"It's really quite clever... maintains a sense of humidity in here because it literally seals the whole thing in. It's really really quite clever."
"A very clever approach to motion generation."
"Maybe the best definition ever of drawer-idge gloriage in an RV."
"What's also really clever is that inside the MI 3152, you've got this auto sequences function."
"That's clever, that is ingenious."
"The way it goes together is actually really clever."
"I think Terraforming Mars as a series is an excellent game, the design is so clever."
"It is the simplest, cleverest system we've come across."
"It's not a very big extension, but with really clever reorganization of the space, they've managed to give each member of the family the space they really need."
"In my opinion, quite ingenious really, clever use of G-code and geometry to avoid changing hardware and firmware."
"If this solves in a nice way, this is one of the great puzzles, it really is breathtakingly clever."
"It unboxes itself and it's interactive as well."
"It's hella clever, this, it really is."
"It's so neat, this puzzle; it's so cleverly put together."
"That's so smart, I don't know why I haven't seen more of this kind of thing before."
"That's gorgeous, this is very clever, this puzzle."
"It's ridiculously clever, that's definitely a fair description."
"I love this already, this is just so clever."
"Isn't that cool? It's a pocket in a pocket."
"Very well engineered, very clever system I think."
"The glove forms the letters M and B cleverly, standing for Milwaukee and Brewers."
"What a brilliant construction this is, isn't it clever that this can fit together and work so neatly?"
"It's not going to completely break the bank, it's sort of very luxurious, very clever, and very neat."