
Clickbait Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"It is not a law, boom! Get [ __ ] absolutely all of you clickbaiting [ __ ] out there, get [ __ ]. Do your damn research next time!"
"The blame belongs to the press, the way science news is reported today is absolutely abysmal because of clickbait culture."
"The whole clickbait apparatus is dying, people are sick of it, BuzzFeed's gone."
"There's a bunch of folks who are just saying things because they want to get you to click on it. It's just straight up fraudulent."
"This industry now is all about clicks and who can get the first clicks."
"The worst MMO ever series is indeed a provocative title designed to generate an emotional response, but I don't want it to be clickbait."
"You know what, thumbnails kill now is when it's just one person by themselves looking sad and the title is just a word like 'help' or 'you,' and then in parentheses 'not clickbait.'"
"I saw the cover and it was I got clickbait so did you you got click baited this one of the movies that's gonna age well..."
"Off-grid living is definitely not a lie, but the title was a little clickbaity."
"A thousand percent confident. Not clickbait."
"Programmers hate this chat bot literally you can use that as a title for the video right now."
"The media's fundamental goal is not to inform but is to generate clicks."
"Sorry I click-baited you guys, I don't mean to do that."
"There's a lot of people out there just looking for the sensationalism in order to sell more clicks."
"A very good clickbaity title, I really like it. 100 times likely means 100 games, 100 moves. It does sound very epic."
"What really happened... and post that so everybody clicks on it and then here's you and I'm shooting the [ __ ]."
"I swear it was just to get you guys to click."
"I don't like being click baited on something that is that expensive."
"This video is not clickbait. I am currently at the San Diego airport en route to Washington DC to check into the treatment program at the National Institute of Health."
"The only way people will click on your video is if you create a thumbnail and a title that gets them interested to want to be able to click right."
"When you talk about something that is somewhat controversial, you actually are massively increasing the chances that people are going to click on it and that they're going to engage with it."
"Like it's like we're all there clickbait."
"...they were effectively clickbait but they were delightfully whimsical clickbait..."
"The difference between today's women's media scam and yesterday's is that the advertising is now hiding in native content and the scummy clickbait is packaged better."
"Using a title like 'the lie you've been told about YouTube growth' is actually going to get way more clicks."
"I was like this is gonna be the best clickbait ever."
"How to solve global warming in one easy step: Big Oil hates this"
"...this is something that's gonna get 17 million clicks see you later evangelicals."
"Was baited here by the thumbnail. Well, it did its job then, didn't it? Thank you, Sydney Sweeney, for your service."
"The overall package of level and enemy design, atmosphere, world-building, cryptic but enchanting storytelling, and of course boss fights has been unmatched by anything from other developers."
"Never to lean into the clickbait."
"The big thing is the thumbnail, you know what I mean, like what you see on the screen to make you click on it."
"It's like some YouTubers, their clickbait is insane."
"They're trying to get me to click visit website for one of these pieces of marketing software specifically."
"There's really nothing like some good clickbait on Christmas morning."
"Stop falling for the clickbait scammers."
"Ethical click bait: bait The Click, but it's honest."
"I'm trying to give a time where I was sold on like an article that said like try these three weird things in the bedroom you that for sure people are click yeah you joking you just came up with a viral title yeah that actually is better than title."
"Clickbait is bad when people feel tricked."
"An honest clickbait headline is okay, as long as you're being honest."
"You're intentionally confusing people to click your videos."
"It's like a YouTube video you have to have like a good ass click bait which is a thumbnail at the end like you have to have like the last photo be like the popper"
"But if you want to see that, be sure to hit that big red button. I heard it feels your recommended with a bunch of tumors. It's great. It's amazing."
"People click on it like crazy. It's just one of those things, it's human nature. People want to know the secret, the inside secret."
"It's kind of clickbaity, but I want people to click on it."
"Create a compelling title and thumbnail so that people want to click on your video."
"People click because of thumbnails, maybe a thumbnail combined with some nutty title."
"All of you guys in the back with these cameras, with the microphones, with their telephones, you guys need to stop doing the clickbait. The clickbait is destroying this town."
"It's not click bait because I didn't bury the lead. That's what the video is about."
"But I do see a time in the future when this stops working the same way clickbait kind of stopped working."
"That's what the video is about. Because of the clickbait, it got twice as many views as all the other things."
"We're going to be click-baiting eating a coyote."
"So, the outcome is not clickbait. It's only clickbait when you don't deliver on the promise."
"Could you imagine the clickbait on the 20 whiskey or 30 whiskey Eagle Rare versus 30 000 Eagle Rare?"
"There is a middle ground between clickbait and boring."
"The media gets the most clicks based on stories that tap into the biggest psychological motivators for people which is race and tribe."
"Engagement has been really shitty. You have to do like clickbaity shit for anything to happen now."
"Number five will actually surprise you."
"You worked for that, it's a business to get there right, you built this business and it was like I literally remember it was over it was I'm not even exaggerating this it was the one day to the next everything changed happened to everybody and I was like damn."
"That's the separation like is it a business or is it because you love it yeah my most viewed videos are just awful all title and thumbnail yeah but just terrible I made my entire career out of clickbait dude that was my whole career."
"I don't do clickbait. Even if I did, nobody's gonna watch my video still so it doesn't matter if I do it or not."
"I'm not perfect and I'd be doing clickbait all the time, okay? I just want to make that clear. But at some point, man, like, I just don't know."
"this movie gets doctors hate this man because of this one simple trick"
"It's just it makes sense, it's what people want to click on."
"...people have a higher tolerance for clickbait than even I thought."
"What's wrong with clickbait? Oh no, you wasted my time."
"...that was the most clickbait thing I've ever seen on the internet like people just say garyo gripes about Steve Harvey and Steve Harvey doesn't pay."
"I don't care if you use a bit of clickbait, trust me it works."
"Hodor video, that would be like some hot fire clickbait, wouldn't it?"
"So let's take that to the extreme. Let's make it the most click baity we could."
"I really hope on top of hope that this person is just doing this for clicks. I really actually hope that because if this dude actually believes that this is racist, I'm afraid that you have a driver's license."
"He turned off the comments on it. So that should tell you enough. It's a click play. It's the ultimate clickbait."
"You always see that in clickbait titles."
"If you don't click it, I'll have Linda Perry write a scathing song about you, so click it."
"The hook rate determines the click bait potential of your video."
"You have to design titles and thumbnails and pick topics that say, 'Hey, I don't know you, but I'm going to click on that video.'"
"This is one of the best puzzle clickbaits I've ever seen."
"Now, however, it's about headlines, clickbait, stirring the pot, alliances, and sensationalism."
"How I became fluent in Spanish in three days? How to become fluent in Japanese in two weeks? How I became fluent in Mandarin in six days? This sort of title is extremely common today on YouTube."
"So I don't like using the word cinematic because everyone has their own definition of it, but it's a great clickbait keyword."
"The code of clickbait is that the words and pictures that act as the bait tend to bear no relation whatsoever to the thing you're going to click through to."
"Sometimes people sensationalize things for the sake of titling their video."
"The Internet is fueled by anger, and it is an observable phenomenon that the angrier you are... the more likely you are to get clicks."
"If they're willing to deceive you as a clickbait to get you to do something, consider the source."
"Every once in a while, the media picks up a whiff of something and turns it into this clickbait storm."
"Remember, headlines are clickbait; majority of the time, they're not even true."
"I really hate when you click on a video because the title is super interesting, but the YouTuber doesn't talk about that specific thing until the very very end of the video."