
Affiliate Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"If you're mentioning a product available only on Amazon, might as well use an affiliate link to earn something extra."
"You need to buy this card immediately by going to cardkingdom.com/commandzone! That's our affiliate link. All you have to do is type it into your browser with two fingers like this, hit enter, and then you're on the regular site."
"If you're doing any kind of affiliate marketing you really should be tracking where your conversions are coming from."
"Affiliate marketing is the process of you promoting someone else's product through an affiliate link."
"This is one of the most underrated platforms for affiliate marketing."
"Affiliate marketing is simply you receiving a commission back for telling people about products and services that you know, like, and love."
"If it has helped you make a decision and you want to go ahead and get the Radio Master Pocket, links in the description, those are affiliate links."
"The class A affiliate of the Oakland A's might actually have a much nicer ballpark than the Coliseum."
"If you'd like to sign up, the best deal is the annual plan which works out to be $25 a month if you use my link. Thanks everyone, link is in the comments below."
"If you're interested in supporting what I do... you can use affiliate links."
"If this did help you and you decide on a printer based on this starting point, I do hope you would use our affiliate links to help us earn ourselves a commission at no cost to you."
"Check out my affiliate links in the description which helps support the channel at no cost to you when you use them."
"...finally if this video or any of my videos has helped you choose the right data story solution for you and if you are planning to buy from Amazon anyway make sure those two things are true if that is true for you then please use the links to Amazon in the description..."
"Links to all these products will be placed in the description under the video for you guys to check them out."
"By joining with my affiliate link, you will be supporting this channel and you can have unlimited access for 5 days and a 20% discount on the annual subscription."
"If you're not interested in hiring us but you're looking for other ways you want to support this channel there's affiliate links down below to get your deals and discounts on products and services we talk about on this channel."
"You can advertise other people's goods and services and you will get fees for that."
"If you shop through my Amazon links it is actually very helpful for me."
"When you're on the market for gear, we ask that you do us a favor and click to buy new gear using our link."
"No matter what you guys do, if you guys do affiliate marketing with an influencer website or no websites, you guys can do guest posting."
"Everything that I talked about is always listed in the description box if you guys want to shop my links I would really appreciate it because I do make a small commission off of those links."
"So I'll put a link down below for appmax it is an affiliate link, and I hope that gets you guys started and interested in treasure hunting as well."
"I am happy to announce that you can get 10% off if you use my little linky poo down in the description."
"...the niche that I'm referring to is email marketing and specifically promoting software-based programs that you'll get paid a commission every single month."
"...if the person clicks on your link and buys a different product within a 24-hour period you're going to be able to earn a commission for whatever product that they buy."
"When you shop from my links, I make a small commission, so that's just the FYI."
"If you like the videos on this channel, one of the best ways to support the channel without spending any extra money is to follow the affiliate links in the description below."
"If you're curious about the products or you're shopping for one of these products, click on the affiliate links down below. They don't cost you anything extra but I do get a little bit of a kickback."
"Also, if you need any supplies used in today's project including the horse stall mats themselves, please consider shopping for those products via the links down in the video description below."
"Everything that I'm going to show in this video I'm going to include down in the description. You can click those links. They help support the channel, help me buy more EDC gear to show you guys. That's what it's all about."
"I got this, it's leather. So I ordered this on eBay so I will link it below like this exact one."
"Not only are they going to get the guide and they're going to have all the information with affiliate links within the guide."
"If you're looking to purchase any model offered by Electric, please consider using our link. It really helps us out."
"Now we have picked our Niche, we've gone through and signed up for affiliate programs related to that Niche, and now it is time to go through and actually create our Pinterest account."
"It won't cost you anything extra; it just helps support me and the channel if you find any of these products interesting or useful to your needs."
"I personally prefer to promote software as an affiliate because those are digital products and there is no limit to how much I can make since there is no inventory."
"Teachable has a built-in affiliate program that also actually manages the payouts, which is really unique."
"Affiliates are also able to earn from ads played on their channel."
"You actually don't need a large social media following to do affiliate marketing successfully."
"If the flow is organic and the content fits really well with the affiliate link, then it's a win-win."
"Welcome back, now one of the ways for you to promote your offer is to have the affiliates promote the offer before it launches."
"An affiliate program is the method where other people promote your store's products, and when a sale is made through their link, they receive a commission from you."
"It's a cool way that you can have an affiliate thing set up."
"Consider getting your cases and accessories from my links down in the description below just to support the channel."
"You can promote other people's product on your blog then when anyone buys that product you will get commission from that sale; simple concept, no rocket science."
"Affiliate marketing is just getting a commission for recommending a product, and if someone buys it through your referral link."
"Amazon has actually got an affiliate program; it is called Amazon Associates."
"The Grammarly affiliate program pays over ten dollars and fifty cents for a lead."
"Utilizing affiliate marketing is a great way for you to increase your store traffic and sales without having to increase your marketing cost."
"I'm going to show you guys an exclusive underground affiliate marketing strategy that will gain you clicks, views, and make you commissions."