
Protective Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"I'm fighting for her it could get really ugly because I'm not leaving here."
"As much as you might have been harsh or tough to people sometimes, you would also be the most protective loving person around."
"If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills..."
"They might be romantic and humble, but they'll also fight for you."
"But as soon as Lily saw her sister being sabotaged, her anger flared up."
"Spoil Jester's first, get your [__] stain claws off him."
"I am ferociously protective of my father and his legacy."
"The Irish Wolfhound: One of the best dogs at dispatching wolves and any other beasts of nature."
"Protective fierce and a certified freak, Edward would be a good dad"
"They are very protective, caring, and nurturing."
"He's saying I'm not going to let you start off at the bottom and work your way up to the top because your mine."
"You want to mess with my family? Okay, I'm gonna put my family over here and now I'm gonna deal with you."
"I know what's going on and I know the reality of the situation, but don't y'all dare kill Blah Blah."
"Any black stone or super dark stone is really good for grounding."
"Jong may be a hitman, but he'll go out of his way to protect anyone who might be caught in the crossfire."
"With every step he took, his heart ached for the little girl falling asleep in his arms."
"What was gut wrenching... knowing that we know that there's a baby in there."
"They are very protective in nature; they may also be involved in an occupation that is a giving occupation."
"They're thinking about taking you out, or they love when you two go out. Damn, who is this, the emperor? You got someone real protective over you."
"You're very family-oriented, nurturing, and protective of those in your inner circle."
"I think they see you as being very protective of yourself, like it would be impossible to fool you or deceive you."
"Paris yells at Prince Escalus for letting her proceed with a very dangerous task. Someone is clearly protective."
"That's just the protective sheet, isn't it? That's the sheet."
"You're seen as the fun older sibling, protective, fun, and wanting the best for others."
"I'm very protective and I like to make sure that I'm okay and everybody that I love that's around me is okay."
"She's like my sister. Like, she's one of my best friends and she's protective of you. Extremely."
"I feel like I'm already more protective of our child."
"They're very protective, maybe they view themselves as a big brother or big sister to other people."
"I love love. I think sometimes I can be quite close to love like I'm quite protective of my heart, very protective, but a lot of love, right? Makes you walk around."
"There's something about you that's very nurturing and protective."
"Does it work? It's disappointing to see that even some of the really big media outlets now are rating stuff five out of five based on how it looks and feels, not how protective it is."
"...she's just a very matter-of-fact and she's there to protect the Avatar and Korra, and so she's very motherly."
"...she's not mean. I get a lot of...I play a lot of really nasty women and she's not. She's just very matter-of-fact and she's there to protect the Avatar and Korra, and so she's very motherly."
"This one's good too, the fur shave cream, protective and soothing shave with maximum Glide."
"She protecc, she attacc, but most importantly, she shirr the bacc."
"I love that these cases are not super bulky but still very protective."
"This person is in a space where they are very protective of you."
"anyone that gets in the way of peter and mj we're like"
"I don't want to be all up in her you know relationship like you know how it was in the beginning but I was overprotected"
"People are as, you said, they are very protective of these stories and they're really passionate about them."
"They have an adventurous spirit. They could be a Capricorn or an Aries. I feel like they're going to be protective."
"He would fight monsters not for the sake of humanity, but for the sake of his loved ones."
"I feel as though we were being watched over by those Native Americans that lost their lives there, a strong but calm and protective presence."
"Pandora... she's Whimsical, she's kind of like Luna honestly but like not as weird, really protective over her friends."
"Don't worry, Piper, you don't need to be scared of the dark. I'm right behind you; everything's going to be okay."
"It is a manifestation of the soul, an energy that can protect a person from harm, strengthening them from within long after their body has become exhausted."
"I've always been a very protective person and very aware of my surroundings."
"When you are in love with her, there is a greater desire to now come to her rescue."
"As watchmen over our city, over our nation, over our church, over our family, we're going to tell the world, the flesh, and the devil: Not on my watch."
"I'm very protective towards my brothers and the mere thought of any harm coming to them makes me anxious."
"They're a very loving, very protective, and a mellow dog."
"This rubber hazmat mask actually looks pretty cool."
"I will never ever harm anyone's house or property."
"It just bothers me because when they mention things about the children, it's like the mama bear in me comes out."
"I think they're probably the most protective long sword gloves I've ever had."
"I have been so lucky to be blessed with having twin sisters and being your protective older brother."
"The Kangal is courageous, brave, and very friendly with children."
"Personalize your very own phone case with our protective plastic iPhone case."
"He was really protective and kind and helpful."
"I'm very careful who I let into my life because if you're part of my life, you're also in the girls and my husband's life too."